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2003 年,我国对监狱体制进行了改革,到现在,在长达 14 年的改革后,我国
乏强势的市场竞争力等等。H 省监狱企业作为地处我国中部地区的企业,也面临着

基于此,本文围绕着 H 省监狱企业发展情况展开,在相关概念及理论的基础上,
首先对 H 省监狱企业的发展概况及竞争力现状深入分析,然后对 H 省监狱企业所面
临的市场竞争环境分析,包括 H 省监狱企业所处的宏观环境及其企业发展的内外部
环境,分析出 H 省监狱企业在提升其市场竞争力方面需采取防御性战略,最后本文
在前文研究基础上,提出 H 省监狱企业需要采取的市场竞争力提升策略,即优化产

In 2003, China carried out the reform of the prison system, and now, after 14 years
of reform, China has basically completed the reform of the prison system and system. The
organic part of the prison enterprise as the prison system is inseparable and indispensable,
since its inception has played a variety of roles, carrying multiple tasks, as a special
state-owned enterprises, on the one hand, need to reform criminals, fulfill social
responsibility, on the other hand, because of its inherent economic attribute, and its
decision in order to survive, for the development of enterprises, and must go to the pursuit
of economic efficiency of enterprises. At present, there are still many problems to be
solved, such as prison reform is not complete, the state-owned enterprise multi-objective
role confusion, prison enterprises in management, quality, technology and labor quality is
still lack of strong market competitiveness and so on. H province jail enterprise is located
in the central part of China in the enterprise, is also facing these problems, in recent years
the development process, compared to other provinces and similar enterprises, unlike the
western region similar enterprises enjoy the same preferential treatment for the
government, unlike the eastern region of similar enterprises have mature management
system. And the business model, the competitiveness in the market than other provinces,
there is still a certain gap.
Based on this, this article mainly discusses the developing situation of the prison
enterprise H, based on the related concepts and theories, firstly the status quo and
competitiveness development of prison enterprises in H Province, in-depth analysis, and
analysis of the prison enterprise in H Province, facing the market competition
environment, enterprise development and macro environment including H, prison
enterprises the internal and external environment analysis, out of the prison enterprise in
H province should adopt defensive strategy in improving its competitiveness in the
market, at the end of the paper, on the basis of the research, it is necessary to take the
prison enterprise H, enhance market competitiveness strategy, namely, optimize industrial
structure, enhance core competitiveness; change management mode, strengthen the
marketing mix; strengthen the internal management, improve enterprise culture; optimize
the allocation of resources, improve production efficiency. In order to ensure the smooth
implementation of this strategy, this paper puts forward some measures to improve the
relevant regulations and regulations of prison enterprises, train the economic managementIII
personnel of prison enterprises and establish the staff assessment incentive mechanism.
Key words: prison enterprise;market competitiveness;strategyIV
摘要 ......I
Abstract .II
第 1 章 绪论 ..........1
1.1 研究背景及意义..1
1.1.1 研究背景 ..1
1.1.2 研究意义 ..2
1.2 国内外研究现状 .2
1.2.1 国外相关研究 ..........2
1.2.2 国内相关研究 ..........4
1.2.3 研究评述 ..5
1.3 研究思路与方法 .5
1.3.1 文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司研究..........5
1.3.2 个案研究..5
1.3.3 数据分析..5
1.4 研究内容及结构安排 .........6
第 2 章 相关概念及理论基础 ........8
2.1 监狱企业的历程和概念 .......8
2.1.1 监狱企业的历程........8
2.1.2 监狱企业的概念........8
2.2 监狱企业的特殊性 ...........9
2.2.1 特殊的国企性质........9
2.2.2 发展动力不足..........9
2.2.3 多目标经营方式.......10
2.3 市场竞争力理论 10
2.3.1 竞争力理论...........10
2.3.2 核心竞争力理论.......11
2.4 市场营销理论 ..12
2.4.1 营销组合策略.........12
2.4.2 营销环境分析法.......13
第 3 章 H 省监狱企业概况及竞争力现状分析......14
3.1 H 省监狱企业简介...........14
3.2 H 省监狱企业发展概况.......14V
3.2.1 组织架构 .14
3.2.2 管理方式 .15
3.2.3 业务经营 .16
3.3 H 省监狱企业的市场竞争力现状...........17
3.3.1 同业竞争态势.........17
3.3.2 潜在进入者的威胁.....18
3.3.3 替代品的威胁.........19
3.3.4 供应商议价能力.......19
3.3.5 买方议价能力.........20
第 4 章 H 省监狱企业所面临的市场竞争环境分析..21
4.1 H 省监狱企业面临的宏观环境分析.........21
4.1.1 政治环境.21
4.1.2 经济环境.21
4.1.3 社会环境.22
4.1.4 技术环境.22
4.2 H 省监狱企业发展所处的内外部环境分析...23
4.2.1 主要优势.23
4.2.2 相对劣势.25
4.2.3 发展机遇.27
4.2.4 面临挑战.28
4.3 H 省监狱企业应对市场竞争环境的策略分析.....

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