21 世纪是知识经济的时代,人力资源作为企业生产力的核心要素,在企业发展 中的重要程度逐年增加。近年来,校园招聘以其时效性高,人才性价比高、可塑性强 的特点,开始被越来越多的企业作为人力资源招聘的重要渠道。F 集团是一家具有 30 多年历史的房地产公司,年销售额超过 500 亿,目前正处于快速发展时期,为保证公 司在扩大规模的同时有充足的人才储备,能构建好完备的人才梯队,公司高度重视人 力资源招聘工作,特别是校园招聘工作。因此本文以 F 集团的校园招聘为研究对象, 结合同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司与不同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司企业校园招聘情况,根据 F 集团实际特点,对 F 集团校园招聘 管理优化路径进行探索,具体如下: 第一步,对 F 集团近几年来的校园招聘数据进行统计分析,并将 F 集团的校园招 聘与其他同类企业进行对比分析。第二步,用质性研究的方法,首先对当前有关校园 招聘的相关文献进行分析,通过对文献中提到的与本研究关联度较高的关键词进行统 计,得到高频词汇。其次是根据高频词汇,提出访谈问题,并进行访谈。接着对访谈 结果进行三级编码并作质性分析,得出影响校园招聘绩效的因素包括企业影响力、招 聘计划、测试体系、招聘人员素质、后续评估跟进情况、毕业生自身能力、高校人才 素质、高校就业管理水平、招聘周期、毕业生就业预期等;衡量校园招聘绩效的指标 包括岗位胜任能力、工作满意度、候选人入职情况、企业认同、员工离职倾向等。根 据上述结果制定初始问卷,经过预调研对问卷进行修改形成正式问卷并发放。通过分 析收集的数据对 F 集团校园招聘管理情况做描述性统计分析。第三步,对前两步的分 析结果进行总结归纳,提出 F 集团校园招聘目前存在校园招聘需求计划制定不合理、 提供的工作机会不符合毕业生的就业预期、甄选结果不准确、校园招聘过程中应聘者 流失、校园招聘渠道入职的员工入职后离职率高、企业影响力不够等问题,从前期准 备阶段、实施阶段、后续工作等方面对 F 集团校园招聘管理提出合理制定校园招聘需 求计划、明确校园招聘目标与衡量标准、精确选择目标院校、合理配置校园招聘人员、 合理安排校园招聘时间、加大宣传推广力度、改进校园招聘甄选工具、完善校园招聘 流程、重视入职管理、积极构建反馈评估机制、提升企业影响力、关注在校生人才库 建设、加强与高校的联系、加强与被淘汰求职者的关系维护工作等优化建议。第四步, 通过校园招聘优化满意度问卷对优化策略的实际效果进行调查,并做数据分析,根据 统计结果得出优化建议为有效的结论。 本文以 F 集团为研究对象,运用了查阅文献法、访谈法、对比分析法,基于质性 研究和问卷调查,结合企业内外部情况分析了问题产生的成因,对 F 集团的校园招聘 进行认真梳理,并提出具体的、针对性强的改进意见,对 F 集团的校园招聘管理进行 优化,提升该公司校园招聘的有效性,同时为其他企业的校园招聘提供一些可借鉴的摘要 2 思路。 关键词:校园招聘;招聘绩效;人力资源;管理优化基于招聘绩效的 F 集团校园招聘管理优化 I ABSTRACT The 21st century is the era of knowledge economy, human resources are the core elements of enterprise productivity and play an important role in the development of enterprises.Because of the campus recruitment has the characteristics of high estivity, cost-effective talent and strong plasticity,more and more enterprises take campus recruitment as an important channel of human resource recruitment in recent years.F Group is a real estate company with more than 30 years’ history.At present, F Group has annual sales of more than 50 billion.In order to ensure that the company have sufficient talent reserves to expand, F Group attaches great importance to human resources recruitment,especially campus recruitment.In this paper’s research object is F Group's campus recruitment,combined with the similar businesses and different industries of enterprise campus recruitment, according to the actual characteristics of group F, to explore the optimization path of F Group campus recruitment management. First,Based on qualitative research,Analyze current literature related to campus recruitment.Count the key words related to the research in these research literature and get high-frequency words.According to the high frequency vocabulary, summarize interview questions and conduct the interview.Based on the qualitative data,the study using the methods of Three-level coding theory,formed the Factors that Enterprise influence, recruitment plan, test system, recruitment quality, follow-up assessment and follow-up situation, graduates' own ability, university talent quality, university employment management level, recruitment cycle, graduate employment expectations affect campus recruitment performance.formed the Factors including job competence, job satisfaction, candidate entry, enterprise identification, employee departure tendency. that measure campus recruitment performance.Based on the above