随着人们的收入提高,汽车已走进了千家万户,如今中国汽车后市场已达到 千亿规模。面对汽车后市场巨大的存量,围绕着汽车相关业务也逐渐诞生,其中 汽车售后服务已成为汽车产业后市场最大的利润点。然而,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司不规范、维修价 格高昂、维修过程不透明、配件质量良莠不齐、消费者体验感差等因素,催生出 汽车后市场服务乱象的局面。近几年,随着“互联网+”概念提出,汽车后市场开 始向多元化方向发展,“售后服务+互联网”应用模式也在汽车售后服务市场上逐 渐发生了翻天覆地的变化,整个市场也面临着洗牌的局势。在这种趋势下,使得 许多传统的汽车售后服务企业经营者面临着转型升级的考虑。 在此背景下,本文以 ZF 汽车公司作为研究对象,对汽车后市场欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中售后服 务问题展开深入的研究。本文共设计了六章内容:第一章为绪论,阐述了本课题 研究的背景、研究意义和国内外研究现状;第二章为理论基础,重点梳理本文的 相关概念、理论和分析工具;第三章为 ZF 汽车公司售后服务商业模式现状,重点 介绍 ZF 连锁企业售后服务当前现状及存在的问题;第四章为 ZF 汽车公司售后服 务 O2O 商业模式构建,重点介绍 O2O 商业模式的应用、针对 ZF 企业当前的问题 如何做好商业模式的架构设计;第五章为 ZF 汽车公司售后服务 O2O 商业模式实 施,从方案的设计到实施效果的评估,验证 O2O 售后服务商业模式的优势,并根 据实际运营效果,对售后服务 O2O 商业模式提出全过程运营管理的几点建议;第 六章为研究结论与展望。 本文研究主要得出以下结论:一是汽车售后服务与互联网的深入结合,不仅 能为汽车售后服务欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司赋能,而且也能为消费者提供多样性服务;二是通过售后 服务 O2O 商业模式应用,解决了传统维修企业售后服务中存在的痛点,使得线上 与线下业务和服务有机的融合,提升客户满意度。本文的研究不仅有助于 ZF 汽车 连锁企业对售后服务管理的提升,而且为欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内其它汽车售后服务管理提供经验 借鉴作用。 关键字:汽车后市场,售后服务,O2O,商业模式,维修企业湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II Abstract With people’s incomes are rising year by year, a lot of families had owned the private car. In the face of the huge stock of automotive aftermarket, there were lots of relevant automotive business had born gradually. Especially, automotive after-sale service has been the biggest profit in the automotive after-sale industry. However, the industrial field was not standard, high maintenance price, No transparent the maintenance process, spare part without quality assurance, poor consumer experience and other factors, it had been emerged chaotic phenomena in the automotive after-sale market. In the recent years, the under of Internet high technology influence and penetration, automotive after-sales service market has undergone earth-shaking changed slightly, all after-sale market is facing the situation of reshuffle. Under of such as trend, most of the enterprise owner will think about business transformation and upgrading in the future. Under this situation, as research and investigation in ZF automotive company, we need to research deeply for after-sale service problem in the automotive after-sale market. This thesis has designed six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction which expounds the background, significance and current situation of research; The second chapter is the theoretical basis, focusing on the relevant concepts, theories and analysis tools; The third is he situation of ZF automotive company after-sale service business model, focusing on the current situation and existing problems of the after-sales service of ZF chain enterprises; The fourth chapter is business model building of ZF automotive after-sale service, focusing on the application of O2O business model, and how to build business model and architecture design base on the current problems of ZF enterprises; The fifth chapter is the implementation of the ZF automotive company after-sale service O2O business model, from the design of the solutions to the evaluation of the implementation effect, to verify the feasibility trend of O2O after-sales service business model. The sixth chapter is the conclusion and prospect. This thesis mainly draws the following two conclusions: first, it summarizes the in-depth combination of automotive after-sales service and Internet application not only enabling motivation of the automotive after-sales service industry, but also it provides diversified services for consumers; second, it solves the existed pain points in the after-sales service of traditional maintenance enterprises through the O2O business application, and also make sure the organic integration of online businesses and offline services, to promote customer satisfaction. The research of this thesis not only helps ZF automotive chain enterprises to improve the after-sales service management, but also provides experience for other automotive after-sales service management in the field. Key words: Vehicle after-sales service, O2O, business model, promote strategy湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 III 目 录 摘要........................................................ I Abstract ....................................................... II 第 1 章 绪论 ................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 .............................................1 1.1.1 研究背景 ...........................................1 1.1.2 研究意义 ...........................................2 1.2 国内外研究现状 .............................................3 1.2.1 国外研究现状..........................................3 1.2.2 国内研究现状..........................................4 1.2.3 研究评述 .............................................7 1.3 研究内容和方法 .............................................7 1.3.1 研究内容 .............................................7 1.3.2 研究方法 .............................................8 1.4 技术路线 ...................................................8 第 2 章 理论基础............................................... 10 2.1 相关概念 ..................................................10 2.1.1 汽车售后服务 ........................................10 2.1.2 O2O 商业模式.........................................11 2.2 相关理论 ..................................................12 2.2.1 价值网理论 .........................................12 2.2.2 商业模式画布 .......................................13 2.3 分析工具 ..................................................14 2.3.1 SWOT 分析法..........................................14 2.3.2 PEST 分析法..........................................15 第 3 章 ZF 汽车公司售后服务商业模式现状......................... 17 3.1 ZF 汽车公司简介............................................17 3.1.1 公司概况 ............................................17 3.1.2 公司运营业务 ........................................17 3.1.3 公司售后服务 ........................................18 3.2 ZF 汽车公司传统售后服务商业模式实施现状....................18湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 IV 3.3 ZF 汽车公司售后服务商业模式分析............................20 3.3.1 PEST 分析............................................20 3.2.2 SWOT 分析............................................22 3.4 ZF 汽车售后服务商业模式存在的问题..........................23 第 4 章 ZF 汽车公司售后服务 O2O 商业模式构建...................... 25 4.1 O2O 商业模式竞争力分析与选择...............................25 4.2 O2O 模式架构设计...........................................28 4.2.1 售后服务业务价值分析 ................................28 4.2.2 需求分解 ............................................29 4.2.3 架构设计 ............................................31 4.3 主营业务调整 ..............................................34 第 5 章 ZF 汽车公司售后服务 O2O 商业模式实施..................... 36 5.1 O2O 模式实施方案...........................................36 5.2 O2O 模式实施效果...........................................37 5.3 运营管理提升建议 ..........................................37 第 6 章 结论与展望............................................. 40 6.1 结论 ......................................................40 6.2 不足及展望 ................................................40