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本计划书从介绍本报告选题背景与意义及公司基本情况开始,介绍了 ZS公司太 阳能取暖器项目的背景和意义,并简单回顾了国内外研究文献,在此基础上,对ZS 公司太阳能取暖器项目进行了欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司、环境、市场、财务等分析并制定了产品的营销策 略计划,期望通过该计划书获得相关资金的投入,以便建立较强的生产、营销及技术 服务支持体系,使项目在国内市场的营销和服务工作快速、顺利的进行。 我国太阳能热利用产业消费市场的持续升温,为相关产品的发展带来了巨大的商 机,到2020年,我国将进一歩提高太阳能热利用产业的能源结构占有率和在国家减 排40%至45%总目标中的贡献率。按照增长方案,我国太阳能热利用产业年产量2015 年和2020年,预计年产值分别可达1890亿元和3820亿元。该项目的推出,正值我 国太阳能等新能源产业快速发展的时期,在当前,全球化石能源资源R益短缺、气候 变化等环境压力円渐增大,太阳能等新能源和可再生能源已被世界各国政府作为重要 的战略替代能源,节能和环保已经成为世界性的发展主题,该项目具有很大的发展潜 力和投资空间。 同吋,该计划书对项目在运作过程中政策风险、操作风险和资金风险作了具体描 述,提出了规避和应对风险的方法,从项目的财务效益和社会效益两方面,在投资收 益分析的基础上分析了项目的经济价值。从上述方面详细说明了运作该项目的商业计 划,将运作该项目的方法、角度、步骤做出了具体说明,用说明、分析、市场调查及 数据分析的方法完整展示了运作该项目的方案,以财务投资分析论证了本项目运作的 巨大的商业投资回报及价值,阐述了本项目重要的社会效益,充分说明了运作本项目 的可行性、重要性和可操作性。 I 摘耍 项目总投资为1200万元,本项目自有资金充足率为50%,资金缺口 600万元, 需要筹取外部资金予以弥补。本项目各项财务盈利能力指标较好,所得税后全部投资 财务内部收益率为25.26%,高于设定12%的财务基准收益率,财务净现值为935. 14 万元远大于0,全部投资回收期为4年;风险资金退出方式可通过以下方式:①利润 分红:投资者可以通过利润分红达到收回投资的目的。②公司上市:可以按原定战略, 申请上市,上市成功就可以在公开市场上转让,将风险资本退出。③股份转让:投资 者在投资五年以后可以进行股权转让。 一个顺应了国家和社会发展潮流的好项目,如果能吸引到足够的投资资金,将有 助于企业实现良好的经济和社会效应。 关键词:太阳能取暖器商业计划书营销策略风险分析投资退出 II Abstract Abstract The plan from the introduction of the background and the significance and the basic situation of the company, introduced the ZS company solar heating project background and significance, and briefly reviewed the domestic and international research literature, on the basis of this, the ZS company solar heater project of industry, environment, market, financial analysis and formulate product marketing strategy planning, hope that through the plan to obtain the relevant capital investment, so as to establish a strong production, marketing and technical service support system, make the project in the domestic marketing and service work quickly, smoothly. Our use of solar thermal industry market continued to heat up, related products for the development to bring enormous business opportunities, to 2020, China will further improve the solar heat utilization industry energy structure share and in national emission reduction from 40% to45% total goals in the contribution rate. According to the plan for growth, our use of solar thermal industry annual output in 2015 and 2020 respectively, the estimated annual production value of up to 189 billion yuan and 382 billion yuan. The launch of this project, our country solar energy and other new energy industry in the period of rapid development, at present, the fossil energy shortage of resource, climate change, environmental pressure increases with each passing day, solar energy and other new energy and renewable energy has been the governments of the world as an important strategic alternative energy, energy saving and environmental protection has become the world's development theme, this project has great potential for development and investment. At the same time, the plan of the project in the course of the operation policy risk, operation risk and financial risk are described in detail, put forward to avoid risk and response method, from the project's financial benefit and social benefit two aspects, in the analysis of investment income on the basis of the analysis of project economic value. From the above aspects of a detailed description of the operation of the project business plan, the ILl Abstract operation of the project method, angle, the steps made a detailed explanation, with description, analysis, market research and data analysis methods demonstrated the integrity the operation of the project, to finance investment analysis proved that the operation of the project of huge commercial return on investment and value, elaborated the project of important social benefit, fully explains the operation of the project feasibility, importance and maneuverability. Project total investment of $ 12 million, this project has its own capital adequacy ratio to 50%, funding gap of $ 6 million, need access to external funded be covered. The indicators of the financial profitability of the project better, after income tax financial internal rate of return on investment to all 25.26%, financial yields higher than 12% set, the financial net present value is $ 9.3514 million far greater than 0, all the investment payback period is 4 years; venture capital exit in the following ways:①the profit dividend: dividend investors can profit purpose of payback.②the company listing: scheduled strategy, application for listing, transfer of listing success on the open market, venture capital exit.③share transfer: investors in investment after five years for stock transfer. With the good of the State and trend of social development projects, if it can attract enough investment funds, will help companies achieve good economic and social benefits. Keywords: solar heater business plan marketing strategy analysis of risk investment withdrawal IV 目录 目 录 m m i Abstract Ill 1 l 1.1选题背景和意义 l 1.2文献综述 2 1.3研究的主要内容、方法及解决的关键问题 5 1.4本文的主要特色 7 2 ZS公司太阳能取!^器项!3概述 9 2.1 ZS公司及太阳能取暖器项[13介 9 2.2 ZS公司太阳能取暖器项目简介 12 3 ZS公司太阳能取暖器项目的环境分析与市场分析 16 3.1外部环境分析 16 3. 2 ZS公司太阳能取暖器项目SWOT分析 18 4项目的实施 21 4.1项目建设方案 21 4. 2项H实施进度与招投标 28 织机构与人力资源配'S1 o 31 4. 4投资估算与资金筹措 35 5项目营销策划 37 5.1横向联合营销 37 5. 2系统作战 38 5. 3事件营销 39 5. 4差异化营销 41 5.5 STP营销 42 6项目的社会效益与财务评价 44 V 目录 6. 1社会效益分析 44 6. 2财务评价 45 7项目的风险及对策 51 7. 1风险分析 51 7. 2风险控制与措施 51 7. 3综合风险评价 53 賤 54 相关附表

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