assumptions, formulate the initial questionnaire,revise the questionnaire to form a formal questionnaire and distribute the formal questionnaire,then describe and analyze group F campus recruitment management.Step three,summarize the results of the analysis of the first two steps.It is concluded that there are the following problems in F Group campus recruitment:The demand plan is unreasonable, the job opportunities provided do not meet the employment expectations of graduates, the selection results are inaccurate, the candidates are lost in the campus recruitment process, the employees who enter the campus recruitment channelsABSTRACT II have a high turnover rate after joining the post, and the influence of the enterprise is not enough.Then put forward optimization recommendations to F Group campus recruitment management like The plan of campus recruitment needs should be reasonable, campus recruitment objectives and measurement criteria should be clear, the selection of target institutions should be accurate, the allocation of campus recruitment personnel should be reasonable, the arrangement of campus recruitment time should be reasonable, publicity and promotion efforts should be strengthened, campus recruitment selection tools should be improved, improve the campus recruitment process, pay attention to on-the-job management, actively build feedback evaluation mechanism, enhance the impact of enterprises, pay attention to the construction of the talent pool, strengthen contact with colleges and universities, strengthen the relationship maintenance with eliminated job seekers from the preparatory stage, implementation stage, follow-up work and other aspects.Finally,Investigate and analyze the actual effect of the optimization scheme, and the optimization recommendations are tested to be effective. This paper uses the method of literature, interview, comparative analysis, combined with the internal and external situation of group F to analyze the causes of the problem, put forward specific, targeted improvement ideas, F group campus recruitment management optimization, improve the effectiveness of the company's campus recruitment, while providing some useful ideas for other enterprises campus recruitment management. KEYWORDS:Campus Recruitment;Recruitment Performance;Human Resources;Man agement Optimization基于招聘绩效的 F 集团校园招聘管理优化 1 目 录 第一章 绪论.1 第一节 研究的背景与意义...................... 1 一、选题背景............1 二、研究目的............1 三、研究意义............2 第二节 国内外研究现状.......................... 4 一、国外研究现状....4 二、国内研究现状....4 第三节 研究内容和方法.......................... 5 一、研究的思路与内容...........................5 二、研究方法............7 第二章 员工招聘相关理论基础..............................8 第一节 校园招聘相关理论...................... 8 一、校园招聘的流程8 二、招聘绩效评估....9 第二节 其他相关理论............................ 10 一、人力资源规划..10 二、洋葱模型..........11 三、人才测评理论..11 第三章 F 集团校园招聘管理情况概述.................13 第一节 F 集团基本情况......................... 13 一、F 集团概况.......13 二、F 集团组织架构..............................13 第二节 F 集团校园招聘现状................. 14 一、人员概况..........14 二、F 集团校园招聘管理现状..............16 第三节 同类企业校园招聘管理情况.... 18 一、万科集团..........18第一章 绪论 2 二、绿地控股集团..19 三、碧桂园集团......19 四、同类企业与 F 集团校园招聘情况对比........................19 第四章 基于招聘绩效的 F 集团校园招聘管理情况问卷调查..........21 第一节 校园招聘绩效影响因素质性分析........................... 21 一、校园招聘相