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I 摘要 随着社会治安形势日趋严峻复杂,治安防控任务加重,我国警力不足的矛盾日 益突出。虽然近年来各级公安机关进行了科学警力的配置改革, 但公安机关的警力 与所承担的工作总量相比,警力缺口仍在不断攀升,辅警成为了警力不足的重要补 充。2015年中办、国办印发全面深化公安改革“1+3”文件,将规范辅警管理 作为 全面深化公安改革的主要任务之一,辅警队伍正规化建设的基础是队伍的稳定性, 然而近年来辅警队伍人员流失的问题日渐凸显,经济欠发达地区的辅警流失率甚 至达到了 50%以上,由于公安工作和辅警职能的特殊性,辅警的大规模离职的现 象及其造成的影响越来越被公安机关和相关学者重视。 在阅读大量相关文献后可以发现,在以往的离职倾向 研究中,鲜有关注辅警的 离职倾向研究,为了找出辅警离职倾向的影响因素,本文主要从以下几个方面进行 研究: 1. 本文以X公安分局辅警为研究对象,对辅警的薪酬满意度、 职业成长、工 作—家庭冲突、组织承诺及离职倾向情况进行评价。在文献研究和对X分局辅警 及辅警管理人员进行访谈研究的基础上通过问卷调查探求辅警的薪酬满意度、职 业 成长、工作—家庭冲突、组织承诺和离职倾向之间的关系。 2. 参考以往比较成熟的、经典的量表,修改形成辅警离职调查问卷,运用 SPSS25.0 等数据统计软件对样本数据进行 处理和分析,得出如下主要结论:第一, 影响辅警离职的主要因素包括薪酬满意度、职业成长、工作—家庭冲突和组织承诺 四个方面。根据统计结果分析,其中辅警薪酬满意度 、职业成长、组织承诺总体偏 低,工作—家庭冲突、离职倾向总体偏高。第二,辅警薪酬满意度、职业成长越高, 组织承诺也越高。组织承诺是薪酬满意度、职业成长和离职倾 向的中介变量。第三, 辅警薪酬满意度、职业成长、工作—家庭冲突、组织承诺对离职倾向有显著预测能 力。薪酬满意度、职业成长、组织承诺与离职倾向存在显著负相关关系 ,工作家庭 与离职倾向有显著正相关关系。 3. 本文根据研究结果,结合实际情况,对提高辅警队伍的薪酬满意度,完善 人才培养和发展机制,减少工作—家庭冲突,提高辅警 的组织承诺,减少辅警离职 率提出了针对性的建议。 关键词:辅警,薪酬满意度,职业成长,工作—家庭冲突,组织承诺,离职倾向 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT With the increasingly severe and complex social security situation, the contradiction of insufficient police force is particularly prominent in the whole province and even the whole country. Compared with the actual population management and the work task undertaken, the police force gap of the public security organs has been relatively large, and auxiliary police force has become an important supplement to the insufficient police force. In 2015, the office of the CPC central committee and the office of the state council issued the "1 + 3" document on comprehensively deepening the public security reform, which took regulating auxiliary police management as one of the main tasks of comprehensively deepening the public security reform. The normalization of auxiliary police force construction is based on the stability of the police force. However, in recent years, the problem of the high turnover rate of auxiliary police has become increasingly prominent. The turnover rate of auxiliary police in the economically underdeveloped areas even up to 50%,due to the particularity of public security work and the functions of auxiliary police, the phenomenon of large-scale dimission of auxiliary police and its influence have been paid more and more attention by public security organs and relevant scholars. After reading a large number of relevant literature,it can be found in the turnover intention of former research, there is little research focus on turnover intention of auxiliary police, in order to find out the influence factors of turnover intention of the auxiliary police, this paper mainly research from the following aspects: 1.auxiliary police is the object of this study.the purpose of this study is to evaluate the salary satisfaction, career growth, work-family conflict, organizational commitment and turnover intention of the auxiliary police.On the basis of literature research and interviews with auxiliary police and auxiliary police managers in X sub-bureau, we made a questionnaire survey to explore the relationship among salary satisfaction, career growth, work-family conflict, organizational commitment and turnover intention of auxiliary police. 2.Referring to the classic scale in the past, the auxiliary police turnover questionnaire was modified and formed. Data statistical software such as SPSS25.0 was used to process and analyze the sample data, the following main conclusions: ABSTRACT III First, the main factors affecting the turnover of auxiliary police include salary satisfaction, career growth, work-family conflict and organizational commitment. According to the analysis of the statistical results, the salary satisfaction, career growth and organizational commitment of auxiliary police are generally low, and the work-family conflict and dimission intention are generally high.Secondly, the higher the salary satisfaction and career growth, the higher the organizational commitment. Organizational commitment is the mediating variable of salary satisfaction, career growth.Thirdly, auxiliary police salary satisfaction, career growth, work -family conflict and organizational commitment have significant predictive effect to turnover intention. There was a significant negative correlation between salary satisfaction, career growth, organizational commitment and turnover intention, and a significant positive correlation between work-family conflict and turnover intention. 3.Based on the results of data analysis, this study put forward targeted Suggestions for improving the salary satisfaction of auxiliary police force, improving the mechanism of career development, reducing work-family conflicts, improving the organizational commitment of auxiliary police, and thus reducing the dimission rate of auxiliary police. Keywords: auxiliary police, salary satisfaction, career growth, work-family conflict, organizational commitment, turnover intention 目录 IV 目录 第一章 绪论 .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 ....................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................................................................ 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................................................................ 3 1.2 研究思路与研究内容 ....................................................................................... 4 1.2.1 研究思路 ................................................................................................ 4 1.2.2 研究内容 ................................................................................................ 6 第二章 相关理论及研究综述 ........................................................................................ 7 2.1 我国辅警制度研究综述 ................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 辅警的概念与作用 ................................................................................ 7 2.1.2 辅警制度及存在的问题 ........................................................................ 8 2.2 离职与离职倾向研究综述 ............................................................................... 9 2.2.1 离职研究 ................................................................................................ 9 2.2.2 离职倾向研究 ....................................................................................... 11 2.3 相关研究变量概述 ......................................................................................... 13 2.3.1 薪酬满意度研究 .................................................................................. 13 2.3.2 职业成长研究 ...................................................................................... 14 2.3.3 工作—家庭冲突研究 .......................................................................... 16 2.3.4 组织承诺研究 ...........................

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