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近年来,在政策和经济的双重利好下,作为公办教育的“有益补充者”的教育培训 机构取得了迅猛发展。高校应届毕业生具有丰富的专业知识,充满活力,思维模式新 颖,是教育培训欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司教师的主要来源。X教育机构通过校园招聘招募教师。然而,随 着公司的高速发展,机构教师的校园招聘出现了新入职教师离职率高、教师招聘质量 差、招聘效率低等问题,严重制约了公司的发展。通过梳理X教育机构校园招聘管理 现状,找出公司校园招聘管理的不足并加以优化,可以从根本上改善新入职教师离职 率高现象,提高校园招聘质量和效率,保证教学质量,实现机构健康高速发展。 采用文献研究法、访谈调查法、数据分析法和问卷调查法开展研究。首先,对X 教育机构校园招聘管理的各个环节进行梳理。构建校园招聘管理评估体系,对校园招 聘管理进行评估。其次,基于X教育机构校园招聘管理现状和评估结果,找出其校园 招聘管理存在的问题并分析了内部原因和外部原因。最后,提出了相应的改进措施。 研究发现,X教育机构校园招聘管理的问题有:缺乏校园招聘政策、校园招聘资 金使用制度不合理、教师校园招聘计划及资金规划不合理、确定招聘目标院校不科学; 宣传方式缺乏新意、校园招聘渠道传统、招聘周期长、校园招聘渠道维护困难、人才 甄选手段不科学,面试官不专业;违约现象频发、新入职教师离职率高、缺乏招聘跟 踪机制;缺乏校园招聘管理评估;缺乏规范合理的招聘人员考核体系及对招聘人员的 专业培训等。形成以上问题的内部原因包括公司校园招聘管理意识薄弱、制度建设不 足、缺乏创新意识、团队培养力度不足;外部原因包括培训欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司教师认可度低、薪酬 竞争优势降低、同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司招聘竞争激烈、公司所在城市吸引力弱、毕业生自我定位不清 晰。针对X教育机构校园招聘管理的问题及成因,提出了五个方面的改进措施:制定 校园招聘管理制度,保障公司校园招聘竞争力;制定科学的人力资源规划;完善校园 招聘体系建设,提升校园招聘能力;优化校园招聘团队建设;加强新员工心理契约管 理。 本文选取的X教育机构是一家极具代表性的二线城市民营教育培训机构。针对X 教育机构教师校园招聘管理提出的改进措施,可以有效降低X教育公司的办学成本和 保证教学质量。另外,基于X教育机构教师校园招聘管理提出的评估体系,对其他位 于二线城市的民营教育机构具有很强的参考价值。 关键词:民办教育培训机构;招聘评估;校园招聘管理 II Abstract Recently, being rejoicing over the dual tailwinds of policy and economy, the educational institution has developed quite fast as it plays a role of “beneficial supplement” for public education. College students graduated in the current year who have rich professional knowledge, energy and innovative idea are primary source for educational training. X educational institution employs teachers basically by means of campus recruitment. However, as the company has developed at top speed, the recruitment in campus has had problems like the high rate of the resignation, low quality of teachers and inefficient recruitment and so on for the educational institution, which restrict its growth. Through sorting out the current recruitment situation to the X educational institution, finding out their defects in the management then optimizing them, it can improve issues like the high rate of the di-mission, low quality of teachers and inefficient recruitment to ensure the quality of teaching, realizing a normal and fast development for the company. This research adopted these methods involving the literature research, interview investigation, data analysis and questionnaire. First of all, we sorted out all the parts of campus recruitment of the X educational institution. The evaluation system has been established to estimate its campus recruitment management; second, the existed problems would be found out on the basis of the status in quo and the evaluation result, then the internal and external factors would be analyzed. In the last, the corresponding measures would be concluded. The problems that existed in the X educational institution are: the absence of detailed campus recruitment policy and improper use of recruitment funding; improper campus recruitment program and funding plan, unscientific plan for target recruitment colleges; no innovative publicity and campus recruitment channel, the long cycle period recruitment and difficulty in maintain recruitment channel; unscientific method for talent selection, unprofessional interviewers; high rate of defaults and di-mission, the absence of follow-up system of recruitment; the