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在激烈的市场竞争环境下,一个企业若想获得长久可持续的发展,那么应该 对欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展中面对的机遇与挑战保持敏锐的嗅觉。避免“短见”和“惰性”,重 视影响企业长远发展的漏洞并敢于离开舒适区鼓励员工建言。员工建言对组织创 新发展有着举足轻重的重要意义。拥有良好员工建言行为的企业不仅可以提高员 工归属感,还可以增强企业的核心竞争力。鼓励员工站出来并对企业的发展提出 建议甚至异议势必会成为企业立于不败之地的关键。 在企业中为了打破员工沉默,提高员工参与度,降低员工的从众性,已有研 究证明组织公平对员工建言有着重要的影响。但通过对现有文献的研究发现,组 织公平对员工建言行为的影响大多基于二者之间的直接关系,对于二者之间是否 存在其他影响因素的研究并不太多。因此,本研究重在研究二者之间的缓冲变量, 即对中介变量和调节变量的探索,希望为人力资源管理中提高员工建言提供参考 价值。 基于研究现状,本研究将员工建言分为建言领导和建言同事两个维度进行分 析,在此基础上引入了组织认同为组织公平与员工建言之间的中介变量,同时引 入领导成员交换和团队成员交换作为调节变量进行考察。在此基础上,构建变量 之间的关系模型并提出相关假设。针对假设,本研究结合前人的相关研究设计了 调查问卷,通过网上发布电子问卷的形式对数据进行收集,使用 spss17.0 和 amos21.0 对数据进行分析。得出以下研究结果:员工感知的组织公平对组织认 同、员工建言行为有显著正向的影响;组织认同在组织公平与员工建言之间起中 介作用;领导成员交换调节了组织认同与建言领导之间的关系:即领导成员交换 越高,组织认同对建言领导的影响越显著,反之亦然;领导成员交换也调节了组 织公平通过组织认同对建言领导的间接影响:即领导成员交换程度越高,组织公 平通过组织认同对建言领导的间接影响越显著,反之亦然;团队成员交换调节了 组织认同与建言同事之间的关系:即团队成员交换越高,组织认同对建言同事的 影响越显著,反之亦然;团队成员交换也调节了组织公平通过组织认同对建言领 导的间接影响:即团队成员交换程度越高,组织公平通过组织认同对建言同事的 间接影响越显著,反之亦然;最后根据研究结果,本研究将提出相关管理建议和 未来管理发展方向。 关键词:组织公平;组织认同;员工建言;领导成员交换;团队成员交换II Abstract In the fierce market competition environment, if an enterprise wants to obtain long-term sustainable development, it should keep a keen sense of the opportunities and challenges faced by the development of the industry. Avoid "shortsightedness" and "inertia", pay attention to the loopholes that affect the long-term development of the company and dare to leave the comfort zone to encourage employees to speak up. The suggestions made by employees are of great significance to organizational innovation and development. Companies with good employee behavior can not only improve employee satisfaction, but also enhance their core competitiveness. Encouraging employees to stand up and make suggestions and even dissent from the development of the company will inevitably become the key to the company's invincibility. In order to break employee silence, increase employee participation, and reduce employee conformity in enterprises, studies have shown that organizational fairness has an important impact on employee advice. But based on the research of the existing literature found that the impact of organizational justice on employee speech behavior is mostly based on the direct relationship between the two, and there is not much research on whether there are other influencing factors between the two. Therefore, this study focuses on the buffer variables between the two, that is, the exploration of mediating variables and moderating variables, and hopes to provide theoretical and practical significance for improving employee suggestions in human resource management. Based on the current status of research, this article collects and summarizes relevant literature, and analyzes employee suggestions into two dimensions: leadership suggestions and colleagues' suggestions. Based on this, organizational mediation is introduced as an intermediary variable between organizational justice and employee suggestions. At the same time, the introduction of leadership member exchange and team member exchange as a moderating variable is examined. Based on this, a relationship model between the variables is constructed and related hypotheses are proposed. Aiming at the hypothesis, this research designed a questionnaire based on previous researches, collected the data by publishing electronic questionnaires online, and used spss17.0 and amos21.0 to analyze the data. The following research results are obtained: the perceived organizational equity of employees has a significant positive impact on organizational identity and employee speech behavior; organizational identification plays an intermediary role between organizational justice and employee speech; leadership member exchanges regulate organizational identification and leadership speech Relationship: The higher the exchange of leadership members, the more significant the impact of organizational identity on leadership advice, and vice versa; the exchange of leadership members also regulates the indirect impact of organizational fairness on leadership advice through organizational identity: the greater the degree of exchange of leadership members High, the more indirect the impact of organizational fairness on leadership adviceIII through organizational identity, and vice versa; team member exchange regulates the relationship between organizational identity and colleagues 'advice: the higher the team member exchange, the more the influence of organizational identity on colleagues' advice Significantly, and vice versa; team member exchange also regulates the indirect impact of organizational fairness on leadership advice through organizational identity: the higher the degree of team member exchange, the more significant the indirect impact of organizational fairness on colleagues' advice through organizational identity, and vice versa; Finally, based on the results of this study, this study Li put forward the perspective of management recommendations related to the management and future development direction. Key Words: Organizational Fairness; Organizational Identity; Staff Advice; Leader Member Exchange; Team Member ExchangeIV 目录 第 1 章 绪论.........................................................1 1.1 研究背景......................................................1 1.2 研究目的与研究意义............................................2 1.2.1 研究目的..................................................2 1.2.2 研究意义..................................................2 1.3 国内外研究综述................................................3 1.3.1 组织公平的相关研究........................................3 1.3.2 组织认同的相关研究........................................5 1.3.3 员工建言的相关研究........................................7 1.3.4 领导成员交换的相关研究....................................9 1.3.5 团队成员交换的相关研究...................................12 1.3.6 研究述评.................................................13 1.4 研究内容和研究思路...........................................14 1.4.1 研究内容.................................................14 1.4.2 研究思路.................................................15 1.5 研究方法和创新之处...........................................15 1.5.1 研究方法.................................................15 1.5.2 创新之处.................................................16 第 2 章 相关概念与理论基础..........................................17 2.1 相关概念 .....................................................17 2.1.1 组织公平.................................................17 2.1.2 组织认同.................................................17 2.1.3 员工建言.................................................17 2.1.4 领导成员交换.............................................18 2.1.5 团队成员交换.............................................18 2.2 理论基础.....................................................18 2.2.1 社会交换理论.............................................18 2.2.2 社会认知理论.............................................19 第 3 章 研究假设与模型构建................

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