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本论文以江西 GS 厂民品发展战略为研究对象。第一章介绍军民融合发
析工具进行理论论述;第三章运用 SWOT 分析法进行战略环境分析,掌握
制定民品发展战略,包括基于 SWOT 的发展战略分析、制定战略目标、进
关键词:军民融合 民品 发展战略 差异化战略ABSTRACT
JiangXi GS factory, belonging to national military enterprise, the first three lines
construction,In the 1980 s to seize the opportunity of conversion policy, vigorously
develop the military-to-civilian weather modification and meteorological products
(hereinafter referred to as the figure products), after more than 20 years of rapid
development, figures product production scale has become the top three industry, now
is planning to introduce strategic investors in assets reorganization and restructuring.
The factory although civilian goods development has obtained certain result, but there
are still unreasonable organization structure, asset reorganization and restructuring
listed strategic direction is not clear, civilian goods development strategy is not clear,
the research and development innovation ability is not strong, etc, particularly with
figure products industry leader aerospace science and technology group of SXZT
company also obvious gap.
This paper takes Jiangxi GS factory civil product development strategy as the
research object. The first chapter civil-military integration development to rise to the
selected topic background and significance of national strategy, comparative analysis
of foreign domestic civil-military integration development present situation, combed
the topics of research ideas and methods; The second chapter on the strategic
management, the basic theories of competitive strategy and strategic analysis tools;
The third chapter uses the SWOT analysis method to carry on the strategic
environment analysis, master the civilian enterprises are facing development
opportunities and threats, to clear the advantages and disadvantages of civil product
development; The fourth chapter make civilian development strategy, including
SWOT matrix analysis, the development of strategic objectives, strategic analysis and
strategic decision making, the final choice of differentiation strategy as civilian
development strategy; The fifth chapter puts forward the guarantee conditions for the
implementation of the differentiation strategy.
Key Words: civilmilitary integration;civilian;development strategy;differentiation
目 录
第 1 章 绪论 1
1.1 选题的背景和意义......1
1.1.1 选题的背景 1
1.1.2 选题的意义 1
1.2 国内外发展状况..........2
1.2.1 国外发展状况 2
1.2.2 国内发展状况 3
1.3 选题的研究思路与方法..........5
1.3.1 选题的研究思路 5
1.3.2 选题的研究方法 5
第 2 章 理论概述 6
2.1 战略管理理论..6
2.2 竞争战略理论.8
2.2.1 理论概述 8
2.2.2 成本领先战略 9
2.2.3 差异化战略 10
2.2.4 集中化战略 11
2.3 战略分析工具11
2.3.1SWOT 分析模型 11
2.3.2 定量战略计划矩阵(QSPM)理论 14
第 3 章 江西 GS 厂民品发展 SWOT 分析 16
3.1 江西 GS 厂概况.........16
3.2 民品发展的优势(S)..........17
3.2.1 良好的企业形象 17
3.2.2 雄厚的技术力量 17
3.2.3 较强的知识产权能力 18
3.2.4 先进的企业文化 18
3.2.5 较强的融资能力 19目录
3.2.6 稳定的销售渠道 20
3.3 民品发展的劣势(W).........20
3.3.1 组织结构不合理 20
3.3.2 技术研发人员流失严重 21
3.3.3 中高层管理人员结构不合理。 22
3.3.4 缺乏明晰的企业长期的发展战略 23
3.4 民品发展的机会(O) .........24
3.4.1 国家政策的有力支持 24
3.4.2 产品市场前景广阔,产业发展空间巨大 25
3.4.3 加快产品升级换代创造机遇 25
3.5 民品发展的威胁(T)..........26
3.5.1 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内竞争加剧 26
3.5.2 潜在进入者威胁增大 26
第 4 章 江西 GS 厂民品发展战略制定 27
4.1 战略制定的综合框架...........27
4.2 基于 SWOT 的战略分析......27
4.2.1 SO 战略 27
4.2.2 ST 战略 28
4.2.3 WO 战略 29
4.2.4 WT 战略 30
4.3 民品发展战略目标...30
4.4 民品发展战略定位...31
4.4.1 市场定位 31
4.4.2 产品定位 31
4.5 民品发展战略分析...31
4.5.1 集中化战略 32
4.5.2 差异化战略 32
4.5.3 成本领先战略 32
4.6 民品发展战略决策...33
第 5 章 民品发展战略的保障条件 36
5.1 建立现代企业制度...36目录
5.2 科技兴企.......37
5.3 人才兴企.......40
5.4 有效资本运营...........43
5.5 多元化发展...44
结论 46
致谢 47
参考文献 48第 1 章 绪论
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