为了适应新形势下更加复杂和不确定的市场环境,提高组织管理效率,增加 管理的弹性和灵活性,企业需要给予员工更多的自主权;同时,企业对于员工工 作职责的要求更高,不仅希望他们能顺利完成自己份内的工作,还能积极主动地 做出更多职责外的卓越表现。然而,员工成就感低、对工作敷衍了事,消极怠工 等缺乏工作激情而无心企业发展的表现,导致企业整体竞争力遭遇瓶颈。如何提 升员工工作激情,鼓励员工表现出更多的组织公民行为,为企业创造更多的价值, 帮助企业在激烈的市场竞争中获得优势,是值得关注的问题。因此,本文从员工 工作激情的角度出发,研究组织公民行为的形成路径,为企业员工管理提供新视 角。 本文通过梳理国内外现有研究成果,基于资源保存理论,在二元工作激情模 型的基础上,构建工作激情对组织公民行为的影响机制整合模型,引入组织认同 进一步探索工作激情对组织公民行为影响的内在机制,同时在社会交换理论的 基础上,探讨了组织支持感在两者关系间的调节效应。采用网络问卷的方式在全 国范围内进行抽样调查,使用SPSS和Mplus统计分析软件进行数据的处理和分 析发现:(1)和谐工作激情与组织公民行为及其子维度存在正相关关系,而强迫 工作激情与组织公民行为及其子维度存在负相关关系。(2)组织认同部分中介了 员工工作激情(和谐工作激情和强迫工作激情)与组织公民行为的关系。和谐工 作激情促进组织认同的产生,进而增加组织公民行为;而强迫工作激情会破坏组 织认同的产生,进而减少组织公民行为。(3)组织支持感正向调节员工和谐工作 激情与组织认同的关系,负向调节强迫工作激情和组织认同的关系。且正向调节 组织认同在和谐工作激情和组织公民行为之间的中介效应,负向调节组织认同 在强迫工作激情和组织公民行为之间的中介效应。 本文根据研究结论提出管理启示:企业应重视员工和谐工作激情的培养,营 造组织支持的氛围,提高员工组织认同感以及鼓励员工组织公民行为。丰富了工 作激情和组织公民行为的理论成果,对组织管理实践具有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:和谐工作激情;强迫工作激情;组织公民行为;组织认同;组织支持感 II Abstract In order to adapt to the more complex and uncertain market environment in the new situation, improve the efficiency of organizational management, and increase the flexibility of management, enterprises need to give employees more autonomy; at the same time, enterprises have higher requirements for employees' job responsibilities. Not only do enterprises hope that they can successfully complete their own tasks, but they can also proactively make more outstanding performances outside their responsibilities. However, employees' low achievement, perfunctory work, and negative performance such as lack of work passion and inadvertent enterprise development have caused bottlenecks in the overall competitiveness of the company. How to improve employees' work passion, encourage employees to show more organizational citizenship behaviors, create more value for enterprises, and help enterprises gain advantages in the fierce market competition are issues worthy of attention. Therefore, this paper studies the formation path of organizational citizenship behavior from the perspective of employee's work passion, and provides a new perspective for enterprise employee management. In this paper, through combing the domestic and foreign related research, based on resource conservation theory, this paper builds an integration model of the influence mechanism of work passion on organizational citizenship behavior based on the existing work passion model. And organizational identification was introduced to further explore the internal mechanism of the influence of work passion on organizational citizenship behavior. At the same time, based on the social exchange theory, the paper discussed the moderating effect of perceived organizational support on the relationship between the two. Sample surveys were conducted nationwide using online questionnaires, and data processing and analysis were performed using SPSS and Mplus statistical analysis software. It was found that: (1) Harmonious work passion has a positive correlation with organizational citizenship behavior and its sub- dimensions, while obsessive work passion has a negative correlation with organizational citizenship behavior and its sub-dimensions. (2) The organizational III identification partly mediates the relationship between employee work passion (harmonious work passion and obsessive work passion) and organizational citizenship