I 摘要 薪酬体系作为企业人力资源管理的重要组成部分,是企业招聘和激励人才 的根本,也是企业管理者以及所有员工最为关注的焦点,对企业的整体收益以 及合力配置起着至关重要的作用。 随着我国医疗事业的逐步发展,医疗器械欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司作为一个高新技术欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,呈 现出高增长的发展趋势。然而在医疗器械欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司蓬勃发展的形势下,也意味着竞 争力越来越大。薪酬体系的不健全是造成医疗器械欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司是流失率最高的主要原 因。人员流失的同时带走了大量客户,造成了企业人力资本和客户资源减少的 双重损失。 本文以RX医疗器械公司为研究主题,结合公司的实际情况,建立出一套适 用企业实际情况的、科学的薪酬体系。第一部分是阐述论文的研究背景、目的 及意义等。第二部分是对RX医疗器械公司薪酬体系现状的研究,包括公司的基 本情况,薪酬满意度的调查,薪酬体系需要优化的原因等。通过调查了解RX医 疗器械公司人力资源的发展现状和薪酬管理领域当下的发展势态,对当前出现 的问题进行分析和总结,揪出导致问题的本质因素是什么。第三部分结合调查 对RX医疗器械公司进行薪酬体系优化方案的设计,通过制定战略与策略、工作 分析、薪酬调查、薪酬结构设计、制定薪酬制度等对RX医疗器械公司的薪酬体 系进行优化设计,针对管理层、业务部门、职能部门、晋升机制、企业文化及 评价内容进行优化,设计出适合公司发展的薪酬体系优化方案。第四部分是薪 酬体系优化方案实施的保障,通过全面化的制度保障,普及化的沟通以及多样 化的企业文化保障薪酬体系的实施可以顺利的在公司进行;第五部分是结论和 展望,对研究进行一个总结。 本文通过对RX医疗器械公司薪酬体系的优化设计研究,对公司的发展起到 一定的参考作用,对医疗器械欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司其他企业的薪酬体系设计提供一些参考。通 过撰写本文,力求构建一套科学合理的薪酬体系改善公司薪酬管理上的不足, 提高公司的人力资源管理能力及激励员工提升自身的能力水平,进而提升公司 在医疗器械欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的市场竞争力,使RX医疗器械公司的整体运行和发展走上可持 续发展之路。 关键词:医疗器械公司;薪酬体系;优化设计 Abstract II Abstract As an important part of the human resource management of an enterprise, the compensation system is the foundation of the enterprise 's recruitment and motivation of talents. It is also the focus of the company managers and all employees. It plays a vital role for enterprise’s overall income and joint allocation With the gradual development of China's medical industry, the medical device industry, as a high-tech industry, has shown a high-growth development trend. However, the booming medical device industry also means greater competitiveness. The imperfect salary system makes the medical device industry the industry with the highest turnover rate. At the same time that the loss of personnel took away a large number of customers, the company suffered double losses of reduced human capital and customer resources. This article takes RX medical device company as the research theme and combines the actual situation of the company to establish a scientific salary system that suits the actual situation of the company. The first part is about the research background, purpose and significance of the dissertation. The second part is the research on the current situation of the salary system of RX medical device companies, including the basic situation of the company , salary satisfaction survey, and the reasons for the need to optimize the salary system; Investigate and understand the development status of RX medical device company's human resources and the current development trend in the field of salary management, analyze and summarize the current problems, and find out what the essential factors are. The third part combines the survey to design the RX medical device company's salary system optimization plan, and optimizes the design of the RX medical device company's salary system by formulating strategies and strategies, job analysis, salary survey, salary structure design, and salary system. Optimize the management system, business department, functional department, promotion mechanism, corporate culture and evaluation content, design a compensation system optimization plan suitable for the company's development; the fourth part is the guarantee of the implementation of Abstract III the compensation system optimization program, through a comprehensive system guarantee The implementation of universal communication and diversified corporate culture guarantees the salary system can be carried out smoothly in the company; the fifth part is conclusions and prospects, a summary of the research. This article optimizes the design of the RX medical device company's salary system, plays a certain reference role for the company's development, and provides some reference for the salary system design of other companies in the medical device industry. By writing this article, we strive to build a scientific and reasonable salary system to improve the company's deficiencies in salary management, improve the company's human resource management capabilities and motivate employees to improve their own capabilities. This will further enhance the company's market competitiveness in the medical device industry and enable the overall operation and development of RX medical device companies to embark on a sustainable development path. Key words: medical device company; salary system; optimized design 目录 IV 目录 第一章 绪论 ............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景和研究意义 ...................................... 1 一 研究背景 ........................................................ 1 二 研究意义 ........................................................ 1 第二节 研究思路与研究内容 ...................................... 2 一 研究思路 ........................................................ 2 二 研究内容 ........................................................ 3 第三节 研究的理论基础与研究方法 ................................ 4 一 研究的理论基础 .................................................. 4 二 研究方法 ........................................................ 7 第四节 研究的创新点与研究的不足点 .............................. 8 一 研究的创新点 .................................................... 8 二 研究的不足点 .................................................... 8 第二章 RX医疗器械公司薪酬体系现状调查 ................... 9 第一节 RX医疗器械公司概况 ...................................... 9 一 RX医疗器械公司简介 .............................................. 9 二 RX医疗器械公司组织架构 .......................................... 9 三 RX医疗器械公司人力资源现状 ..................................... 10 第二节 RX医疗器械公司薪酬体系基本情况 ......................... 10 一 RX医疗器械公司薪酬结构 ......................................... 10 二 RX医疗器械公司薪酬现状 ......................................... 11 第三节 RX医疗器械公司薪酬满意度调查 ........................... 12 一 薪酬满意度调查的目的和意义 ...................................... 12 二 薪酬满意度调查方法 ............................................. 13 三 薪酬满意度调查问卷设计.......................................... 13 四 薪酬满意度调查结果分析.......................................... 13 第四节 RX医疗器械公司员工薪酬管理体系中存在的问题 ............. 15 目录 V 一 薪酬体系管理制度不完善.......................................... 15 二 薪酬体系与战略目标不符.......................................... 16 三 同工不同酬 ..................................................... 16 四 绩效考核指标单一 ............................................... 16 五 激励机制不健全 ................................................. 18 第五节 RX医疗器械公司薪酬管理体系存在问题的原因分析 ........... 18 一 薪酬管理理念缺失 ............................................... 18 二 薪酬管理体系缺乏战略思考........................................ 19 三 薪酬管理体系缺乏岗位评估........................................ 19 四 忽视内在薪酬 ................................................... 20 五 企业文化的缺失 ................................................. 20 第三章 RX医疗器械公司薪酬体系优化方案 .................. 22 第一节 薪酬管理体系优化设计的主要目标 ......................... 22 一 激励公司员工 ................................................... 22 二 体现岗位价值 ......................