本文通过对大数据相关理论、客户关系管理理论与 4C营销理论的研究,运
用案例分析、调查研究等方法,分析了石家庄 J行的营销现状与其中存在的问题,
随后从战略层面对石家庄 J行发展精准营销模式进行了 SWOT分析,又通过问卷
调查的方法具体分析了石家庄 J行发展精准营销模式存在的不足,阐述了新的精
准营销模式的整体流程设计与石家庄 J行的精准营销策略体系,说明了精准营销
分析四个方面阐述了石家庄 J行新的精准营销模式的实施体系。最后得出结论:
基于大数据理论的精准营销模式能有效帮助石家庄 J行提高营销成功率与营销效
率,展望未来,该套营销模式将逐渐更加智能化,最终实现 J行石家庄分行营销
石家庄 J行地处省会,随着国家战略与河北省政府强省会战略的不断深入推
进,石家庄 J行面临前所未有的巨大压力,运用大数据技术探索精准营销模式是
有利于石家庄 J行降低成本,提升核心竞争力。同时,精准营销模式在 J行石家
庄分行的成功落地,将整体带动 J行乃至全国银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的大数据应用水平提升,有
With the proposal of the concept of big data and the continuous development and
improvement of related technologies, all walks of life begin to actively apply big data
technology and deeply integrate their own business with big data. For the traditional
banking industry, it is also facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. With the
intensification of the competition in the banking industry and the impact of Internet
finance, the traditional product centered marketing model is no longer applicable. Only
by taking the personalized road and customer-centered, can we gain a foothold in the
fierce competition.
This article through to the big data, customer relationship management theory and
related theory of 4 c marketing theory research, using the method of case analysis,
investigation and research, analyzes the shijiazhuang J line marketing present situation
and the existing problems, in order to solve the problems existing in the current
marketing model was proposed based on the new precision marketing model of big
data technology. By shijiazhuang J line of development from the strategic level
precision marketing model has carried on the SWOT analysis, and in shijiazhuang are
analyzed in detail by using the method of questionnaire investigation J line of the
defects in the development of precision marketing model, this thesis expounds the new
precision marketing model the overall process of design and shijiazhuang J precision
marketing strategy system, illustrates the precision marketing in the use of big data
technology, etc. And then from the implementation process, implementation content,
implementationguarantee,implementation effectanalysisoffouraspectsof
Shijiazhuang J new precision marketing model of the implementation system. Finally
draw the conclusion: precision marketing model based on the theory of the big data can
effectively help shijiazhuang J line to improve the success rate of marketing and
marketing efficiency, looking to the future, the set of marketing model will be more
intelligent,gradually achieveJlineofshijiazhuangbranch marketingfrom
undifferentiated marketing tothe accuracy of datadriven marketing model of
comprehensive transformation.
Shijiazhuang J line is located in the provincial capital, as the national strategy and
the deepening of the capital of hebei provincial government strong strategy propulsion,
shijiazhuang J line facing unprecedented pressure, precision marketing model is
established by use of the technology of data is broken, under huge pressure by using
precisionmarketingmodel,caneffectivelygraspthecustomerdemand, is
advantageous to the shijiazhuang J line to reduce costs, Enhance core competitiveness.
At the same time, the successful implementation of precision marketing model in Bank
J shijiazhuang Branch will drive the improvement of big data application level of Bank
J and even the national banking industry as a whole, which will help improve the
overall competitiveness of China's financial industry.
Keywords: precision marketing, marketing model, big data