behavior. Harmonious work passion promotes the generation of organizational identification, and then increases organizational citizenship behavior; while obsessive work passion will destroy the generation of organizational identification, thereby reducing organizational citizenship behavior. (3) Perceived organizational support positively moderates the relationship between employees' harmonious work passion and organizational identity, and negatively moderates the relationship between forced work passion and organizational identification. And it positively moderates the mediating effect of organizational identification between harmonious work passion and organizational citizenship behavior, and negatively moderates the mediating effect of organizational identity between obsessive work passion and organizational citizenship behavior. According to the research conclusions, this paper proposes the corresponding management inspiration: companies should pay attention to the cultivation of employees' harmonious work passion, create an atmosphere of organizational support, improve employee organizational identification and encourage employee organizational citizenship behavior. It enriches the theoretical results of work passion and organizational citizenship behavior, and has certain reference significance for organizational management practice. Key Words: harmonious work passion;obsessive work passion;organizational citizenship behavior;organizational identification;perceived organizational support IV 目 录 摘要 .... I Abstract . II 第1章 绪论 ........................ 1 1.1 研究背景 ................... 1 1.2 研究目的与意义 ....... 2 1.2.1 研究目的 ............ 2 1.2.2 研究意义 ............ 3 1.3 研究内容和研究方法 .............................. 3 1.3.1 研究内容 ............ 3 1.3.2 研究方法 ............ 4 第2章 文献综述 ................ 6 2.1 工作激情的研究综述 .............................. 6 2.1.1 工作激情的概念和测量 ................... 6 2.1.2 工作激情的结果变量研究 ............... 7 2.2 组织公民行为的研究综述 ...................... 8 2.2.1组织公民行为的概念和测量 ............ 8 2.2.2 组织公民行为的影响因素 ............. 11 2.3 组织认同的研究综述 ............................ 13 2.3.1 组织认同的概念与测量 ................. 13 2.3.2 组织认同的相关研究 ..................... 14 2.4 组织支持感的研究综述 ........................ 16 2.4.1 组织支持感的概念与测量 ............. 16 2.4.2 组织支持感的相关研究 ................. 17 2.5 研究述评 ................. 17 第3章 理论基础与研究假设 ......................... 19 3.1 理论基础 ................. 19 V 3.1.1 资源保存理论 .. 19 3.1.2 社会交换理论 .. 20 3.2 研究假设 ................. 21 3.2.1 员工工作激情对组织公民行为的影响 ........................ 21 3.2.2 组织认同在工作激情与组织公民行为间的中介作用 22 3.2.3 组织支持感的调节作用 ................. 23 3.3 概念模型的构建 ..... 25 第4章 研究设计 .............. 26 4.1 问卷设计 ................. 26 4.2 变量测量 ................. 26 4.3 预调研与量表修正 . 27 4.3.1 预调研问卷的发放与回收 ............. 28 4.3.2 信度分析 .......... 28 4.3.3 探索性因子分析 ............................. 30 4.4 正式问卷形成与调查 ............................ 34 第5章 数据分析与假设检验 ......................... 35 5.1 样本基本信息统计 . 35 5.2 信度分析和效度分析 ............................ 36 5.2.1 信度分析 .......... 36 5.2.2 效度分析 .......... 37 5.3 共同方法偏差检验 . 39 5.4 研究假设检验 ......... 41 5.4.1 描述性统计分析结果 ..................... 41 5.4.2 工作激情与组织公民行为的关系检验 ........................ 43 5.4.3 组织认同的中介效应检验 ............. 44 5.4.4 调节效应检验 .. 46 5.4.5 被调节的中介效应检验 ................. 48 5.5 研究结果讨论 ......... 50 VI 5.5.1 员工工作激情对组织公民行为的结果讨论 ................ 50 5.5.2 组织认同的中介效应结果讨论 ..... 50 5.5.3组织