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民航吉林安监局绩效考核方案设计 近年来,无论从国家层面,还是各地方政府,都将政府机关公务员考核作为一项 重要的工作来进行,考核方法和方案更是作为一项重要的课题进行研究,国家也相继 出台了一系列相关文件和规定,无论是考核制度还是考核方法都逐步走向规范化。各 地行政事业单位也在加紧建立符合单位自身工作特点的绩效考核方案。 民航吉林安监局全称中国民用航空吉林安全监督管理局,成立于 2003 年 11 月 28 日,是中国民用航空东北地区管理局在吉林省的派出机构,隶属中国民航局。自 2003 年成立以来,绩效管理工作一直在不断完善,绩效考核制度也逐步建立健全,绩效考 核方法也在不断探索和制定。但是,随着民航这个特殊欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司近几年的快速发展,作为 政府监管单位,在与实际工作结合的过程中,绩效考核工作暴露出许多亟待解决的问 题,特别是在具体方案的管理和实施上,存在诸多问题与漏洞,并且没有形成一套系 统的绩效考核方案。 本文首先通过阐述研究课题的背景及意义,查阅及分析国内外行政事业单位在绩 效考核方案设计方面的相关理论,以及通过文献整理、比较分析、调查总结等相关研 究方法分析民航吉林安监局绩效考核管理的现状及存在的问题,总结出民航吉林安监 局绩效考核方案设计的指导思想及原则。总体的指导思想就是将民航吉林安监局整体 工作目标、部门工作目标与个人工作目标相联系,依据公正、公开、公平的原则,在 考核对象上侧重工作质量考核、亮点工作考核、部门之间工作落实及配合考核等方面, 设计出适合该局的绩效考核方案。方案设计主要分为两大类,分别是部门绩效考核方 案设计和个人绩效考核方案设计,个人绩效考核参照部门绩效考核,部门绩效考核影 响个人绩效考核。最后,结合本单位实际情况,针对该考核方案分析其实际运行过程 中的保障措施等,其中包括思想保障,组织保障,技术保障,经费保障等等。 通过设计民航吉林安监局绩效考核方案,可以对民航吉林安监局所有不同岗位、 不同级别的职工的全部工作做出系统和全面的评价及鉴定,更加科学有效地对职工能 力发挥程度进行评定,让每名职工通过绩效考核结果,看到自己工作中取得的成绩, 进而达到激励职工工作积极主动性的作用;同时,职工通过绩效考核结果反映出来的 问题,也可以查找到自己工作中的不足之处,查找到自己工作与单位要求的差距,进II 而使自己能够最大程度的进步。 同时,对民航吉林安监局的主体工作--辖区内欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司政府安全监管工作也有着现实意 义,能够推动民航吉林安监局提高监管水平,提高监管效率,提高监管力度。 关键词: 绩效考核,激励机制,民航系统,事业单位III Abstract The Performance Evaluation Scheme Design for Jilin Safety Oversight Administration of CAAC In recent years, both from the national level, or the local government, will the government civil servants assessment as an important work to, assessment method and scheme is studied as an important issue, countries have also introduced a series of related documents and regulations, regardless of the assessment system and assessment methods are gradually moving towards standardization. Administrative institutions in all parts of the work is also stepping up to establish their own work characteristics of the performance appraisal program. Jilin safety oversight administration of CAAC, the full name of civil aviation of China Jilin safety supervision and Management Bureau, established on November 28, 2003, is the northeast of Civil Aviation Administration of China in Jilin province dispatched institutions, under the CAAC. Since its establishment in 2003, performance management has been continuously improved, the performance appraisal system has been gradually established and perfect, and the performance appraisal methods have been continuously explored and formulated. But with rapid development of the civil aviation industry in recent years, as the industry government, in combined with the actual work process, performance appraisal work exposed many problems to be solved, especially in the management and implementation of specific programs, there are many problems and drain hole, and has not formed a set of system of performance appraisal program. Firstly, through elaborate the background and significance of the research, review and analysis of administrative institutions at home and abroad in terms of design for the performance appraisal of the relevant theory, and through literature review, comparative analysis, investigation and summary of research methods for the analysis of Jilin safety oversight administration of CAAC appraisal management present situation and existing problems, summed up the Jilin safety oversight administration of CAAC appraisal program design of the guiding ideology and principles. The overall guiding ideology is related to the overall objective of Jilin Safety Supervision Bureau of civil aviation, departmental goals and personal goals, based on fair, open and fair principle, in the appraisal object focus between the work quality assessment, highlights the work of assessment, the department work toIV implement and check with design for the performance appraisal program. Finally, combined with the actual situation of the unit, for the assessment of the program to analyze the actual operation of the process of security measures, including ideological security, organizational security, technical support, financial support, etc. The design of Jilin safety oversight administration of CAAC appraisal program can practical work of every employee to make timely and comprehensive evaluation, the more scientific effective to the ability of employees play degree evaluation, let every employees see their strengths and achievements, incentive staff's work enthusiasm, initiative and creativity;can facilitate the worker to find work in the weak link, it is easy to find the gap with the requirements of the work, easy to grasp the direction and trend of future development, whether units or individuals can continue to progress. At the same time, to Jilin safety oversight administration of CAAC body of work, within the jurisdiction of the industry and government safety supervision work also has a practical significance, to promote Jilin Safety Supervision Bureau of civil aviation, to improve the level of supervision, improve the efficiency of supervision, improve supervision. Keywords: Performance appraisal, Excitation mechanism, Civil aviation system, InstitutionV 目 录 第 1 章 绪论......................................................................................................1 1.1 课题研究的背景及意义..........................................................................1 1.2 课题研究的主要内容..............................................................................2 1.3 课题研究的主要方法..............................................................................2 第 2 章 绩效考核基础理论的概述..................................................................4 2.1 绩效与绩效考核的概念..........................................................................4 2.2 绩效考核的相关原理..............................................................................5 2.3 政府机关绩效考核的内容......................................................................8 第 3 章 民航吉林安监局绩效考核现状的分析 ...........................................11 3.1 民航吉林安监局的简介........................................................................11 3.2 民航吉林安监局绩效考核现状............................................................11 3.3 民航吉林安监局绩效考核存在问题的分析 .......................................13 第 4 章 民航吉林安监局绩效考核方案的设计 ...........................................16 4.1 民航吉林安监局绩效考核方案设计的指导思想 ...............................16 4.2 民航吉林安监局绩效考核方案设计的原则 .......................................16 4.3 民航吉林安监局部门绩效考核方案的设计 .......................................17 4.4 民航吉林安监局个人绩效考核方案的设计 .......................................35 第 5 章 民航吉林安监局绩效考核方案实施的保障措施 ...........................42 5.1 思想保障................................................................................................42 5.2 组织保障................................................................................................43 5.3 技术保障................................................................................................44 5.4 经费保障..........

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