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农发行 YC 支行信贷风险管理研究
Research on Credit Risk Management of Agricultural
Development Bank Of YC branch
研究生姓名: 张灵敏敏
指导教师: 王洁方方
2021 年 6 月I
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农发行YC 支行信贷风险管理研究
摘 要
农发行 YC 支行是 YC 地区唯一的一家农业政策性银行,把保障国家粮食安全、维护
发行资金安全,充分发挥农发行政策性支农职能,是目前农发行YC 支行急需解决的问
国内外政策性银行相关风险管理的经验,通过对农发行 YC 支行信贷风险管理现状的分
关键词:风险管理;信贷风险;农发行YC 支行
Research on Credit Risk Managementof Agricultural
DevelopmentBank Of YC branch
Agricultural Development Bank of YC branch is the only agricultural policy bank in
YC area,The goal is to ensure national food security, maintain the overall stability of the
agricultural market, protect the interests of farmers, and promote the upward development of
the agricultural industry.To smoothly advance the modernization process of my country;s
agriculture and rural areas, and make outstanding contributions to the construction of a new
socialist countryside.Under the impact of the current global new crown epidemic, my
country’s economy has also been affected. Some companies have encountered operational
difficulties. The Agricultural Development Bank’s credit risk is in a critical period of
concentrated outbreaks.How to effectively prevent credit risks, do a good job in credit risk
management, ensure the security of the Agricultural Development Bank’s funds, and give full
play to the Agricultural Development Bank’s policy-oriented agricultural support functions
are currently urgent issues for the Agricultural Development Bank of YC branch.
After consulting the domestic and foreign literature related to risk management,
based on understanding the theory of credit risk management, analyzed the knowledge of
domestic and foreign policy banks related to risk management.Through the analysis of the
current credit risk management status of the Agricultural Development Bank of YC branch,
the current credit risk management problems are found from the aspects of policy risk, credit
risk, operational risk, moral hazard, etc., and the causes are analyzed, and the serious impacts
after the occurrence of the risk are analyzed. The degree and the probability of occurrence of
risks are quantified and scored on the identified risk points, key risk points are found and
targeted measures are proposed to promote the further improvement of the credit risk
management methods and systems of the Agricultural Development Bank.
KEY WORDS: Risk Management ; Credit Risk ; Agricultural Development Bank of YC
II 目录
1 绪论............1
1.1 研究背景目的及意义......1
1.1.1 研究背景..........1
1.1.2 研究目的及意义...........2
1.2 国内外研究成果..........3
1.2.1 国外研究成果......3
1.2.2 国内研究成果......3
1.3 研究思路及研究方法......5
1.3.1 研究思路与论文结构.......5
1.3.2 研究方法..........6
2 相关概念内涵与理论基础........7
2.1 政策性银行概念及职能...........7
2.1.1 政策性银行概念...........7
2.1.2 政策性银行职能...........7
2.2 信贷风险管理理论........8
2.2.1 信贷风险的内涵及特点.....8
2.2.2 信贷风险分类......8
2.2.3 信贷风险管理演进进程.....9
3 农发行 YC 支行信贷风险管理现状........11
3.1 农发行 YC 支行基本情况..........11
3.1.1 农发行 YC 支行概况........11
3.1.2 农发行 YC 支行信贷业务种类.......12
3.1.3 农发行 YC 支行信贷业务基本流程..........12
3.1.4 农发行 YC 支行信贷业务管理措施..........14
3.2 农发行 YC 支行信贷风险基本情况分析.....16
3.2.1 农发行 YC 支行信贷业务数据情况..........16
3.2.2 农发行 YC 支行主要信贷风险.......20

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