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“高质量就业”与人民的满足感、幸福感、安全感紧密相关,是国民经济高质量发展的 内在要求以及共同追求的发展目标,已成为未来就业领域的关注重点。技术工人在社会主义 现代化建设和国民经济发展中发挥着十分重要的作用,就业能力是影响技术工人就业质量的 重要因素,因此深入研究就业能力对技术工人就业质量的影响机理就具有非常重要的理论价 值和现实意义。 论文以技术工人为研究对象,首先对就业能力和就业质量进行文献综述和理论分析。然 后,界定和测量职业认同感、个体职业适应性、社会资本、人力资本等四个外生潜变量及工 作质量、工作稳定性、职业发展前景、工作满意度等四个内生潜变量,并提出相应的研究假 设。应用结构方程模型构建了就业能力对技术工人就业质量影响机理模型,对样本数据进行 了信度和效度检验。接着,应用结构方程模型(SEM)分析软件LISREL8.70对调查数据进 行模型拟合检验,并分析职业认同感、个体职业适应性、社会资本、人力资本等就业能力维 度对工作质量、工作稳定性、职业发展前景和工作满意度等就业质量维度的影响路径和影响 效应。最后,总结论文的研究结果,并提出具有针对性的建议与措施。 研究结果表明:职业认同感、个体职业适应性、社会资本和人力资本可以有效测量就业 能力;职业认同感、个体职业适应性、社会资本和人力资本能够直接显著地正向影响工作质 量、工作稳定性、职业发展前景和工作满意度。其中人力资本对工作质量的影响效应最大, 职业认同感对工作质量的影响效应最小;社会资本对工作稳定性的影响效应最大,职业认同 感对工作稳定性的影响效应最小;个体职业适应性对职业发展前景的影响效应最大,职业认 同感对职业发展前景的影响效应最小;人力资本对工作满意度的影响效应最大,个体职业适 应性对工作满意度的影响效应最小。 关键词:技术工人,就业能力,就业质量,结构方程模型 II Abstract ―High-quality employment‖ is closely related to the people's satisfaction, happiness and security, which is the inherent requirement of high-quality development of the national economy and pursued jointly of the development goal, and has become the focus in the future employment field. Technical workers play an important role in socialist modernization and national economic development, and employability is an important factor affecting the quality of employment of skilled workers. Therefore, in-depth study of the impact of employment capacity on the quality of employment of skilled workers has very important theoretical value and practical significance. The paper takes technical workers as the research object. Firstly, it makes a literature review and a theoretical analysis of employability and employment quality. Then, it defines and measures four external latent variables such as occupational identity, individual occupational adaptability, social capital, human capital and four endogenous latent variables such as work quality, job stability, career development prospects and job satisfaction, and puts forward corresponding research hypothesis. Structural equation model was used to construct the mechanism model of employability’s impact on the quality of employment of skilled workers, and the reliability and the validity of the sample data were tested. Then, the structural equation model (SEM) analysis software LISREL8.70 was used to test the model fitting of the survey data and to analyze the influence path and effect of employability dimensions such as occupational identity, individual occupational adaptability, social capital and human capital on employment quality dimensions such as job quality, job stability, career development prospect and job satisfaction. Finally, the paper summarizes the research results and proposes targeted recommendations and measures. The results show that occupational identity, individual occupational adaptability, social capital and human capital can effectively measure employability; occupational identity, individual occupational adaptability, social capital and human capital can directly and positively affect work quality and job stability, career development prospects and job satisfaction. Among them, human capital has the greatest impact on work quality, while occupational identity has the least influence on work quality; social capital has the greatest impact on job stability, and occupational identity has the least effect on job stability; individual occupational adaptability has the greatest impact on career development prospects, and occupational identity has the least influence on career development prospects; human capital has the greatest impact on job satisfaction, and individual III occupational adaptability has the least effect on job satisfaction. Key words: Skilled Workers, Employability, Employment Quality, Structural Equation Modeling IV 目录 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景 ........................ 1 1.2 研究意义 ........................ 1 1.2.1 理论意义 ............. 1 1.2.2 现实意义 ............. 2 1.3 研究方法 ........................ 2 1.4 研究内容及思路 ............ 3 1.4.1 研究内容 ............. 3 1.4.2 研究思路 ............. 4 1.5 研究创新点 .................... 4 第二章 文献综述 ......................... 6 2.1 就业能力研究 ................ 6 2.1.1 就业能力概念 ..... 6 2.1.2 就业能力的结构维度 ........................ 7 2.1.3 就业能力的影响因素 ........................ 9 2.2 就业质量研究 .............. 10 2.2.1 就业质量概念 ... 10 2.2.2 就业质量的构成要素 .......................11 2.2.3 技术工人就业质量特征 .................. 12 2.3 就业能力与就业质量的关系研究 ............. 14 2.4 研究评述 ...................... 14 2.5 本章小结 ...................... 15 第三章 研究设计 ....................... 16 3.1 研究假设 ...................... 16 3.1.1 职业认同感对技术工人就业质量的影响假设 .............. 16 3.1.2 个体职业适应性对技术工人就业质量的影响假设 ...... 16 3.1.3 社会资本对技术工人就业质量的影响假设 .................. 17 3.1.4 人力资本对技术工人就业质量的影响假设 .................. 17 3.2 变量测量 ...................... 18 3.2.1 就业能力 ........... 18 3.2.2 就业质量 ........... 19 3.3 模型构建 ...................... 21 3.4 数据来源 ...................... 23 3.5 本章小结 ...................... 23 第四章 数据统计与分析 ........... 24 4.1 统计量的描述性分析 .. 24 4.1.1 调查样本基本情况描述 .................. 24 4.1.2 观测变量的描述性分析 .................. 26 4.2 问卷的信度与效度分析检验 ..................... 27 4.2.1 预调查 ............... 27 4.2.2 就业能力问卷的信度效度分析....... 27 4.2.3 就业质量问卷的信度效度分析....... 30 4.3 技术工人的人口统计变量的差异性分析.. 32 4.3.1 不同性别对研究变量的差异性分析 .............................. 32 V 4.3.2 不同年龄对研究变量的差异性分析 .............................. 33 4.3.3 不同婚姻状况对研究变量的差异性分析 ...................... 34 4.3.4 不同学历对研究变量的差异性分析 .............................. 35 4.3.5 不同工作年限对研究变量的差异性分析 ...................... 36 4.4 本章小结 ...................... 37 第五章 模型检验与模型分析 ... 38 5.1 模型检验 ...................... 38 5.2 影响机理 ...................... 39 5.2.1 就业能力对工作质量的影响分析... 40 5.2.2 就业能力对工作稳定性的影响分析 .............................. 40 5.2.3 就业能力对职业发展前景的影响分析 .......................... 41 5.2.4 就业能力对工作满意度的影响分析 .............................. 42 5.3 本章小结 ...................... 43 第六章 研究结论与建议 ........... 44 6.1 研究结论 ...................... 44 6.1.1 职业认同感直接显著地正向影响技术工人就业质量 .. 44 6.1.2 个体职业适应性直接显著地正向影响技术工人就业质量 ......................... 44 6.1.3 社会资本直接显著地正向影响技术工人就业质量 ...... 45 6.1.4 人力资本直接显著地正向影响技术工人就业质量 ...... 45 6.1.5 人力资本对技术工人就业质量的影响最大 .................. 45 6.2 相关建议与措施 .......... 45 6.2.1 政府层面 ........... 45 6.2.2 企业层面 ........... 46 6.2.3 个体层面 ........... 47 6.3 研究局限 ...................... 47。。。。。。以下内容略

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