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企业,吸引了大量的 80 后、90 后外来务工人员,他们的激励问题也显得尤为突
出。因此,本文在梳理相关文献的基础上,对 860 位新生代外来务工人员五个层
次的需要满意度和重要性展开调查问卷。分析结果显示,80 后、90 后外来务工
生理需要、安全需要等低层次的需要是 80 后外来务工人员的主导需要,自我实
现、尊重等高层次需要是 90 后外来务工人员的主导需要;并且 80 后、90 后外
基于数据分析结果,本文首先构建了需要矩阵,将 80 后、90 后外来务工人
80 后外来务工人员和 90 后外来务工人员从用工企业、外来务工人员自身两个方
动密集型企业在 80 后、90 后外来务工人员激励问题上所面临的困境,也为其他
关键词:需要层次理论;外来务工人员;80 后;90 后;激励浙江理工大学硕士专业学位论文
Nowadays, Chinese industrial enterprises are improving their industrial level
from made in China to intelligent manufacturing. Meanwhile, Post-80&39;s and
Post-90’s migrant workers ceaselessly pour into the city, the group which is the
representative of the generation of migrant workers now has become an important
force in the development of city construction and economy in our country. Compared
to the first generation of migrant workers, Post-80&39;s and Post-90’s migrant workers
have undergone great changes in the hardship bearing, local identity, education level,
outgoing motivation, consumption concept and other aspects. However, enterprises
still use the original management mode to manage them, which has caused low work
enthusiasm and high turnover rate. Thus, we need to implement targeted incentives on
the 80, 90’s migrant workers, according to their major and unique demand.
As an important industrial agglomeration area, Hangzhou economic and
technological development area has attracted many 80, 90’s migrant workers, while
their incentive problem becomes more prominent. In view of this, this paper
investigates 80, 90’s migrant workers about their satisfaction on five levels of needs
separately and collects 860 pieces of questionnaires based on the literature review.
The results of data analysis are shown as follows: firstly, the primary and advanced
needs of 80, 90’s migrant workers are coexisted, though 80, 90’s migrant workers lay
the emphasis differently. And there are significant differences in need level between
80’s migrant workers and 90’s migrant workers. Secondly, Post-80’s migrant workers’
dominant needs are physiological needs and safety needs, which are low level needs,
while Post-90’s are self-realization and respect needs. Thirdly, from the aspects of
gender, marital status, employment forms, work time, the difference in five levels of
needs between the 80’s and 90’s migrant workers diverse.
Based on the results of data analysis, this paper constructs need matrix and
divides 80, 90’s migrant workers’ needs into four types. Important and satisfactory
star needs, important but unsatisfied question mark needs, neither important nor
satisfactory dog needs, not important but satisfactory cash cow needs, respectively.
Then, the paper further proves that needs of migrant workers are related to the age
they are in. Finally, from the aspects of enterprise and migrant workers, corresponding
strategies are put forwarded for migrant workers groups, 80, 90’s migrant workers.浙江理工大学硕士专业学位论文
Hope that the incentive problem for industrial enterprises in Hangzhou economic and
technological development zone will be improved to a certain extent, and also
provides a reference for other areas or enterprises.
Key Words: hierarchy of needs theory; migrant workers; Post-80&39;s; Post-90&39;s;
Abstract.......... III
1 绪 论..1
1.1 研究背景与研究意义 .....1
1.1.1 研究背景 ...1
1.1.2 研究意义 ...1
1.2 主要研究内容 .....2
1.2.1 研究内容 ...2
1.2.2 研究目标 ...3
1.2.3 研究方法 ...3
1.3 重点、难点和创新点 .....3
1.3.1 重点 ...........3
1.3.2 难点 ...........4
1.3.3 创新点 .......4
1.4 基本框架 .4
2 文献综述 .......7
2.1 本文理论体系 .....7
2.1.1 研究对象的界定 ...7
2.1.2 激励与激励理论 ...9
2.1.3 需要层次理论 .....10
2.2 国内外研究动态 ........... 11
2.2.1 外来务工人员激励问题的相关研究 ..... 11
2.2.2 新生代外来务工人员激励问题的相关研究 .....13
2.3 小结 .......14
3 开发区外来务工人员需要层次问卷调查 .17
3.1 开发区及其外来务工人员概况 ...........17
3.2 问卷调查设计与实施 ...17
3.2.1 问卷设计 .17
3.2.2 问卷发放回收 ........
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