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KELLY SERVICES IN CHINA Kelly Services (NASDAQ: KELYA, KELYB) founded the temporary staffing industry in 1946 and headquartered inMichigan, USA. The founder, William Russell Kelly, is widely credited with pioneering the modern temporaryhelp industry. Kelly is a Fortune 500 company and a world leader in human resources solutions and workforcemanagement solutions which offers a full suite of recruitment, outsourcing and consulting services. Kelly has maintained leadership position through the years based on a valuable premise: Investing in people.Serving clients around the globe, Kelly provides employment to more than 550,000 employees annually. Kellystepped into the China market in 2007. The 7 offices in Greater China provide specialist Professional & Technicalrecruitment, Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Vendor Management Service, Payroll Service and Deployment.Specializations in recruitment cover Automotive, Life Sciences, Chemical, Consumer & FMCG, General Industrial& Manufacturing, Banking & Finance, Accounting, High-tech & Internet, Hospitality, Human Resources and othermain industries.FollowKelly Services Chinaon Linkedin Visit kellyservices All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission fromKelly Services China. The information contained in the Salary Guide is intended for educational purposes only. Kelly ServicesChina takes no responsibility for any liabilities that emerge based on the information contained in this guide. CONTENTS 目录 04 06 10 16 20 24 26 30 32 34 36 40 44 48 50 EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW卷首语 ACCOUNTING & FINANCE财务 AUTOMOTIVE汽车制造 CHEMICAL化工 FINANCIAL SERVICES/FINTECH/DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY金融/金融科技/数字科技 FMCG/E-COMMERCE/LUXURY快消/电商/奢侈品 HEALTHCARE & LIFE SCIENCES医疗保健与生命科学 HIGH-TECH & INTERNET高科技与互联网 HOSPITALITY & COMMERCIAL RETAIL酒店及商业零售 HUMAN RESOURCES人力资源 INDUSTRIAL & MANUFACTURING工业制造 LEGAL & COMPLIANCE法务与合规 MARKETING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES营销专业服务 MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS并购 REAL ESTATE地产 BEIJING (GUOMAO) Unit 907A, SK Tower, No.6A JianguomenwaiStreet, Beijing 100022 P.R.China Phone: (86-10) 6588 5258 GUANGZHOU Unit 02-04, 40/F, Onelink Center, #230, 232,Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510620 P.R.China Phone: (86-20) 8364 4280 SHENZHEN Unit 2106, Gemdale Center, Futian District,Shenzhen 518039, P.R.China Phone: (86-755) 8256 1860 XI'AN 4F, Hongfu Plaza, No. 118, Beidajie Avenue,Xi'an, Shanxi Province 710003, P.R.China Phone: (86-29) 8738 8708 BEIJING (WUDAOKOU) Unit 1118, Building C, Raycom Infotech Park,No. 2 South Kexueyuan Road, Beijing 100086,P.R.China Phone: (86-10) 8639 6949 SHANGHAI Unit 1201, Two ICC, No.999, Huaihai Road (M),Shanghai 200031 P.R.China Phone: (86-21) 2419 1000 SUZHOU Unit 2002-2003, Trirun Fortune Plaza, No.9 WestSuzhou Ave, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu,P.R.China Phone: (86-512) 6761 0160 CHENGDU Floor 42, Tower B, Pinnacle One, No.199 LowerDongda Street, Jinjiang District, Chengdu,P.R.China Phone: (86-28) 6519 5192 FollowKellyServiceson Wechat 23Nathan Li Managing Director & Country General Manager Kelly Services China Please visit kellyservices or contact us at marketing_info@kellyservices for inquiries or consultancies. EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW To better help talent, employers and decisionmakers, Kelly Services China is pleased topresent 2019 China Salary Guide, and welook forward to providing a full range ofwork-force solutions including executivesearch, recruitment, process outsourcing,payroll services and HR consultancy to yourorganizations. China’s spectacular growth of recent decadeswill continue to cool down as authorities tryto steer towards a more sustainable economicmodel. The GDP is expected to grow by 6.3%in 2019, slightly slower than 2018. In Oct 2018,the government presented a new tax deductionplan which is expected to increase householdconsumption; however, the trade war betweenChina & the U.S and a possible correction inthe housing market are the main headwinds in2019. Chinese companies will continue to flourishcross sectors on the global stage. They willrapidly adopt technologies and innovationswith strong balance sheets throughout 2019,this will put Chinese companies in a strongposition to attract global talent. Even still in early stage, the impact of ArtificialIntelligence (AI) has been felt in almost allindustries, and 2019 will see even greatershortage in AI talent in China. As one of thelargest IT market in the world, China is stillaccelerating its pace to lead the world in digitaltechnology and e-commerce, which creates astrong need for talent; The aging populationand healthcare reforms have led to a healthcareboom which will be on the lookout for talentwith expertise in research and development,business development, and supply chainthroughout the year. Improving efficiency andreducing costs will drive shifts towards sharedfacilities and shared services which will impactfunction roles such as Finance, HR, IT andAdministrations in 2019. 45ACCOUNTING & FINANCE Without a doubt, “IPO” is the keyword of 2018. Theworld's three major capital markets are competing to“hand out olive branches”. Under these favorable market conditions, theprevision for 2019 is that numerous industrialmarket and information technologies, mediaand telecommunications, entertainment, high- end manufacturing and high-tech industries, newe-commerce, education and similar companies willcontinue to lead and promote the IPO process in thecapital market both at home and abroad. This willstimulate a large number of job requirements forfinancial managers with investment banking, big fouraccounting firms, or MNC background. Furthermore, traditional foreign-invested enterprisesand manufacturing industries in China will becomeconservative due to the economic environment andlack of innovation. Most of their recruiting positions arefor replacements, mainly financial operations director,financial manager, and professional financial talentsspecialized in costs, funds and internal control. Theircost requirements for candidates are also becomingstricter. With the deepening of the China-US tradeconflict, it is expected that US-funded enterprises inChina and traditional export-oriented enterprises will befaced with even more challenges. 67 。。。。。。

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