武术有着悠久的历史,是我国宝贵的非物质文化财富,其内容丰富,功能多样,有 着深厚的文化底蕴。武术作为我国优秀的民族传统体育项目,有着强大的生命力,时至 今日还在以不同的形式服务于广大人民群众,促进着社会的发展。武术在长期的发展过 程中,形成了众多的拳种和流派。这些武术往往在相对稳定的地域聚集并流传,使得我 国的武术具有地域性的特点,我们将这些拳种称之为地域性传统武术。大学生作为我国 文化程度相对较高的群体,其自身发展关乎着国家和社会的未来。因此,把传统武术引 入普通高校体育课程,将有效地促进大学生身心健康、培养大学生优秀道德品质、树立 当代中国大学生的民族自尊心和自豪感,从而传承和弘扬了民族传统文化。传统武术在 我国有着深厚的群众基础,大学生深受民族文化的熏陶,本身对武术有着深厚的感情, 在建立一定认识的基础上,将传统武术作为一种终身体育锻炼的手段,对优化身体素质 同样有着不可替代的作用。 由于外来体育运动和文化的介入,我国传统武术受到了巨大的冲击,也使得我国武 术在各级学校的发展参差不齐,在现实的发展过程中也出现了这样和那样的问题。本研 究提出,将传统武术引入普通高校体育课程,以期利用地域性传统武术在开展方面的优 点丰富普通高校体育课武术教学内容。 本研究采用文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑推理法等对武术在河北省 普通高校体育课程中开展的现状进行调查分析。在把握河北省普通高校武术和河北省地 域性传统武术现状基础上,论证普通高校体育课开展地域性传统武术的可行性,研究得 出如下结论, 1 当前河北省高校体育课的武术教学内容主要是,24 式太极拳、初级长拳和初级剑 等初级套路。 2 河北省有丰富传统武术资源,良好的群众基础和文化氛围。 3 大学生对传统武术有较高的学习兴趣。 4 河北省普通高校缺乏传统武术教师和传统武术教材。 5 聘请武术名师和对现有武术教师进行培训是解决师资匮乏的有效途径。 6 河北省普通高校开设地域性传统武术具有一定的可行性。 关键词,传统武术 区域性传统武术 高校体育 可行性Abstract In China, Wushu has a long history. It is national nonmaterial cultural heritage. Wushu has the rich content, various functions and great cultural diversity. In the long river of history, Chinese people create and develop Wushu, and use it to serve for people. Wushu, as Chinese traditional Wushu, has strong vitality. Even today, it still serves for people and our society. During the development of Wushu, it has formed many different subdivisions and Chinese boxings. This kind of Wushu always gathers and spreads in a certain area, which makes Chinese Wushu have the regional feature. We call these Chinese boxings regional and traditional Wushu. College students are well-educated in China. Their future is closely related to our country’s future. So, teaching them traditional Wushu will promote their physical and mental health, cultivate good values and build a sense of national pride and dignity. Thus, the college students can inherit and develop Chinese traditional culture. In china, traditional Wushu have solid foundation. The college students are deeply cultivated by traditional culture; they have great affection for Wushu, and they know something about it. Traditional Wushu, as a means of lifetime physical training, plays an irreplaceable role in bettering students’ quality. The importing of foreign physical sports and culture has a great effect on our traditional Wushu, which makes the development of Wushu spotted in different schools. There are various problems in the process of its development. This paper tries to introduce traditional Wushu as an optional PE teaching course at colleges. Using the spread of regional and traditional Wushu enriches the content of PE teaching course at colleges. This paper uses literature material, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and logical reasoning to study the present situation of the spread of Wushu at PE teaching course at colleges in Hebei province. Having the knowledge of optional PE course at colleges in Hebei province and the reality and theory of regional Wushu, the paper tries to analyze the feasibility of using regional Wushu as optional PE course at colleges. The following are the results: 1. Wushu courses that open at colleges and universities in Hebei province are some basic routines of Wushu, such as simplified Taiji, Youth Long Fist, Primary Long Fist and Taijisword. 2. Wushu has a very rich content and a good foundation and cultural environment.3. College students show great interest in Wushu. 4. The lacking of teachers has an effect on the development of tradtional Wushu at colleges. 5. Employing Wushu famous teachers and training Wushu teachers at colleges are a means of solving the lacking of teachers . 6. It has the feasibility of using regional Wushu as optional PE course at colleges. Key words: PE at colleges and universities, Physical Education elective course,traditional Wushu, regional traditional Wushu, feasibility目 录 摘要....................................................................I Abstract.................................................................II 1 前 言..................................................................1 1.1 研究意义 ...........................................................1 1.2 文献综述 ...........................................................1 1.2.1 新中国成立后的武术发展现状 .....................................2 1.2.2 传统武术的发展现状 .............................................2 1.2.3 高校武术的研究现状 .............................................3 1.2.4 传统武术的研究现状 .............................................4 1.2.5 地域性传统武术进入高校的研究现状 ...............................6 1.3 河北省普通高校开展地域性传统武术的必要性 ............................6 1.3.1 符合学生对传统文化的需求 .......................................6 1.3.2 高校武术课程体系自我完善的需求 .................................6 1.3.3 高校担任这传承民族优秀文化的职责需要 ...........................7 1.3.4 传统武术自身发展的需要 .........................................8 1.3.5 社会对传统武术的需要 ...........................................8 2 研究对象与方法.........................................................9 2.1 研究对象 ...........................................................9 2.2 研究方法 ...........................................................9 2.2.1 文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法 .....................................................9 2.2.2 调查法 .........................................................9 2.2.3 逻辑分析法 ....................................................10 2.2.4 数据统计法 ....................................................10 3 调查结果与分析........................................................11 3.1 教师问卷调查结果分析 ..............................................11 3.1.1 对河北省高校武术教学内容的调查分析 ............................11 3.1.2 对河北省高校传统武术教材和胜任传统武术教学教师的调查分析 ......11 3.1.3 传统武术教学对提高学生习武兴趣的调查分析 ......................123.1.4 传统武术教学对增进人际关系的调查分析 ..........................12 3.1.5 传统武术教学对大学生终身体育意识的调查分析 ....................13 3.1.6 开设传统武术课是否符合高校体育课程改革的调查分析 ..............13 3.1.7 对高校开设传统武术教学的意向调查分析 ..........................14 3.2 学生问卷的调查结果分析 ............................................14 3.2.1 对既能在户内外开展,具有技击性、健身性、娱乐性,并带有民族传统文化 的运动项目学生喜欢程度调查分析 .......................................14 3.2.2 对大学生喜欢当前武术课程度的调查分析 ..........................15 3.2.3 对大学生了解传统武术的调查分析 ................................15 3.2.4 对大学生了解传统武术途径的调查分析 ............................15 3.2.5 对传统武术喜欢程度的调查分析 ..................................16 3.2.6 对体育课程中加入传统武术教学意愿的调查分析 ....................16 3.2.7 练习传统武术对提高对民族传统体育文化的调查分析 ................17 3.2.8 练习传统武术对于培养大学生的人际交往能力调查分析 ..............17 3.2.9 传统武术对于丰富大学生的课外生活调查分析 ......................17 3.2.10 高校开设传统武术课的必要性的调查分析 .........................18 3.3 影响当前高校开展地域性传统武术因素的分析与对策 ....................18 3.3.1 影响高校开设传统武术的因素分析 ......................