在数字经济高速发展的今天,互联网已经成为人们生活中必不可少的存在,而通 信欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的成长,更是为互联网的进步增添了关键的一笔。恰逢此时,也正是5G技术 初露锋芒的阶段,在这一时期,我国运营商迎来的新的发展契机,同时,面对“携号 转网”、“提速降费”等国家政策的施行,通信欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司也面临着超乎寻常的挑战。在这 种形势下,集团客户凭借其客户规模大、业务范围广、网络安全要求高、创新能力需 求多等特点,逐渐成为通信运营商的决胜关键,集团客户市场成为各家必争之地。因 此,如何借助于“5G+”这一背景,如何去完善集团客户的营销策略,成为了CU公司 现阶段应该去思考的问题。 本文正是结合现阶段互联网发展情况和5G时代的特点,采用文献归纳法、访谈 法和定性分析法,选取CU公司的集团客户为研究对象,将其作为通信欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中的一个 具有代表性的案例展开分析。最开始,本文通过简述到目前为止,国内和国外对于营 销策略及互联网相关营销方面的理论,并且根据文中研究对象的性质,对通信欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司、 集团客户、营销策略、波特五力模型等概念和相关理论进行全文的铺垫。接着,分别 从PEST因素和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境两个方面阐释了CU公司集团客户的营销环境。然后,通过 结合当前CU公司5G新技术的发展和集团客户的营销情况、竞争现状,找出了在互 联网发展的新时代下,CU公司集团客户在营销方面还存在着缺少集团客户专属产品、 缺乏集团统谈价格优势、营销渠道单一、忽视保有客户的维系、集团客户市场服务监 管不到位这五大问题。最后,有针对性地对上述存在问题提出改进措施。第一,在产 品上,致力于定制专属集团客户产品、强化品牌效应、提升服务品质;第二,价格方 面要注重制定合理的定价原则,并能够区别集团客户的优惠力度;第三,强化集团客 户直销渠道的拓展和完善集团客户的“一站式”服务渠道也是CU公司完善渠道策略 的必经之路;第四,促销策略也要向人员营销上倾斜,同时也要在促销手段和公共关 系方面作进一步的拓展和探索。以上研究表明,CU公司的集团客户业务要想在5G II 时代下得到长足发展,必须根据时代所需改进营销策略,以保证增强CU公司的综合 竞争力。 关键词:CU公司,集团客户,营销策略,5G III CU Company Group Customer Marketing Strategy Research Abstract With the rapid development of digital economy, the Internet has become an essential part of people's lives, and the growth of the communication industry is a key which makes the Internet progress. At the same time, it is also the initial stage of 5G technology, Chinese operators in a new development opportunity in this period, with the implementation of national policies such as "carry network", "speed up and reduce fees" , the communication industry is also facing extraordinary challenges. In this situation, group customer has gradually becoming the decisive key for communication operators due to their large scale, wide range business, high requirements for network security and demand for innovation ability, and the group customer market has become a strategic military. Therefore, how to improve the marketing strategy of group customer with the background of "5G+" has become a problem that CU company should to think about. Based on the current Internet development situation and the characteristics of 5G era, this paper uses literature, interview, qualitative analysis method and select the group customer of CU company, a communication company as the research object. At the beginning, described the domestic and foreign theories on marketing strategy and internet-related marketing briefly, according to the nature of the research object, the paper foreshadowed the concepts and theories of communication industry, group customer, marketing strategy, five forces model and so on. Next, the marketing environment of CU group customer is explained from PEST factors and industry environment. Then, by putting the CU company 5G development, marketing of group customer and the competition status together. Under the new era, we found five problems that there is a lack of exclusive products, lack of price advantage, single marketing channels of the maintenance, ignore retain customers, the market regulation is not in place of CU company group customer about the Internet. Finally, the paper puts forward some