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本论文研究的主要目的是提高A公司玩具新产品开发效率,即有效缩短A公司玩具 新产品开发时间,提高其新产品开发绩效。基于A公司2017年新产品开发现状,统计出 2017年新产品开发延期的项目,并以开发时间延期的项目绿巨人为研究对象,成立专门 的项目小组对其开发流程进行深度剖析,利用流程分析、数据分析以及头脑风暴法找到 A公司新产品项目绿巨人开发时间长的原因。 基于并行工程的理论和技术,提出了一套适合于A公司的面向并行工程的新产品开 发模式。该模式在以不牺牲产品质量和增加产品成本的前提下,将新产品开发时间有效 缩短。新的开发模式主要体现在三方面的优化,其一是对跨职能产品开发团队及时组建 及整合优化,其二利用关键路径法缩短关键工序作业时间,其三是开发活动的并行度优 化。 通过对新建立的并行开发模式的应用,A公司W双色头盔产品在80天完成,在质量 相同和成本几乎不变的情况下,比原有开发模式的开发时间大约缩短了47天,即时间上 相当于比原开发时间缩短了37%, 产品开发并行度为27%,比原有开发模式的并行度提升 了22%,达到公司的预期目标。 通过对新产品项目开发时间计划与控制改善研究,对A公司而言,可有效缩短新产 品开发时间、节省公司开发成本、提高新产品开发绩效,从而提升其市场竞争力和快速 响应市场变化的能力。文中提出的新的并行开发模式可以给其它类似公司产品开发提供 参考,具有一定的指导意义。 关键词,新产品,开发时间,并行工程,关键路径,改善II Abstract In order to enhance the performance of New Porduct Development for A company, it must with high efficiency for New Product Development process. The purpose of the thesis is to shorten the lead time of New Product Development for toy in A company effectively and improve the efficiency of New Product Development as well. Base on the status of new product development for A company and the list of all delayed products in 2017, the project team takes the Green Giant project which had been delayed as the research object. The development process of Green Giant has been investigated deeply by process review, data analysis and brain storming to figure out the reason of long lead time for its development. Based on the theory and technology of Concurrent Engineering, it creates a feasible model of New Product Development which oriented by Concurrent Engineering for A company. The model can shorten the lead time of New Product Development efficiently without sacrificing the quality of product and increasing the cost of product development. The new model of New Product Development is mainly focusing on the optimization of three aspects. The first is to establish the IPDT(Integrated Product Development Team) in time and optimize it. The second is to shorten the lead time of key product development activities by Critical Path Method. The third is to optimize the concurrence of new product development activities. Through implementing the model of New Product Development, the lead time of developing the W helmet in double color is 80 days. Without product quality sacrifice and development cost increasement, it has been shortened 47 days compare with the existing model. The lead time reduction is around 37%. The concurrence of the development for W Helmet is 27%. It has been increased 22% compare with the existing model. The final result has been achieved the company’s expectation. It is effective to shorten the lead time of New Product Development and save the devlopment cost and enhance the performance of New Product Development as well in A company. Finally it enhances the competitiveness in the market and the capability of responding market rapidly for A company by the research on the improvement of New Product Development lead time. The new model for the New Product Development which base on the Concurrent Engineering can be referred for the similar product development in other company. It has certain significance of guide for other similar company as well. Keywords: New Product, Lead Time Of New Product Development, Concurrent Engineering,III Critical Path Method, Improvement.IV 目录 摘要......................................................................I Abstract.................................................................II 目录.....................................................................IV 第一章 绪论...............................................................1 1.1 选题背景 ..........................................................1 1.2 研究意义 ..........................................................2 1.3 新产品开发管理国内外研究现状 ......................................3 1.3.1 国外研究现状.................................................3 1.3.2 国内研究现状.................................................4 1.4 研究内容和论文结构 ................................................5 1.4.1 研究内容.....................................................5 1.4.2 论文结构.....................................................6 1.5 本章小结 ..........................................................6 第二章 A 公司新产品开发时间及问题分析 .....................................7 2.1 公司概况及欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司背景介绍 ............................................7 2.1.1 公司概况.....................................................7 2.1.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司背景介绍.................................................9 2.1.3 公司的组织架构分析 ..........................................10 2.2 新产品的开发现状..................................................12 2.2.1 问题描述 ....................................................12 2.2.2 原因分析....................................................14 2.3 本章小结 .........................................................22 第三章 基于并行工程的 A 公司新产品开发模式................................23 3.1 新产品开发模式的提出 .............................................23 3.2 跨职能产品开发团队(IPDT) .......................................25 3.2.1 跨职能产品开发团队组建......................................25 3.2.2 跨职能产品开发团队组织成员..................................27 3.3 缩短关键工序作业时间 .............................................28V 3.3.1 缩短外形设计关键工序作业时间 ................................29 3.3.2 缩短内部结构设计关键工序作业时间............................30 3.3.3 缩短模具设计和模具加工关键工序作业时间......................31 3.3.4 缩短工程样板测试及改善关键工序作业时间 ......................32 3.4 并行度的优化 .....................................................33 3.5 本章小结 .........................................................35 第四章 新开发模式的实践应用与效果........................................36 4.1 新开发模式的实施 .................................................36 4.1.1 跨职能产品开发团队(IPDT)组建及整合........................36 4.1.2 缩短 W 双色头盔开发关键工序作业时间..........................37 4.1.3 W 双色头盔开发活动的并行度优化 ..............................43 4.2 本章小结 .........................................................46 第五章 结论与展望........................................................47 5.1 结论 .............................................................47 5.2 存在不足和展望 ...................................................47

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