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要要要 近年来,随着社会经济的发展及人们就医需求的增加,医疗服务欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司得到了快 速的发展,这为医疗器械企业的发展提供了契机,但同时,随着生物科学技术及医 学的快速发展,医疗器械市场上竞争激烈,医疗器械欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展面临着巨大的挑战 与压力。BL医疗器械公司拥有较为先进的技术,但由于产品销售渠道、客户资源及 其他宏观环境的影响,使得企业在激烈的市场竞争中陷入困境。基于此,本论文对 BL医疗器械公司的发展战略进行了分析与研究,以期通过公司内外部环境分析,为 公司的可持续发展提供一定的借鉴与启示。 论文在查阅国内外关于企业发展战略相关研究成果的基础上,采用PEST分析法、 SWOT分析法及五力模型对BL医疗器械公司的所处的内外部环境及公司自身发展 优势、劣势、发展机遇及威胁等进行了全面的分析,提出公司未来的发展战略。BL 医疗器械公司应结合自身的发展优势,规避劣势,采用差异化的竞争战略,优化公 司市场营销战略、融资战略、技术开发战略及品牌战略,不断的提高公司的核心竞 争力。同时,为保障公司战略目标的实现,公司应采取一定的战略实施保障措施, 加强自身企业文化建设,不断的完善公司内部的组织管理制度,加强公司资金管理 及外部资源管理,注重风险管控,加强公司信息化建设及渠道建设,为公司发展战 略的实施提供保障,促进公司的可持续发展。以期通过公司发展战略的实施,为BL 医疗器械公司带来一定的收益。 关键词关键词关键词关键词::::医疗器械公司 发展战略 差异化 风险管控 SWOT分析 II 华华华华 中中中中 科科科科 技技技技 大大大大 学学学学 硕硕硕硕 士士士士 学学学学 位位位位 论论论论 文文文文 Abstract In recent years, with the booming growth of social economy and the increasing demand of medical treatment, the medical service industry has developed rapidly, which provides opportunities for medical device enterprises. However, under the fast pace of biological technology and medical science, it comes with fierce competition and brings enormous challenges and pressures on the medical device industry. Leaded by advanced technology but influenced by sales channels, customer resources and other macro-environments, BL Medical Device is getting into troubles under the fierce market competition. Based on this, the thesis attempts to analyze and study on development strategy of BL Medical Devices Co., Ltd., so that it can provide some reference and inspiration for the company's sustainable development through the internal and external environmental analysis. The thesis introduces PEST analysis method, SWOT analysis method and five-force model to analyze the internal and external environment and its advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of BL medical device company, based on the related studying achievement on development strategy at home and abroad. It gives the suggestions about the company’s future strategy. BL medical device companies should combine their own development advantages, to avoid disadvantages, adopt differentiated competitive strategies, optimize the company's marketing strategy, financing strategy, technology development strategy and brand strategy, and continuously improve the company's core competitiveness. At the same time, in order to guarantee the achievement of company's strategic objectives, it should adopt certain strategic implementation measures, to improve its own corporate culture, continuously optimize the internal organizational management system, strengthen the company funds and external resources management, pay attention to risk control, and strengthen the company information and channel construction, providing guarantee for the implementation of the company's development strategy, and promote its sustainable development. Through the implementation of the company's development strategy, it will bring certain benefits to BL Medical Devices.

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