随着改革开放的不断深入,社会发展期各类矛盾凸显,监狱在押犯数量总体呈 上升趋势,而且罪犯的年龄结构、教育程度、犯罪手段不断变化,监狱管理难度越 来越大。目前,我国监狱针对罪犯的改造手段已经从过去的劳动改造转向以政治改 造为主,改造任务逐渐转为对罪犯世界观、价值观的改造,提升他们对党、对国家、 对民族、对宪法和法律的认同感。由此一来,监狱警察的工作性质和方法发生了转 变,对其岗位职责的要求也势必发生变化。因此,构建一套基于目标管理的监狱警 察绩效考评体系,是建设一支专业化监狱警察队伍的客观要求,是实现“打造世界 最安全监狱”目标的必然选择。 论文对S监狱警察绩效考核现状进行系统分析,并将监狱主体责任总目标进行 层层分解,在明确权重占比,完善考核的标准的基础上,建立一套自上而下层层展 开、自下而上层层保证的目标体系。通过层次分析法对考核体系的5个一级指标、 15个二级指标,按照监狱警察职级做权重分配,在此基础上,利用360考核法对新 构建的监狱绩效考核指标体系的可行性进行摸底检验,以此解决以往绩效考核中出 现的考核指标模糊、形式单一、内容泛化等问题,从而提高警察参与度,持久激发 警察工作活力,同时采取激励保障措施,为方案实施提供政策支持。 关键词 监狱;绩效考核;目标管理;考核体系 II Abstract With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, various contradictions in the period of social development are highlighted, the number of prisoners in prison is on the rise, and the age structure, education level and criminal means of prisoners are constantly changing, which makes prison management more and more difficult. At present, the reform means of prison for criminals in China have changed from labor reform in the past to political reform, and the task of reform has gradually changed to the reform of criminals' world outlook and values. As a result, the nature and methods of prison police work have changed, and the requirements for their job responsibilities are bound to change. Therefore, to build a set of prison police performance evaluation system based on goal management is the objective requirement of building a specialized prison police team and the inevitable choice to achieve the goal of “building the safest prison in the world”. This paper systematically analyzes the current situation of the performance appraisal of s prison police, and decomposes the overall objective of the main responsibility of the prison at all levels. On the basis of defining the proportion of the weight and improving the appraisal standards, a set of objective system is established, which is developed from top to bottom and guaranteed from bottom to top. Through the analytic hierarchy process, five first level indexes and 15 second level indexes of the evaluation system are assigned according to the rank of prison police. On this basis, 360 evaluation method is used to check the feasibility of the newly constructed prison performance evaluation index system, so as to solve the problems of fuzzy evaluation index, single form and generalization of content in the past performance evaluation, so as to improve the degree of police participation which stimulate the vitality of police work, and at the same time, we should take incentive measures to provide policy support for the implementation of the plan. Key words Prison; Performance appraisal; Target management; Evaluation system III 目 录 摘要 ········ I Abstract ······ II 第1章 绪 论 ············· 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ........ 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............. 1 1.1.2 选题意义 ............. 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 ........ 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ..... 2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ..... 3 1. 3 研究思路与框架 ....... 5 第2章 相关理论与研究方法 ············· 7 2.1 概念界定 .................... 7 2.1.1 公共管理含义 ..... 7 2.1.2 绩效管理含义 ..... 7 2.1.3 激励理论含义 ..... 7 2.1.4 目标管理含义 ..... 8 2.2 绩效与政府绩效 ........ 8 2.3 监狱警察绩效考核 .... 8 2.3.1 监狱警察 ............. 8 2.3.2 监狱属性 ............. 8 2.3.3 监狱警察的绩效考核 ........................ 9 2.4 绩效考核方法 ............ 9 2.4.1 目标管理法 ......... 9 2.4.2 关键绩效指标法 . 9 2.4.3 360度考核法 .... 10 2.4.4 胜任力模型 ....... 10 2.5 本章小结 .................. 10 第3章 S监狱警察绩效考核现状分析 · 11 3.1 S监狱概况 ............... 11 3.1.1 S监狱简介 ........ 11 3.1.2 组织人员架构 ... 11 IV 3.2 绩效考核现状分析 .. 11 3.2.1 绩效考核工作程序 .......................... 11 3.2.2 绩效考核方法和标准 ...................... 12 3.2.3 绩效考核过程和结果 ...................... 12 3.3 现行绩效考核体系存在的问题 ............. 13 3.3.1 内容泛化,考核不够客观 .............. 14 3.3.2 方法单一,考核不够完善 .............. 14 3.3.3 机制缺失,激励不够有效 .............. 14 3.3.4 反馈不足,导向不够明确 .............. 14 3.4 绩效考核体系存在问题的原因分析 ..... 15 3.4.1 考核体系前期调研不充分 .............. 15 3.4.2 人性化管理理念尚未形成 .............. 15 3.4.3 指标量化不够科学 .......................... 15 3.4.4 奖惩机制不够健全 .......................... 16 3.5 本章小结 .................. 16 第4章 基于目标管理的绩效考核体系构建 ············ 17 4.1 绩效体系构建思路 .. 17 4.1.1 构建新体系的目标 .......................... 17 4.1.2 绩效体系设计思路 .......................... 17 4.1.3 构建指标设置原则 .......................... 17 4.1.4 构建体系的设计方法 ...................... 18 4.2 绩效考核体系设计 .. 18 4.2.1 总目标的分解 ... 18 4.2.2 指标要素的选取 .............................. 19 4.3 指标体系设计标准 .. 19 4.3.1 通用指标体系与标准 ...................... 20 4.3.2 差异化考核指标体系与标准 .......... 22 4.3.3 否定性标准 ....... 30 4.4 指标权重设定 .......... 30 4.4.1 高层领导考核指标权重的设定 ...... 30 4.4.2 中层领导考核指标权重的设定 ...... 32 4.4.3 一般干警考核指标权重的设定 ...... 32 4.5 绩效考核方法 .......... 32 4.5.1 评价方法 ........... 32 V 4.5.2 绩效测评表设计 .............................. 33 4.5.3 绩效考核打分表设计 ...................... 35 4.6 考核范围和时间的设定 ......................... 38 4.6.1 考核周期设定 ... 38 4.6.2 考核流程步骤 ... 38 4.7 考核指标体系的检验与修正 ................. 39 4.8 本章小结 .................. 40 第5章 S监狱警察绩效考核体系的实施保障 ·········· 41 5.1 营造良好的绩效考核环境 ..................... 41 5.2 以目标控制为平台,抓好日常考核 ..... 42 5.3 建立有效的信息沟通渠道 ..................... 42 5.4 建立绩效考核监督体系 ......................... 42 5.5 健全考核结果使用制度 ......................... 43 5.6 本章小结 .................. 43 结 论 ······ 45 附 录 ······ 47 附录A 47 附录B 48。。。。。。以下内容略