iii 摘要 截至2018年底,我国城市轨道交通经过大规模发展,中国大陆已经有35个 城市开通运行了城市轨道交通,总里程为5761.4km,运输乘客213亿人次。为了 提高城市轨道交通企业的票务和非票务收入和提高经营效率效益,围绕车站上盖 物业、地下空间和周边区域的商业资源开发不断发展,已经成为我国城市轨道交通 企业的重要收益来源。但是,在我国城市轨道交通车站商业资源开发过程中,出现 了商业业态同质化现象,这导致车站客流向商业客流转化率不同,对城市轨道交通 效益贡献能力降低。如何选择城市轨道交通车站商业业态,从哪些方面改善车站商 业业态选择效率,是我国城市轨道交通领域亟需解决的重要问题。 国内外对城市轨道交通车站商业的研究大多数是从资源开发和商业经营方面 等视角切入,研究范围大多为以车站为中心一定范围内的商业开发、经营情况,通 过选取某一城市的典型案例,实地调查或网络获取数据,分析得到轨道交通车站与 商业结合的规律、相互影响关系以及存在的不足。研究主要聚焦现状,而对车站商 业空间经营的规划,尤其是前期商业业态的选择方面仍有深入研究空间。 本文尝试将中心性地理论和TOD(transit-oriented development)理论作为研究 理论基础,提出城市轨道交通车站业态选择方法。通过分析轨道交通系统特性和对 城市的影响并结合TOD理论,说明城市轨道交通车站可以作为一定区域范围内的 中心地。从消费者、交通可达性及区域环境方面选取影响因素,构建中心性指标体 系,使用信息熵模型计算车站的商业中心性指数,反映其中心性强弱;根据中心性 指数大小对车站进行等级划分,分析各个等级车站的服务范围和适合的商业业态, 并结合周边区域功能对不同等级车站提出差异化的商业业态选择;为正处于规划、 建设时期的地铁线路和即将投入运营的车站物业提供参考,在车站开发阶段应按 照业态的需求规划设计功能一体化的车站商业空间。 最后,论文以成都城市轨道交通为例,选取了13座典型车站进行实例研究。 基于公开统计数据和地理信息数据,计算了相关车站的中心性指数,并应用聚类分 析法研究站点区域功能特征,结果表明,要根据车站区域的就业人口、居住人口、 规划预测客流等进行商业业态选择,尤其要重视目前聚集水平低但发展潜力大的 车站。进一步地,按照片区级中心 、组团级中心、街区级中心的分类,结合综合 办公、商业、会展、居住等区域功能特征,针对各个车站提出了相应商业业态的配 置建议。 关键词:城市轨道交通;商业业态;中心地理论;信息熵法;聚类分析 北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 ABSTRACT iv ABSTRACT Chinese urban rail transit is large-scale developing in recent years. As of the end of 2018, 35 cities in mainland China have urban rail transit opened, with a total mileage of 5761.4km and 21.3 billion passengers. In order to improve the ticketing and non-ticketing revenues of urban rail transit enterprises and improve the efficiency of business efficiency, the continuous development of commercial resources around the station including properties, underground spaces and surrounding areas has become an important source of revenue for urban rail transit enterprises in China. However, in the process of commercial resource development of urban rail transit stations in China, the homogeneity of commercial types and forms appeared, which resulted in different transformation rates of station passenger flows to commercial flows, and reduced the ability to contribute to the benefits of urban rail transit. How to choose the commercial types and forms of urban rail transit stations suitable for the station, is important issues that need to be solved urgently in the field of urban rail transit in China. Most of the domestic and international research on urban rail transit station business is from the perspective of resource development and business management. The research scope is mostly commercial development and operation within a certain range centered on the station. By selecting a typical case of a city, On-site investigation or online data acquisition, analysis of rail transit stations and business integration rules, mutual influence relationship and existing deficiencies. The research focuses on the status quo, and there is still room for in-depth research on the planning of station commercial space operations, especially in the selection of early commercial formats. The thesis attempts to use the central ground theory and TOD(transit-oriented development) theory as the theoretical basis for research, and proposes a method for selecting the format of urban rail transit stations. By analyzing the characteristics of the rail transit system and its impact on the city, combined with the TOD theory, the urban rail transit station can be used as a central place within a certain area. Select influencing factors from consumers, traffic accessibility and regional environment, construct a central index system, use information entropy model to calculate the station's commercial centrality index, reflecting its centrality; rank the stations according to the centrality index Divide, analyze the service scope and suitable business formats of various levels of 北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 ABSTRACT v stations, and propose differentiated business formats for different levels of stations combined with the functions of surrounding areas; provide for subway lines and station properties that are about to be put into operation during the planning and construction period For reference, the station commercial space with integrated functions should be planned and designed according to the needs of the format in the station development stage. Finally, taking the typical area of Chengdu as an example, 13 stations were selected to carry out a case study using the method proposed in this article. Related influencing factors use the network to collect public statistics and geographic information data. Calculate the centrality index of the research station, and use cluster analysis to study the functional characteristics of the station area. Based on the grading results and regional functions, suggestions for commercial format selection and development are proposed for the station studied, and the rationality and operability of the method are explained. KEYWORDS:Urban rail transit; Commercial types and form; Central place theory; Information entropy; cluster analysis 北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 目录 vi 目录 摘要 ........ III ABSTRACT ......................... IV 引言 ...... 9 1.1 研究背景 ..................... 9 1.2 研究意义 ................... 11 1.3 研究对象与基本概念 .............................. 12 与车站结合的商业空间 .................. 12 商业业态的含义及类型 .................. 14 1.4 研究内容与技术路线 .............................. 16 1.5 研究方法 ................... 17 理论基础与研究综述 ....... 18 2.1 理论基础 ................... 18 中心地理论 ....... 18 TOD理论 .......... 20 2.2 相关研究综述 ........... 21 轨道交通商业资源开发 .................. 21 轨道交通商业运作 .......................... 22 2.3 本章小结 ................... 23 城市轨道交通特性与商业业态区位选择影响因素 ..................... 25 3.1 系统特性 ................... 25 运输能力大 ....... 25 旅行速度快 ....... 25 站点客流集散快 .............................. 26 社会公益性 ....... 26 3.2 对城市的影响 ........... 27 车站成为区域中心地 ...................... 27 改变居民出行习惯 .......................... 28 3.3 商业业态区位选择影响因素 .................. 29 消费者因素 ....... 29 北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 目录 vii 交通可达性因素 .............................. 31 区域环境因素 ... 32 3.4 本章小结 ................... 34 车站商业业态选择方法构建 .......................... 35 4.1 车站商业业态选择思路 .......................... 35 4.2 车站商业中心性指标模型构建 .............. 36 中心性影响参数选取 ...................... 36 中心性指数计算 .............................. 37 4.3 车站中心等级划分 ... 38 4.4 车站商业业态确定 ... 39 中心等级与业态适应性分析 .......... 39 区域功能与业态适应性分析 .......... 42 4.5 本章小结 ................... 43 实例分析——以成都市为例 .......................... 44 5.1 成都市总体概况 ....... 44 城市区位与空间结构 ...................... 44 人口岗位分布 ... 45 社会经济情况 ... 46 轨道交通发展情况 .......................... 47 5.2 研究范围确定 ........... 49 研究区域划定 ... 49 轨道交通车站选取 .......................... 53 5.3 车站商业中心性判断 .............................. 53 基础数据收集与处理 ...................... 53 车站