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近年来,随着以天宫一号、神舟八号首次交会对接取得圆满成功为代表 的神州系列飞船、探月工程任务的圆满完成,航天产业的社会影响力越来越大, 型号任务量也在不断增加,这使航天企业正面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战,逐步 强大的市场经济也给航天企业带来了激烈的市场竞争压力。合理的薪酬制度是留 住人才、激发潜力的基础,而绩效管理则是调动航天高科技人才工作积极性的重 要手段和方式。 面对当前的新形势,五一〇所原有的员工绩效管理方式逐渐无法适应当前业 务岗位、业务流程及管理模式的转变。如何在原有的绩效管理模式的基础上,结 合五一〇所现状及业务发展实际,提出有针对性的改进措施,真正建立一套相对 完善并且与构建国际一流的大型航天企业集团的目标相配套,能够切实调动 员工作积极性,提高工作效率的行之有效的绩效考核机制,对五一〇所实现跨越 式发展有着重要的理论及实践意义。 本文以航天科技集团五一〇所质量管理人员为研究主体,以五一〇所质量管 理处现有绩效管理方案为研究对象,在大量阅读及学习绩效管理的有关研究文献 的基础上,从归类整理五一〇所对质量管理人员的绩效管理方面存在的问题入 手,通过分析质量管理人员对现行绩效管理方案的认可程度,发现^中存在问题 不足。在目前五一〇所人力资源管理有关政策允许的范围内,汇总整理质量管理 处员工对绩效管理现状的评价,有针对性地提出改进措施,并对改进措施的实施 及达到的预期效果进行了预测与评估。 报告主要结论:首先重新梳理质量管理处质量综合管理岗、型号质量师岗、 质量顾问岗和检验岗的具体岗位职责,清晰界定每位员工的具体工作职责及每个 岗位的工作输入和输出。其次在考核内容方面,一是基于岗位职责设计业绩考核 指标体系,根据不同岗位职责确定关键绩效指标,提高绩效考核的针对性;二是 完善能力素质考核指标并增加附加项评价内容使考评内容更加完备。再次,增加 考核结果的区分度的同时扩大考核结果的应用领域。最后从绩效指标的设置、 定期评价反馈、绩效辅导与沟通、绩效改进及新目标的确定等几个环节,使整 个绩效管理过程更加完整。 关键词:五一〇所质量管理人员绩效管理方案 MBA学位报告 作者::」(海龙 航天科技集团五一〇所质量管理人员绩效管理方案改进研究 ABSTRACT In recent years, the social influence of the aerospace industry is growing, and model the task with a growing amount, which makes aerospace companies are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges, gradually strong market economy and aerospace enterprises to bring the fierce marketcompetitive pressures. Human resources management as one aspect of the aerospace business management reform and innovation, we must change the concept of the establishment of the new system. Reasonable salary is the basis of excitation potential, and of performance management is an important means to mobilize the enthusiasm of aerospace high-tech talent work and manner. Face of the current situation, the employee performance management methods gradually unable to adapt to changes in the current personnel structure and mode of administration. How the existing performance management model based on the combined unit status and business development of practical, targeted improvement measures, and effective mobilization of the enthusiasm of the staff on, improve the efficiency of an effective performance appraisal mechanism, has important theoretical and practical significance. Lanzhou Institute of Physics quality management is research subjects, the existing performance management program for quality management department, on the basis of a lot of reading and learning of performance management of the relevant research literature, finishing the problems of performance management, analysisemployees on the recognition of the extent of the existing of performance management programs, and found problems, targeted improvement measures are proposed, and improve the implementation of measures and achieve the desired results, prediction and evaluation. Thesis conclusion: First re-carding the quality of quality management at the integrated management Kong, model quality division Kong, quality consultant Kong and inspection Kong specific job responsibilities, clearly define the specific duties of each employee and each level of the work input and output. Second, in terms of examination content, one design performance evaluation index system based on job responsibilities, according to the responsibilities of different positions to determine the key performance indicators to improve the relevance of performance appraisal; is to improve the ability and quality assessment indicators and to increase the additional evaluation content evaluation is much more complete. Again, the distinction of the examination results while expanding the application areas of the examination results. Finally, from the set of performance indicators, periodic evaluation of feedback, performance coaching and li MBA学位报告 作者:[:MJl 航天科技集团五一〇所质量管理人^绩效管理方案改进研究 communication, performance improvement and new targets to determine a few links, so that the entire performance management process more complete. KEY WORDS : Quality management; Performance management program in MBA学位报告 作者:-I:海龙 航天科技集团五一〇所质量管理人员绩效管理方案改进研究 目录 中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 一、 绪论 1 (一) 研究背景及意义 1 (二) 研究的主要内容 2 (三) 研究思路及框架 2 二、 绩效管理模式的理论基础 5 (一) 绩效管理相关理论综述 5 (二) 知识型员工有关激励研究综述 6 三、 五一〇所质量管理人员绩效管理现状评价 11 (一) 五一〇所概况 11 (二) 五一O所质量管理人员总体情况 12 (三) 五一〇所绩效管理方案概述 13 (四) 五一〇所质量管理人员绩效管理存在的问题分析 16 四、 五一〇所质量管理人员需求分析及绩效管理改进方案 19 (一) 五一〇所质量管理人员需求调查分析 19 (二) 五一〇所质量管理人员绩效管理方案改进原则 20 (三) 五一〇所质量管理人员绩效考核方案改进措施 22 五、 五一〇所质量管理人员绩效管理方案改进的组织实施及预期效果 34 (一) 绩效管理改进方案的组织流程自我修正及调节机制 34 (二) 改进方案的预期效果 34 六、 结论 36 (一) 本研究开展的主要工作 36 (二) 本研究主要结论 36

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