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I 摘要 随着一系列环保法律法规和政策颁布,我国环境污染治理市场快速发展,环境 污染治理企业面临新的政策环境和竞争格局,战略研究对于企业的发展定位和方向 选择有着重要意义,为企业发展厘清思路、明晰方向,构建持续的发展动力。 针对 IEREC 环保公司的发展战略为研究对象,运用文献法形成研究思路,运用 实证调查法获取所需的相关欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司并展开实证分析。论文运用了 PEST 模型、五力模型 和 SWOT 模型等分析工具,主要研究工作流程包括战略分析、战略选择和战略实施 三个主要环节。首先,分析了公司所面临的外部环境,包括国家宏观环境和产业环 境,明确公司面临的外部机遇和威胁。同时,从财务、技术、管理和营销等内部环 境,剖析了公司具有的优势和劣势;然后,在 SWOT 矩阵分析基础上,对战略做出 选择;最后,亦提出战略实施的保障措施。 通过研究所得到的结论:IEREC 环保公司具有专利技术和较强的创新能力等竞 争优势,选择 SO 战略更有利于公司发展,并进一步明确相关多元化战略,以环保水 务治理为主业,拓展生态修复、固废资源化等新型业务领域,更好地利用公司现有 的资源和能力获取多元发展的融合优势,实现可持续发展。 关键词 环境保护;环境分析;战略选择;战略分析;战略实施Abstract III Abstract With the promulgation of a series of environmental protection laws, regulations and policies, China's environmental pollution control market has developed rapidly. Environmental pollution control companies are facing a new policy environment and competitive landscape. Strategic research is of great significance to a company's development positioning and direction selection. It also clarifies ideas and directions for development, and builds sustainable development momentum. Taking the development strategy of IEREC environmental protection company as the research object, using the literature method to form research ideas, using the empirical investigation method to obtain the required relevant information and carry out empirical analysis. This paper uses analysis tools such as PEST model, Five forces model and SWOT model. The main research workflow includes three main blocks: strategic analysis, strategic selection and strategic implementation. First, the external environment the company faces is analyzed, including the national macro environment and industrial environment, and clarifies the external opportunities and threats the company faces. At the same time, the advantages and disadvantages of the company from the internal environment of finance, technology, management and marketing are analyzed. Then, on the basis of SWOT matrix analysis, a choice of strategy is made. Finally, safeguard measures for the implementation of the strategy are also proposed. The conclusion obtained through the research: IEREC environmental protection company has competitive advantages such as patented technology and strong innovation ability. Choosing SO strategy is more conducive to the company’s development, and related diversification strategies are further clarified. The strategies include focusing on environmental protection and water management, expanding new business areas such as ecological restoration, solid waste recycling, and making better use of the company's existing resources and capabilities to obtain the advantages of diversified development and achieve sustainable development. Key words Environmental protection;Environmental analysis;Strategy selection; Strategy analysis;Strategy implementation目 录 V 目 录 摘要···I Abstract ················III 第 1 章 绪 论····1 1.1 论文的研究背景 ·········1 1.1.1 研究背景 ··············1 1.1.2 选题意义 ··············2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ·········2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ······2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ······3 1.3 研究思路和方法 ·········4 1.3.1 研究思路 ··············4 1.3.2 研究方法 ··············5 第 2 章 相关概念及理论基础·················7 2.1 战略 ···········7 2.2 战略管理 ···7 2.3 战略主要工具 ·············8 第 3 章 外部环境分析 ········11 3.1 宏观环境分析 ···········11 3.1.1 政治环境(P) ··11 3.1.2 经济环境(E) ··12 3.1.3 社会环境(S) ··14 3.1.4 技术环境(T) ··15 3.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析 ···········15 3.2.1 现有竞争者 ········15 3.2.2 潜在进入者 ········16 3.2.3 替代品 ················16 3.2.4 供应商 ················17 3.2.5 买方 ··17 3.3 机遇与威胁 ···············18 3.3.1 机遇 ··18 3.3.2 威胁 ··19河北科技大学硕士学位论文 VI 3.4 外部环境综合评价 ···19 3.5 本章小结 ·22 第 4 章 内部环境分析 ········23 4.1 公司概况 ·23 4.1.1 公司简介 ············23 4.1.2 组织结构 ············23 4.1.3 业务范围 ············24 4.2 公司资源 ·25 4.2.1 财务资源 ············25 4.2.2 人力资源 ············28 4.2.3 客户资源 ············28 4.2.4 品牌资源 ············29 4.2.5 核心技术 ············29 4.2.6 专利资源 ············31 4.2.7 资质资源 ············32 4.3 公司能力 ·32 4.3.1 管理能力 ············32 4.3.2 科研能力 ············33 4.3.3 创新能力 ············34 4.3.4 营销能力 ············36 4.3.5 运营能力 ············37 4.3.6 信息化能力 ········38 4.4 优势与劣势 ···············40 4.4.1 优势 ··40 4.4.2 劣势 ··41 4.5 内部环境综合评价 ···42 4.6 本章小结 ·45 第 5 章 IEREC 环保公司战略选择······47 5.1 SWOT 分析···············47 5.2 战略选择 ·48 5.2.1 愿景、使命和定位···············48 5.2.2 战略目标 ············48 5.2.3 战略选择 ············48 5.3 本章小结 ·50目 录 VII 第 6 章 战略实施保障措施·51 6.1 构建扁平化组织架构提高效能··51 6.2 完善绩效管理体系激发员工潜能 ················52 6.3 拓宽融资渠道强化融资能力······53 6.4 完善人才、资金和平台保障提升创新能力 53 6.5 加强治理、人才和资金管控增强抗风险能力 ··············54 6.6 建设务实、担当企业文化增强凝聚力 ········55 6.7 本章小结 ·55 结 论57 附 录59 附录 A··········59 附录 B··········59

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