I 摘要 现代项目管理理论和方法论已日趋系统和完善,已广泛应用于工程建设,IT, 汽车制造等管理领域,随着项目管理理论在电子制造业的展开,
使用项目管理 的模式来管理新产品的导入成为电子制造欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的首选,因为现代项目管理理论 和方法论的通用性,具体融入企业项目管理的情景中,产生的成效和面临的问 题也各
不相同,为此电子制造欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的新产品导入项目管理策略成为非常有意义 的研究内容;本论文以一家研发制造笔记本电脑的键盘的C公司为对象,以C 公 司新产品导入项目管理策略
为研究内容。依照理论层,现实层,实践层逐层深 入的研究路线,以新产品导入理论和《项目管理知识体系指南》等项目管理理 论为基础,梳理C公司新产品导入项目管理实际问
题,分析问题,理清新产品 导入项目管理策略研究的总体思路,提出项目管理策略具体举措; 本论文共分六章展开阐述:第一章为绪论部分,分别介绍本论文研究的背 景及意义
。研究文献综述及研究方法和内容、研究思路及创新与不足。第二章 为相关理论概述,首先介绍了新产品导入概念界定。其次介绍了项目管理理论。 最后简要说明项目管理主要
工具。第三章介绍C公司概况和新产品导入项目管 理现况,包括C公司新产品导入项目管理流程、特点、组织架构。第四章阐述 了C公司新产品导入项目管理存在的问题和成因分析
。第五章承接第四章,研 究提出C公司新产品导入项目管理策略建议,第一节说明了项目管理策略的总 体思路, 第二节分别阐述对应的4项策略,并论证展开到具体措施;第六章
为 结论和展望 总结了本次C公司新产品导入项目管理策略研究的结论和展望未来 的研究可能; 本文通过对C公司新产品导入项目管理策略研究,研究制定出C公司新产 品导入项
目管理的跨部门协同策略、相关方满意策略、风险识别减缓策略、并 行精简管理策略4大策略,展开策略持续解决C公司新产品导入项目管理问题, 同时在项目支持办公室,相关
方分析矩阵,燃尽图的应用,NUDD工具的应用 等方面取得创新应用,可为同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司或相关产业在新产品导入项目管理方面给予 一定的参考! 关键词:新产品导入;项目管理;管理
策略;相关方管理 Abstract II Abstract Modern project management theory and methodology has been increasingly systematic and perfect, and widely used in
engineering construction, IT, automobile manufacturing, and other areas of the management. With the development of the theory of project management in
electronic manufacturing industry, the use of project management mode to manage the import of new products becomes the first choice of the electronics
manufacturing industry. Because of the generality of the modern project management theory and methodology, and achievements and problems when they are
specifically integrated into the enterprise project management, this new product introduction project management strategy for electronics manufacturing
industry has become a very meaningful research content. This paper takes C Company, which develops and manufactures notebook computer keyboards, as the
object, and takes the strategy of new product introduction project management of C Company as the research content. According to the in-depth research route
of theoretical layer, practical layer and practical layer, based on the theory of new product introduction and the Project Management System of Knowledge
Guide and other project management theories, the paper sorts out the practical problems of new product introduction project management of C Company, analyzes
the problems, clarifies the overall thinking of management strategy, and puts forward specific measures of management strategy. This paper is divided into
six chapters: The first chapter is the introduction, which respectively introduces the background and significance of this research, and studies literature
review, research methods and content, research ideas, innovation and deficiencies. The second chapter is an overview of related theories. Firstly, the
definition of NPI is introduced. Secondly, it introduces the project management theory. Finally, it briefly describes the main project management tools. The
third chapter introduces the general situation of C Company and NPI project management status, including the process, characteristics and organizational
structure of C Company NPI. The fourth chapter elaborates the existing problems and causes of NPI Abstract III project management of C Company. The fifth
chapter follows on from the fourth chapter, studies and puts forward suggestions on the strategy of C company 's new product introduction project
management. The first section explains the overall idea of project management strategy, and the second section elaborates the corresponding four strategies
and discusses the specific measures. Chapter six summarizes the conclusion and prospect of this study on the strategy of new product introduction project
management of C Company and looks into the future research possibilities. Through the Research on Project Management Strategy of new product introduction in
C company, this paper studies and formulates four strategies to optimize C company's new product introduction inter-departmental coordination strategy,
stakeholder satisfaction strategy, risk identification mitigation strategy, and parallel streamlined management strategy. It also expands strategy
optimization to solve the problem of C company new product introduction, and meanwhile achieves innovative applications in the project support office, the
stakeholder analysis matrix, burn-down chart applications, applications of NUDD tools etc, which can offer a useful reference for the new product
introduction project management of the same industry or related industries! Key words: NPI; Project management; Management strategy; Stakeholder Management
目录 IV 目录 第一章 绪论 ...................................... 1 第一节 研究背景和意义 .................................... 1 一、研究背景
....................................................1 二、研究意义 ....................................................2 第二节 文献综述
.......................................... 3 一、国外文献综述 ................................................3 二、国内文献综述
................................................5 三、文献述评 ....................................................6 第三节 研究方法与内容
.................................... 6 一、 研究方法 ...................................................6 二、 研究内容
...................................................7 第四节 创新和不足 ........................................ 8 一、创新之处
....................................................8 二、不足之处 ....................................................9 第二章 相关理论概述
........................................ 10 第一节 新产品导入的概念界定 ............................. 10 一、新产品导入的定义
...........................................10 二、新产品导入的特点 ...........................................11 三、新产品导入的流程
...........................................11 第二节 项目管理理论 ..................................... 12 一、项目和项目管理
.............................................12 二、项目组织结构 ...............................................13 三、项目生命周期
...............................................14 四、项目管理过程组和知识领域 ..................................155 目录 V 第三节 项目管理的主要工具
............................... 16 第三章 C公司概况及其新产品导入项目管理现况 ...... 19 第一节 C公司概况 ........................................ 19 第二节 C
公司新产品导入项目管理现状 ...................... 20 一、新产品导入项目管理流程介绍 .................................20 二、新产品导入项目管理的特点
...................................21 三、新产品导入项目管理的组织结构 ...............................22 第四章 新产品导入项目管理存在的问题和成因分析 ... 25
第一节 项目计划变更频繁,项目成员使命感不足 ............. 25 一、弱项目矩阵结构,导致项目经理的弱影响力 .....................25 二、团队成员积极度不够,变更
权责约束不足 .......................26 第二节 项目相关方满意度低、对项目支持不足 ............... 28 一、缺乏对项目相关方的分析和有效的管理措施
.....................28 二、相关方沟通缺乏有效沟通机制和信息平台 .......................30 第三节