中国传统文化博大精深,在传统文化中有一支奇葩,那就是中国传统养生, 它是几千年来经验、实践和理论的总结。国家体育总局在整理研究了传统养生 理论和功法的基础上,结合功法的流派和动作的适应性创编而成了完整系统的 理论与实践相结合的四种健身运动“健身气功八段锦”、“健身气功五禽 戏”、 “健身气功易筋经”和“健身气功六字诀”。健身气功运动对促 进人体健康有非常好的效果,动作安全性高,通过调身、调息和调心来不断提 高人体各器官的机能从而提高健康水平。健身气功的运动有非常丰富的科学的 理论作为支撑,通过实践证明,健身功法是安全的,健身是有效的,其动作舒 展大方,简单易行适合各个年龄段的人练习。健身气功运动对提高人体身体素 质、加强脏腑功能、调节和改善人的心理状态等方面都有积极的意义。大量对 大学生练习健身气功的文献研究显示,健身气功功法无论是对大学生的身体健 康和心理健康都有积极的作用而且对提高大学生了解民族文化,学习民族文化 和发扬民族文化都有积极作用。健身气功运动项目在高校体育中开设符合“健 康第一,终身体育”的指导思想,开设这样安全性高,健身性强,而且民族特 色鲜明的特色项目对高校体育教育改革起到积极作用。 全国高校中已经有一部分高校将健身气功运动纳入了体育课程。为了使健 身气功运动在高校中深入发展,帮助大学生掌握健身气功技术、技能和形成终 身体育意识,从而促进长春市体育事业的全面发展,为社会培养体育骨干,笔 者进行了此次研究。长春市地区18所高校的领导、教师和学生为研究对象,运 用问卷调查法、文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,通过对健 身气功开展情况进行了调查。进行了深入分析与研究,结果表明,学生对健身 气功感兴趣程度达到91.5%,长春市高校的大学生对健身气功运动非常感兴趣, 说明该运动具有一定的社会基础。学生通过参与健身气功练习的目的是比较明 确的大部分都是想通过健身气功练习达到强身健体、提高身体素质的作用。学 生对在高校开设健身气功课程表示支持达到77.1%,教师对高校开设健身气功 课程表示支持的到达87.4%,领导对高校健身气功课程表示支持达到68.7%,这 么高的开设支持率对高校长春市开设健身气功课程提供了可行性。所有的研究 数据对长春市高校开设健身气功课程提供数据理论支撑,对长春市健身气功在 高校的开设有指导性建议,进而促进健身运动传播和推广。 关键词,长春市;高校体育;健身气功;可行性II Abstract The traditional Chinese culture of keeping health was born in the long Oriental culture, which penetrated the essence of traditional culture of China. The health qigong management center of the state general administration of sports has established four main qigong method, Ba Duan Jin, Five-beast fight , Change your bone , Six words tactic, which based on mining and tidying the traditional, excellent qigong method. The activity of Health Qigong mainly includes physical movement, breath regulation, psychological adjustment, which is simple, mild, smooth, and coherent, which is Dynamic and static combination, and easy to grasp. The experiment proves that the health qigong has positive effects on college students' physical fitness, psychological state and social adaptation ability, and also correspond the guiding ideology of first health, lifelong sports. The health Qigong was warmly welcomed by the students, which has played a positive role in arousing the sense of the students' life-long physical exercise. The features of health qigong exercise are: The theory of qigong is scientific. The movement is safe, slow, simple but its connotation is more rich. There is positive significance in improving human Physical quality, strengthening the viscera function, boosting the ability of anti-aging, and also adjusting human psychological states. Some of universities have put health qigong exercise into the physical curriculum. In order to help Health Qigong have further development in colleges and universities, to train students master health qigong skills and form lifetime sports consciousness, which promote the all-round development of Changchun sports, and cultivate sports backbones, the author conducted the research. Taking the leaders, teachers and students in the 18 universities of Changchun as the research object, and using the methods of the questionnaire survey, the literature material method, mathematical statistics and logic analysis etc, this essay investigates and studies the Health Qigong development status in Changchun university, such as the facilities, the faculty, the interest and enthusiasm of the students, and also the attitude of faculty and students towards health qigong course. Through the analysis of the survey data and research, the results show that 91.5% of Changchun college students is very interested in health qigong exercise, which has steady mass and social basis. With the purpose of physical fitness, mastering the skills, exercise their wills, improving bodyIII quality, etc. the student participate in the health qigong exercise.77.1% of the students, 87.4% of the teachers and 68.7% of the leaders in colleges and universities support to set up the health qigong courses, which provides the feasibility for it. This topic research, provides the reference of setting up health qigong course in Changchun colleges, which has very positive significance not only in the development, and transmission of the health qigong exercise, but also in speeding up the spread of the health qigong theory in universities. Key words: Changchun; College sports; health qigong; Health qigong;IV 目 录 中文摘要............................................................ I 英文摘要........................................................... II 1 前 言............................................................ 1 1.1 选题依据及研究目的和意义....................................... 1 1.1.1 选题依据 ................................................. 1 1.1.2 选题目的与意义 ........................................... 2 推行健身气功是继承发扬民族文化遗产的需要............... 2 推行健身气功有助于大学生终身体育意识的养成............. 2 1.2 文献综述....................................................... 2 1.2.1 健身气功的分类 ........................................... 2 1.2.2 高校开展健身气功运动分析 ................................. 3 健身气功运动符合当代高校体育发展的要求.............. 3 开设健身气功课可以缓解高校体育场地器材的不足........ 3 高校教育可以促进健身气功的发展...................... 4 1.3 健身气功课程概念的界定......................................... 4 1.3.1 气功 ..................................................... 4 1.3.2 健身气功 ................................................. 5 1.3.3 课程与健身气功课程的概念 ................................. 5 2.研究的对象与方法.................................................. 7 2.1 研究对象....................................................... 7 2.2 研究方法....................................................... 8 2.2.1 文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法 ............................................... 8 2.2.2 问卷调查法 ............................................... 8 问卷的设计与实施.................................... 8 问卷的效度.......................................... 8 问卷的发放与回收.................................... 9 问卷的信度检验...................................... 9 2.2.3 逻辑分析法 ............................................... 9V 2.2.4 数据统计法 ............................................... 9 3.结果与分析....................................................... 11 3.1 长春市高校开设健身气功课程的现状分析及对健身气功的认同情况.... 11 3.1.1 长春市高校开设健身气功课程的现状调查 .................... 11 3.1.2 师生对健身气功课程的兴趣与认知情况分析 .................. 11 3.2 长春市高校体育开设健身气功课程的理论基础...................... 13 3.2.1 健康第一的指导思想为开设健身气功课程提供思想保障 ........ 13 3.2.2 终身体育观为开设健身气功课程提供理论依据 ................ 14 3.2.3 相关法律法规为健身气功课程的开设提供政策依据 ............ 16 3.2.4 健身气功对人的身体健康有非常重要的作用 .................. 17 健身气功对心脑血管的作用........................... 17 健身气功对呼吸系统的作用........................... 17 健身气功对人体免疫功能的作用....................... 17 健身气功对心理调节的作用............