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在这样的发展背景下,本文以 A 国有银行辽宁 LG 分行为研究对象,拟对其中
了信贷融资的理论基础和中小微企业发展相关理论基础,然后分析了 A 国有银行
辽宁 LG 分行对中小微企业融资方面的现状及存在的问题,最后本文借鉴了国外银
施:一是要加强对中小微企业贷款的重视程度;二是优化 LG 分行信贷审批制度与
加强自身经营能力的提升;五是 LG 分行要创新信贷融资方式,完善信贷抵押与担
In the twentyfirst century, China is reforming the financial markets and financial
management system and achieved a good result. In the past, large enterprises is rely on
bank loans, they start innovative financing and expand multichannel financing with the
increasing of ability and size.With the development of Chinese economy, the reform of
the banking financial institutions makes small microenterprise development has become
a new growth point of economic development. Banks are competing to the new market
in the increasingly competitive banking industry environment. The state has increased
support for small and medium micro enterprises.
At the present stage, SMEs play an important role for improving people&39;s
livelihood, economic development, employment environment , industrial structure
adjustment and technological innovation. SMEs financing remains a difficult problem
for China&39;s development at present.Because SMEs can only rely on banks to obtain
financial support, because its size is relatively low and management is not standardized.
At the same time the contradiction between the banks and enterprises, for example
growing stage,business risk,information opaque of SMEs and the risks and benefits is
the key to banks ,making the SMEs on the verge of bank credit. The current financial
market is more incentives, loan interest rate is gradually marketed, and there are a large
number of other types of financial institutions participate into market competition,
banks urgently need to restructuring and development through the development of SME
credit business, it is also an effective measures to enhance their competitiveness.
In this development context, this paper points Liaoning LG behavior A study of
stateowned banks, intends to commence an indepth study of its small and medium
business development and credit issues. This paper systematically introduces and
describes the theoretical basis for the development of SMEs and credit financing basis
of relevant theories, and analyzes the current situation of business development A
stateowned bank branch in Liaoning LG, problems and reasons, the final article draws
foreign banks in the development of SMEs the successful experience of the credit
business and made a series of improvement programs and measures: one is to strengthen
the degree of attention to the small and mediumsized enterprise loan; two is to optimizethe LG branch credit approval system and authority; three is the establishment of
effective incentive mechanism and accountability system; four are small and micro
enterprises need continue to strengthen its management ability; five is the LG branch to
innovative way of credit financing, mortgage and improve the credit guarantee system;
the six is to establish a mechanism to write off bad loans.
KEYWORDS::SMEs; Credit Business; Financial Products; Financial Innovation目 录
第 1 章 绪 论 ......1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 研究现状 ....2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 ........2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 ........5
1.3 研究内容与方法 ...........6
1.3.1 研究内容 6
1.3.2 研究方法 6
第 2 章 相关理论概述 ..7
2.1 融资的理论基础 ...........7
2.1.1 信贷配给理论 ........7
2.1.2 关系型贷款 ..........8
2.2 国内外对中小微企业的界定 .8
2.3 中小微企业的发展现状 ....10
2.4 中小微企业的融资现状 ....14
第 3 章 LG 分行对中小微企业贷款的现状及存在问题 ..........16
3.1 A 国有银行辽宁分行简介 ...16
3.2 LG 分行对中小微企业贷款的现状分析 ...17
3.2.1 LG 分行中小微企业融资概述 ......17
3.2.2 LG 分行所面对的中小微企业融资特点 ..........20
3.2.3 LG 分行所面对的中小微企业融资风险特征 ......21
3.2.4 LG 分行中小微企业业务创新 ......22
3.3 LG 分行在中小微企业融资方面存在的问题 ...........243.3.1 未对中小微企业引起足够重视.....25
3.3.2 信贷业务审批流程仍待优化 .......25
3.3.3 信贷审批权限集中化现象严重 .....26
3.3.4 缺乏长效的客户发展机制 .........26
3.3.5 缺乏不良贷款核销机制 ...........26
3.3.6 未能建立有效的创新机制 .........26
3.3.7 缺乏有效的激励约束机制 .........27
第 4 章 LG 分行发展中小微企业信贷业务的优劣势分析 ........28
4.1 LG 分行发展中小微企业信贷业务的优势分析 ..........28
4.2 LG 分行对中小微企业贷款的劣势分析 ...29
4.2.1 LG 分行壁垒较高 ....29
4.2.2 LG 分行缺乏多样化和差异化的金融服务 ........31
4.2.3 LG 分行政策性资金使用效率低下 ..31
4.2.4 LG 分行尚未建立完善的融资担保体系 ..........31
第 5 章 境外银行关于中小微企业融资的经验借鉴 .33
5.1 台湾地区银行经验借鉴 ....33
5.2 英国渣打银行借鉴 ...
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