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的发展,还存在待完善之处。本文首先通过文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司查阅、访谈等形式对 SD 省高速公
然后分入警培训、晋升培训、专业培训和发展培训四个类别,对 SD 省高速公路交警总
队警察培训体系进行了评价分析,具体地讲,对该总队全部 376 人发出调查问卷,并成
功收回了 360 份,有效问卷 356 份,有效率达到 96.91%,对问卷回收后进行统计分析
结果,最后提出了对进一步完善 SD 省高速公路交警总队培训的建议:合理安排培训时

关键词:警察;培训;完善建议;SD 省高速公路交警总队II
It is the responsibility of the police to maintain national security and social order,defend
people&39;s lives and property. In recent years, with the continuous development of the economy,
the population continues to increase. Social security and other related issues are becoming
more and more complex. The police team&39;s ability is face a severe test. The training of the
on-the-job police is an effective way to enhance the overall quality and public security
capability of the public security team. At present, China&39;s system of police training is
relatively complete, but with the progress of society and the development of police work, we
need to improve it. The author studied SD Provincial Highway Traffic Police Corps’s system
of police training by access to relevant literature, interview and questionnaire survey. In
conclusion, the Corps had formed the system of police training insist of the training of
entering corps, promotion training, professional training and development training.
Specifically speaking, the author sent 376 questionnaires and recovered 360 questionnaires,
including 356 effective questionnaires. Efficient is 96.91%. Meanwhile, the author analyzed
the problem of SD Provincial Highway Traffic Police Corps’s system of police training:the
contradiction between working and training is outstanding in the time of training; the crops
pays attention to unity instead of individual in the need of training; the crops attaches
importance to form rather than substance; the funds is limited in guaranteeing; the teacher’s
quantity is small and quality is terrible in training; there is less timeliness and targeted in the
content of training. By analyzing the results of research, the author gave some suggestions to
improve SD Provincial Highway Traffic Police Corps’s system of police training:Arranging
training time reasonably and paying attention to analyzing the professional need of training;
changing training purposes and improving the protection mechanism; strengthening the
construction of teachers, and enriching the training methods and content,etc.
Key words: Police; Training; Improving suggestions;The measure of improvement; SD
Provincial Highway Traffic Police CorpsIII
目 录
第一章 绪论....1
1.1 研究背景与意义 ...........1
1.2 相关概念界定 ...2
1.2.1 高速公路交警组织结构 .2
1.2.2 警察培训体系 .....2
1.3 研究方法和内容 ...........3
第二章 文献综述与理论基础..5
2.1 国内外相关研究 ...........5
2.1.1 国内相关研究 .....5
2.1.2 国外研究现状 .....6
2.2 理论基础 ...........6
2.2.1 行政管理理论 .....6
2.2.2 组织管理理论 .....8
2.2.3 人力资源管理理论 .........9
第三章 SD 省高速公路交警总队警察培训现状....11
3.1 SD 省高速公路交警总队警察培训现状 ....... 11
3.1.1 SD 省高速公路交警总队基本情况 ..... 11
3.1.2 SD 省高速公路交警总队培训现状 .....12
3.2 SD 省高速公路交警总队培训体系 ...12
3.2.1 SD 省高速公路交警总队警察培训体系 .........12
3.2.2 入警培训体系 ...13
3.2.3 晋升培训体系 ...16
3.2.4 专业培训体系 ...20
3.2.5 发展培训体系 ...21
第四章 SD 省高速公路交警总队警察培训调查分析........23
4.1 SD 省高速公路交警总队警察培训调查分析 ...........23
4.1.1 调查方案概述 ...23IV
4.1.2 问卷调查........... 24
4.1.3 描述性统计分析........... 24
4.1.4 存在问题........... 26
4.2 SD 省高速公路交警总队警察培训存在的问题分析........... 29
4.2.1 培训时间与培训需求... 29
4.2.2 培训目的与培训保障... 30
4.2.3 培训师资与培训内容... 31
第五章 针对 SD 省高速公路交警总队警察培训完善建议........... 33
5.1 合理安排培训时间,注重培训需求分析..... 33
5.1.1 消除“工学”矛盾,合理安排时间 ....... 33
5.1.2 与工作需求相结合,重视个人特长与岗位需求....... 33
5.2 转变培训目的,完善保障机制......... 34

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