摘 要
UG 公司成立于改革开放之初,是由两家在中国印刷界具有悠久历史的百年老店联
趋激烈,印刷欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司逐渐进入微利时代,UG 公司也面临着海外市场稳步增长,而国内市
本文是对 UG 公司国内市场营销方面进行的实证研究。首先介绍了 UG 公司的背景
和现状,然后针对公司的现状,首先运用波特五力模型对 UG 公司的外部环境进行分析,
然后运用 SWOT 分析工具对 UG 公司内部环境进行剖析。接着再通过营销战略管理中的
STP 营销理论和 4Ps 工具找出 UG 公司的对应问题,接着对问题产生的原因进行分析并
正值本人进行系统的 MBA 学习期间,本人通过运用所学 MBA 的理论知识并联系
自身的工作经验,对 UG 公司的国内市场进行营销诊断,结合公司实际情况来优化和调
整 UG 公司国内市场营销策略,以应对竞争对手和国际经济环境不景气带来的挑战与压
UG company was founded in the beginning of reform and opening up, is a large
international printing group which was consist of two famous old store with hundred years
history, whose printing business scope is very broad, including publications printing,
commercial printing, web-printing, and including prepress and delivery service. However, in
recent years with the increasingly fierce competition in the industry, the printing industry has
entered a low profit era, UG company is also facing steady growth in overseas market, but
sales in domestic market all the way down situation.
This paper is based on the empirical marketing study of domestic market of UG company.
Firstly I introduced the situation of UG company, and then use Poter's Five factor analysis and
SWOT analysis tools, in view of the current situation of UG company marketing, analyze
UG's external environment and internal environment, and then use STP marketing strategic
management and 4Ps tools to find marketing company problems. Next,find the reason which
caused these problems or provide ideas on how to solve the problem. Finally, according to the
corresponding problems to give solutions.
When I was the MBA study period, I use the MBA theory of knowledge and personal
experience, make the marketing diagnosis of UG company in the domestic market, combined
with the actual experience of the company to optimize and adjust the UG domestic market
marketing strategy, the challenges and coping of competition and the international economic
environment downturn of, the company can get more business in the future, to improve the
performance of the domestic market, but also provide reference for operation for other similar
Key Words:Printing&Packaging;Domestic market;Marketing strategy;4P