在互联网大背景下,我国的经济取得惊人的发展,其中大数据研究备受关 注,运用大数据分析顾客需求实现精准营销,使企业获得新的发展潜力,而
对 于面临没落和消亡的城市轮渡来说,进行精准营销,实现企业转型升级是企业 长足发展的必然选择。 本文基于厦门轮渡有限公司现实情况,结合目前轮渡欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司遇到的种种现状
, 通过对轮渡欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司、精准营销、大数据等文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司研究,在互联网思维、4C理论 的指导下,利用PEST、SWOT、内部资源分析等方法,对厦门轮渡有限公司进 行全面系统剖析,寻
找其发展不足的重要因素,同时基于4C理论,分析公司实 施精准营销的内在原因,并指明精准营销的方向。基于公司的优势,特别是拥 有得天独厚的购票通道流量入口,根据旅
客身份特性,制定和实施以旅客购票 身份特性为导向的航线营销、以旅游指南引导性浏览为导向的服务叠加营销、 以纪念集采伴手礼为导向的优惠购物狂欢营销,并对公司精准
营销策略实施效 果进行分析,同时从理念、组织、管理、品牌等角度提出相应的保障措施。最 后,总结了本研究的结论,以及不足和未来前景。 关键词:厦门轮渡有限公司 4C
理论 大数据 精准营销 III Abstract In the background of Internet, the economy of our country has made tremendous development, in which the research of big
data has been paid much attention. By using big data to analyze customer demand and realize precise marketing, enterprises have obtained new development
potential. For the urban ferry which facing decline and extinction, precision marketing, enterprise transformation and upgrading is the inevitable choice for
enterprise development. Based on the reality of Xiamen Ferry Co., Ltd., combined with the current situation of ferry industry, through the ferry industry,
precision marketing, big data and other literature research, under the guidance of Internet thinking and 4C Theory, by the means of PEST, SWOT and internal
resource analysis, this paper makes a comprehensive and systematic analysis for Xiamen Ferry Co., Ltd. to find out the important factors of its
underdevelopment. At the same time, based on the 4C Theory, it analyzes the internal reasons for the company to Implement Precision Marketing. And point the
way to targeted marketing. Based on the company's advantages, especially the unique entrance of ticket channel flow, according to the identity of
passengers, to develop and implement airline marketing oriented by the identity characteristics of passengers purchasing tickets, to service overlay
marketing oriented by the guide to travel, and creating Preferential Shopping Carnival marketing oriented by the commemorative gathering companion gift, at
the same time, it analyzes the implementation effect of precision marketing strategy, and ensure the corresponding safeguard measures by the angle of concept
、organization、 Management and brand. Finally, it has the conclusion of this study, as well as the shortcomings and prospects for the future.。。。。。。以