measures to improve the problems. Firstly, we are committed to customizing exclusive group customer products, strengthening brand effect and improving service quality; Secondly, the price should pay attention to the establishment of a reasonable pricing principle, and distinguish IV the group customers preferential strength; Thirdly, strengthening the expansion of direct selling channels for group customer and improving the "one-stop" service channels for group customer are also the important way to improve the channel strategy of CU company. Fourthly, the promotion strategy should also be inclined to personnel marketing, the promotion means and public relations should be further expanded and explored. The research shows that if CU company group customer business wants to achieve great development in the 5G era, it must improve the marketing strategy according to the needs of The Times, only in this way can CU company enhance the comprehensive competitiveness. Key Words:CU Company, Group Customer, Marketing strategy, 5G V 目录 摘要 ............ I Abstract .... III 第1章 绪论 ............................ 1 1.1 研究背景 .................... 1 1.2 研究意义 .................... 2 1.2.1 理论意义 .......... 2 1.2.2 实践意义 .......... 2 1.3 研究的内容和方法 .... 3 1.3.1 研究的内容 ...... 3 1.3.2 研究的方法 ...... 4 1.4 国内外研究现状 ........ 5 1.4.1 国外研究综述 .. 5 1.4.2 国内研究综述 .. 6 1.4.3 国内外研究现状评述 ..................... 7 1.5 本文创新点 ................ 7 第2章 相关概念界定与理论综述 ....................... 8 2.1 相关概念界定 ............ 8 2.1.1 通信欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 .......... 8 2.1.2 集团客户 .......... 8 VI 2.1.3 营销策略 .......... 9 2.2 理论基础 .................. 10 2.2.1 营销策略相关理论研究 ............... 10 2.2.2 波特的五力模型 ........................... 11 第3章 CU公司集团客户营销环境分析 ........... 13 3.1 PEST分析 ................. 13 3.1.1 政治条件分析 13 3.1.2 经济条件分析 14 3.1.3 社会条件分析 16 3.1.4 技术因素分析 18 3.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析 .......... 19 3.2.1 现有公司之间的竞争 ................... 19 3.2.2 新进入者的威胁 ........................... 25 3.2.3 替代产品或服务的威胁 ............... 26 3.2.4 购买者的议价能力 ....................... 27 3.2.5 供应商的议价能力 ....................... 28 第4章 CU公司集团客户营销现状及存在问题 .............................. 30 4.1 CU公司及其5G发展现状简介 ............. 30 4.1.1 CU公司简介 ... 30 4.1.2 CU公司5G发展现状 ................... 31 4.2 CU公司集团客户营销现状 .................... 32 4.2.1 现有集团产品体系 ....................... 32 VII 4.2.2 集团产品定价情况 ....................... 34 4.2.3 集团客户渠道特点 ....................... 34 4.2.4 集团客户促销现状 ....................... 35 4.2.5 面临的竞争现状 ........................... 35 4.3 CU公司集团客户营销中存在的问题 .... 36 4.3.1 缺少集团客户专属产品 ............... 36 4.3.2 缺乏集团统谈价格优势 ............... 37 4.3.3 集团客户营销渠道单一 ............... 38 4.3.4 忽视保有集团客户的维系 ........... 38 4.3.5 集团客户市场服务监管不到位 ... 38 第5章 CU公司集团客户营销策略改进 ........... 40 5.1 产品策略 .................. 40 5.1.1 定制集团客户专属云网产品 ....... 40 5.1.2 强化品牌效应 41 5.1.3 提升服务品质 41 5.2 价格策略 .................. 41 5.2.1 制定合理的定价原则 ................... 41 5.2.2 区别集团客户的优惠力度 ........... 42 5.3 渠道策略 .................. 43 5.3.1 强化集团客户直销渠道的拓展 ... 43 5.3.2 完善集团客户的“一条龙”服务渠道 ...................... 43 5.4 促销策略 .................. 43 VIII 5.4.1 通信专业人才促销 ....................... 43 5.4.2 丰富促销手段 44 5.4.3 依托公共关系 44 第6章 结论与展望 .............. 46 6.1 研究结论 .................. 46 6.2 展望 .......................... 47