为了解决目前我国小微企业融资难利率高的现状,在2018年第一季度,政府要求 银监会发布了《中国银监会办公厅关于2018年推动银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司小微企业金
融服务高质量发 展的通知》(以下简称《通知》通知里明确提出要将小微企业的融资服务环境加以改善。 把商业银行嫌贫爱富的心里扭转过来,让小微企业自身转起来,带动我国
市场经济的繁 荣发展。本次通知重点照顾和说明的就是对总授信金额(单个企业)在人民币1000万 元以下的小微企业的帮扶政策,银监会对各个银行也下达了明确的任务指标,
指标概括 来说就是“两增两控”的新指标或者新目标。 在新的小微企业融资指标中,两增两控的概念如下:两增就是每一个授信金额在 1000万元以下的小微企业获得商业银行贷
款的增长幅度不能低于去年同期的增长幅度, 并且对小微企业客户数也做了要求,不能低于去年同期的客户数;“两控”的概念就是要 把小微企业综合成本降低,同时寻求别的
抵押物或者担保方式,把优质的资产留给小微 企业。使得小微企业贷款质量更高,价格更低。 小微企业已经日渐成为社会发展的重要力量,在促进就业和社会稳定方面发挥着重
要的作用,成为财政收入的重要组成部分。而小微企业融资问题一直都是其发展的瓶颈 所在,都是其关注的重点。小微企业最大的特点就是资产少,整体经营规模小,市场潜 力
较大,要知道任何一个大型企业或者上市公司,都是由小企业开始一步一步做起来的。 小微企业一般都是处于创业期的企业,企业年轻精英团队年轻,业务蓬勃有朝气,自然 对
我国经济市场的活跃度有很大的促进作用,能够推动我国市场经济向着高科技高效率 的方向发展。在小微企业发展中的融资难题并不仅仅是小微企业一方的原因,更多地还 是商
业银行对于小微企业的风险把控太过严苛,或是不批授信,或是批个300万元--500 万元的小额授信,对于小微企业而言根本是杯水车薪。小微企业的融资难题也成为了我 国各个
经济学领域的专家分析研究的一个重要课题,只有解决了小微企业的融资难题, 才能找到小微企业发展更好的道路。 III 关键词:两增两控,中小企业,融资难题,风险,商业
银行 V ABSTRACT In March 19, 2018, the CBRC issued the notice of the general office of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on promoting the development
of financial services of small and micro enterprises in the banking sector in 2018 (hereinafter referred to as the notice). In order to alleviate the
inadequate supply and uneven structure of financial services in small and micro enterprises, the banking industry's small and micro enterprises'
financial services were promoted from high speed growth to high quality development, focusing on single households. The small and micro enterprise loans
granted below 10 million yuan (inclusive) have raised the new target of "two increase two control". The contents of the notice show that "two
increase", that is, the total amount of loans under a single household credit is less than 10 million yuan (inclusive). The growth of loans for small
and micro enterprises is not less than the growth rate of loans year-on-year, and the number of loans is no less than that of the same period of last year.
"Two control" means that the quality of loans and assets of small and micro enterprises should be reasonably controlled and the comprehensive cost
of loans will be maintained. Highlighting the supervision and guidance of small and micro enterprises in terms of loan quality and quality and sustainable
growth. Earlier, in early 2015, the CBRC raised the growth rate of loans for small and micro enterprises, the number of households and the rate of
acquisition of loans to be "three or less". Since then, it has urged the banking industry to achieve the goal of three consecutive years, which has
played a positive role in alleviating the financing difficulties of small and micro enterprises. This time, the new goal of "two increases and two
controls" is to further guide the banking industry to focus on weak links and sink the service focus. Data show that as of the end of 2017, the national
small and micro enterprises loans balance of 30 trillion and 740 billion yuan, an increase of 15.14% over the same period, higher than the average growth
rate of loans 2.67 percentage points; small and micro enterprises loans balance 15 million 209 thousand and 200 households, an increase of 1 million 598
thousand and 200 households over the same period last year. VI Small and micro enterprises have increasingly become an important force in social development,
playing an important role in promoting employment and social stability, and becoming an important part of fiscal revenue. The financing problem of small and
micro enterprises has always been the bottleneck of their development, which is the focus of their attention. Small and micro enterprises refer to small
businesses that are in the start-up stage. With the activation of market economy, small and micro enterprises have attracted the attention and attention of
people. It brings great vitality to the market and promotes the development of the national economy to a greater extent. The obstacle to further development
of small and micro enterprises is the difficulty of financing. The traditional financing channels are unwilling to credit, or the credit lines are low, which
makes them more embarrassed. Therefore, it is very important to analyze and study the financing difficulties of small and micro enterprises and find
corresponding solutions. This is also an important path for the development of small and micro enterprises. KEY WORDS: two increase two control,small and
micro enterprise,loan,risk,commercial bank VII 目 录 摘
ABSTRACT...............................................................................................................................V 1 绪
论.......................................................................................................................................1 1.1 选题背
景...........................................................................................................................1 1.1.1“两增两控”政策分
析..................................................................................................1 1.1.2 小微企业融资难的现
状............................................................................................2 1.2 选题意
义...........................................................................................................................3 1.2.1 增加了金融机构的活跃
度........................................................................................4 1.2.2 促进社会金融体系发
展............................................................................................4 1.3 文献综
述...........................................................................................................................5 1.4 研究思
路...........................................................................................................................7 1.5 创新之
处...........................................................................................................................7 2 概念界定和理论基
础.............................................................................................................9 2.1“两增两控”政策的概
念.....................................................................................................9 2.2 小微企业的概
念...............................................................................................................9 2.3 商业银行小微企业信贷中的信息不对称理论
.............................................................10 3 小微企业融资现状及存在的问
题.......................................................................................13 3.1 小微企业经营现状及问
题.............................................................................................13 3.2 商业银行考核对小微企业融资的影响及存在问
题.....................................................14 3.3小微企业在我国经济发展中的地位及存在问