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本文基于相关培训理论,对温州 HZ 公司的培训现状进行分析,采用访谈、
足以及优化方向,从制度保障、培训运行管理、资源支持 3 个方面确定了培训
体系的基本框架,重点从师资、课程、运行管理 3 个方面提出了详细的改进建
Training is widely concerned by the companies since it is the most immediate
and economical method to cultivate the talents the companies need. An applicable
training system is the key assurance to lead the training to a successful
implementation. Meanwhile it is also a booster for the companies to improve human
resource quality and make progress. Wenzhou HZ Company has established its own
training system to achieve development goals by delivering the talents that the
company needs and improving business benefits. However, it occurs some problems
which prevent the training system from a full function during the practical process.
Therefore, it is necessary for Wenzhou HZ Company to bring the current training
system into an optimization based on the company’s situation.
This dissertation is completed based on related training theory. First , Wenzhou
HZ Company’s training status is analyzed by interviews and questionnaires, and it
has acquired a deeper understanding of the problems that appear in the current
training and the direction of improvement. On this basis, the basic framework of
training system has been established from institutional guarantee, training operation
management and resource support. Specific recommendations for improvement have
been proposed from teaching staff, curriculum and operation management;
Furthermore, recommendations for training implementation guarantee have also
been provided from organization construction , knowledge management system
construction, learning atmosphere creating and career management.
Improvement optimization for the company training system from this
dissertation can help carry out company training, improve training results and finally
upgrade the training level of the company. Other similar companies can also use
this research result for reference.
Key Words: Human Resource; Trainning System; Optimization; Implementation浙江理工大学硕士专业学位论文
目 录
Abstract.......... III
目 录.....V
1 绪 论..1
1.1 选题背景与研究意义 .....1
1.1.1 选题背景 ...1
1.1.2 研究意义 ...1
1.2 研究内容、方法与研究框架 .....1
1.2.1 研究内容与目标 ...1
1.2.2 研究方法 ...2
1.2.3 研究框架 ...2
2 相关理论综述 ...........5
2.1 人力资源培训概念及相关理论 .5
2.1.1 人力资源培训的概念 .......5
2.1.2 人力资源培训相关理论 ...5
2.2 人力资源培训体系相关理论 .....8
2.2.1 ISO 10015 国际培训标准体系......8
2.2.2 结构化培训体系 ...9
2.3 国内外培训研究现状 ...10
3 温州 HZ 公司培训现状与问题分析.......... 11
3.1 温州 HZ 公司概况 ........ 11
3.2 人力资源结构分析 .......12
3.3 培训现状介绍 ...14
3.4 培训现状访谈调查 .......16
3.4.1 访谈调查的实施 .16
3.4.2 访谈数据分析 .....17
3.4.3 访谈小结 .18
3.5 培训现状问卷调查 .......19
3.5.1 问卷设计与调查实施 .....19
3.5.2 对现状评价的数据分析 .20
3.5.3 问卷调查小结 .....23
3.6 培训体系存在的问题分析 .......23
3.6.1 组织机构建设落后 .........23浙江理工大学硕士专业学位论文
3.6.2 制度支撑力度不强 .........24
3.6.3 培训运行管理不规范 .....24
3.6.4 培训资源支持不足 .........25
4 温州 HZ 公司培训体系优化建议与实施保障 .....27
4.1 优化原则 ...........27
4.2 温州 HZ 公司培训体系框架设计 ........27
4.3 培训制度层面的优化建议 .......28
4.4 培训运行层面的优化建议 .......29
4.4.1 培训需求分析 .....29
4.4.2 培训计划制定 .....31
4.4.3 培训实施控制 .....33
4.4.4 培训效果评估 .
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