随着我国社会主义市场经济的飞速发展,非公有制经济在我国经济体制中占 有越来越多的份额,民营企业的兴旺正逐渐成为促使经济腾飞不可或缺的新动力。 其中,江苏省是全国民营经济最具活力的省份之一,是名副其实的经济大省、制 造大省、就业大省;而纺织欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司是江苏省经济体系中的支柱产业,2018年末就 已连续保持了七年万亿级别产业的惊人记录。江苏省纺织业民营企业是当代我国 民营企业的缩影,其发展路径、内部管理等多方面具有参考价值。 近年来,越来越趋于多元化、复杂化、严峻化的劳企矛盾,给江苏省纺织业 民营企业的发展带来了较大影响。一方面,受到经济下行压力、国家宏观调控和 法律法规不断完善等影响,在日益激烈的市场竞争前,企业面临生产成本高、产 能过剩、原料涨价、职工流失等困境;另一方面,企业面临严峻形势,一定程度 上更加关注经济效益,内部管理未能与生产运营、产品优化等做到同发展、同进 步,劳资纠纷频发,影响企业生产经营和市场秩序稳定。因此,加快和谐劳动关 系构建的步伐有着极其重要的现实意义。 本论文最终选择江苏省纺织业作为研究对象,主要有以下三点原因:第一, 更具代表性。决定劳动关系的因素来自内部管理、外部环境和不可抗力等多方面, 从欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析提炼更具有代表性。第二,更具普遍性。不同企业在规模、管理、经 营、环境等方面呈现不同特点,选择欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司更具有共性价值。第三,更具规律性。 单个企业中提取的因素是一个“点”,而欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司是实现“由点到面”的过程,更容易查 找规律、探究原因,结论更加科学有效。 本论文在充分理解和借鉴现有的企业劳动关系管理理论的基础上,结合从官 方渠道获得的一手案例,分析江苏省纺织业民营企业和谐劳动关系的影响因素, 并就如何构建和谐劳动关系提出对策。采用了以下研究方法:一是文献研究法。 收集了大量关于江苏省纺织业民营企业劳动关系运行方面存在的问题,并通过对 收集欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的归纳梳理,对相关数据的分析和选用,掌握该类企业劳动关系现状。 二是调查研究法。通过总结提炼文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中有关江苏省纺织业民营企业劳动关系 的特点与表现,在劳动关系问题高发区域进行调查,考察企业劳动用工管理中出 现的相关矛盾因素。三是个案分析法。从特定地区挑选劳动关系不和谐的民营企 业为调查对象,结合该些企业发生过的真实劳动风险案例,着重分析和谐劳动关 系的影响因素及其作用。四是因子分析法。制定调查问卷,针对问卷和案例分析 II 数据,对调查获得各项因素归纳分析的基础上揭示其内在的规律,总结出对劳动 关系影响程度较高的诸方面因素。 研究发现,以下因素对江苏省纺织业民营企业劳动关系的和谐有着显著影响, 依照影响的重要程度从大到小依次排列为:企业福利、职工关爱、劳动合同、社 会保险、劳动环境。其中,企业福利在和谐劳动关系管理中占据最重要的地位, 完善的激励机制能够有效稳定职工队伍;职工关爱对企业和谐劳动关系构建有着 显著作用,主动给予职工关心关爱有利于更加团结和谐;劳动合同在企业劳动关 系管理上较为重要,劳资双方权责明确是避免纠纷的重要基础;社会保险对于和 谐劳动关系构建有着重要影响,是企业的法定职责和社会责任;劳动环境对企业 和谐劳动关系具有一定影响,关系到广大职工的身心健康,具有鲜明的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司特性。 在此基础上,借鉴劳动关系和谐管理理论,从依法保障福利待遇、健全职工关爱 机制、遵守劳动合同规定、保障社会保险待遇、创造良好的内部环境等方面,对 应提出加强江苏省纺织业民营企业和谐劳动关系构建的对策建议。 关键词:纺织业,民营企业,和谐劳动关系,构建 III ABSTRACT With the rapid development of my country's socialist market economy, the non-public economy has occupied more and more shares in my country's economic system, and the prosperity of private enterprises is gradually becoming an indispensable new impetus for the economy to take off. Among them, Jiangsu Province is one of the most dynamic provinces in the country's private economy. It is a veritable economic province, manufacturing province, and employment province; and the textile industry is a pillar industry in Jiangsu's economic system. It has been continuously maintained at the end of 2018 A seven-year terrible record for a trillion-level industry. The private enterprises in the textile industry of Jiangsu Province are the epitome of contemporary private enterprises in my country, and its development path, internal management and other aspects have reference value. In recent years, labor-enterprise contradictions, which have become increasingly diversified, complicated, and severe, have had a greater impact on the development of private enterprises in the textile industry in Jiangsu Province. On the one hand, under the influence of economic downward pressure, national macro-control and continuous improvement of laws and regulations, before the increasingly fierce market competition, enterprises face difficulties such as high production costs, overcapacity, raw material price increases, and employee turnover; on the other hand, enterprises Facing the grim situation, paying more attention to economic benefits to a certain extent, internal management failed to achieve the same development and progress as production and operation, product optimization, etc., and labor disputes occurred frequently, affecting the stability of enterprise production and operation and market order. Therefore, accelerating the pace of building a harmonious labor relationship has extremely important practical significance. IV This paper finally chose the Jiangsu textile industry as the research object, mainly for the following three reasons: First, it is more representative. The factors that determine labor relations come from various aspects such as internal management, external environment and force majeure, and are more representative from industry analysis. Second, it is more universal. Different enterprises present different characteristics in terms of scale, management, operation, environment, etc., and choosing industries has more common values. Third, it is more regular. The factor extracted from a single enterprise is a "point", and the industry is a process of "from point to surface", it is easier to find rules, explore the reasons, and the conclusions are more scientific and effective. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of the harmonious labor relationship of Jiangsu private enterprises in the textile industry on the basis of fully understanding and drawing on the existing enterprise labor relationship management theory, and combining the first-hand cases obtained from official channels, and proposes countermeasures on how to build a harmonious labor relationship. . The following research methods are used: First, the literature research method. Collected a large number of problems in the operation of labor relations of private enterprises in the textile industry of Jiangsu Province, and through the analysis of the collected data, the analysis and selection of relevant data, master the current status of labor relations of such enterprises. The second is the investigation method. By summarizing and refining the characteristics and performance of the labor relations of private enterprises in the textile industry of Jiangsu Province in the literature, the survey is conducted in areas where labor relations problems are high, and the related contradictory factors in the labor management of enterprises are investigated. The third is the case analysis method. Select private enterprises with discordant labor relations from specific areas as the target of the survey. Combined with the real labor risk cases that have occurred in these enterprises, we will focus on analyzing the influencing V factors and roles of labor relations. The fourth is factor analysis. Formulate a questionnaire, analyze the data from the questionnaire and the case, reveal the inherent laws based on the analysis of the various factors obtained by the survey, and summarize the various factors that have a high degree of influence on the labor relationship. The study found that the following factors have a significant impact on the harmonization of labor relations of private enterprises in the textile industry of Jiangsu Province, and are arranged in order from the largest to the smallest: enterprise welfare, employee care, labor contract, social insurance, and labor environment. Among them, corporate welfare occupies the most important position in the management of harmonious labor relations, and a perfect incentive mechanism can effectively stabilize the workforce; employee care has a significant effect on the