absence of campus recruitment evaluation; the absence of proper and reasonable evaluation and training system for recruiters and etc. The internal reasons of above problems are weak management awareness for campus recruitment and weak system establishment; weak innovative consciousness and insufficient training for recruiters; the III external reasons are low approval of teachers in training field, lost competitiveness of compensation system, fierce competition from the same industry, poor location of the company, an inaccurate self-positioning of graduates and lack of clear recognition for position. Aiming at these existed problems and reasons in the campus recruitment management of X educational institution, this passage put forward 5 improvements: establish a recruitment management to guarantee competitiveness in campus recruitment; make a reasonable HR planning; complete a campus recruitment system to promote the ability for campus recruitment; enhance staff’s psychological contract. The X educational institution is a representative private education and training company in the second-tier cities. The solutions for teachers' campus recruitment issues can effectively reduce its cost of running and ensure the quality of teaching. In addition, the proposed evaluation system based on the X education institution has a strong reference value to the other private education institutions located in second-tier cities. Key Words:private education and training institution; recruitment evaluation; campus recruitment management. IV 目录 第一章 绪论 ........ 1 第一节 研究背景及意义 . 1 一 研究背景 .............................. 1 二 研究意义 .............................. 1 三 X教育机构简介 .................. 2 第二节 研究方法及内容 . 3 一 研究方法 .............................. 3 二 研究内容 .............................. 4 第二章 相关概念及文献综述 ........... 6 第一节 校园招聘概述 ..... 6 一 校园招聘的含义 .................. 6 二 校园招聘的特点 .................. 6 三 校园招聘管理体系 .............. 7 四 校园招聘的渠道 ................ 10 第二节 国内外研究现状 .............................. 11 一 国外研究现状 .................... 11 二 国内研究现状 .................... 12 三 已有研究的评价 ................ 15 第三节 相关理论 ........... 15 一 人岗匹配理论 .................... 15 二 人才测评理论 .................... 16 三 心理契约 ............................ 16 四 招聘有效性 ........................ 17 第三章 X教育机构校园招聘管理现状及评估 ............ 18 第一节 X教育机构人力资源部门概况 ...... 18 第二节 X教育机构校园招聘现状 .............. 19 一 X教育机构校园招聘规划 19 二 X教育机构校园招聘招募管理现状 ............... 21 三 X教育机构校园招聘甄选现状 ....................... 23 V 四 X教育机构校园招聘录用及入职管理现状 ... 23 五 X教育机构校园招聘评估管理现状 ............... 24 第三节 X教育机构校园招聘评估 .............. 25 一 招聘能力 ............................ 26 二 招聘效果 ............................ 28 三 招聘成本 ............................ 28 四 招聘质量 ............................ 29 五 新员工满意度 .................... 30 第四章 X教育机构校园招聘存在的问题及原因分析 33 第一节 X教育机构校园招聘存在的问题 .. 33 一 校园招聘制度和规划存在的问题 ................... 33 二 校园招聘招募和甄选存在的问题 ................... 35 三 校园招聘录用及入职管理存在的问题 ........... 36 四 校园招聘管理评估存在的问题 ....................... 37 五 校园招聘人力资源团队建设存在的问题 ....... 38 第二节 X教育机构校园招聘存在问题的原因分析 ................. 38 一 内部原因分析 .................... 38 二 外部原因分析 .................... 40 第五章 X教育机构校园招聘改进措施 ........................ 41 第一节 制定校园招聘管理制度 .................. 41 一 制定合理的校园招聘资金使用制度 ............... 41 二 优化校园招聘教师薪酬体系和拓展教师晋升空间 ...................... 42 第二节 制定科学的人力资源规划 .............. 42 一 科学

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