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相对而言,以“80 后”、“90 后”为代表的青年员工们拥有较强的个性,以
特征。本文以 DK 集团公司为研究对象,通过问卷调查和访谈等方式,找出企业青
参照五因素组织承诺模型,DK 集团公司青年员工的激励机制构建从感情承诺、
In the era of humanistic management, how to deal with the relationship between
organization and employees is one of the important content of human resource
managementanizational commitment as the concept of degree of staff loyalty to
organization, represents the employees on organizational trust, dependence and identity.
It is necessary for any organization in thinking and efforts to improve organizational
commitment. Youth is the most active and the most active part of the whole social
forces. It is the hope of the organization, which will affect the future development of the
organization. DK group company as a provincial geological prospecting units
subordinate enterprises, in the nearly 30 years of development in the process of
development and growth, achievement strikings, facing the industry overall loss of
talented people and working environment hard and other unfavorable factors, the
company strengthen the cultivation of young talents and outstanding young employees,
but young backbone loss is still serious, fully reflects the status of the organizational
commitment is not high.
Relatively speaking, 80, 90 after as the representative of the young employees
has a stronger personality, with better learning ability and creativity, but at the same
time with poor discipline, low loyalty, turnover rate higher characteristic. The DK group
company as the research object, through questionnaires and interviews, find out young
employees' organizational commitment the lack of reason, and combined with the
characteristics of industry, based on incentive mechanism, according to the population
characteristic of young employees and the realistic demand, put forward the
improvement scheme for the organizational commitment.
Referring to the organizational commitment model of five factors, the incentive
mechanism of DK group company is constructed from five aspects: affective
commitment, ideal commitment, economic commitment, normative commitment and
opportunity commitment. Economic commitments, mainly as a way to merit pay scale
through ascension; Ideal commitments, mainly through strengthening training, practice
the mentoring training mode, to carry out vocational skills contest, and internal
rotational ways; Affective commitment, mainly through ownership incentive, honor and
suffering incentives; Normative commitment, mainly through establishing normative
commitment high sample and reference model, benchmarking further enhance the work
sense of responsibility.In short, through targeted incentives to enhance the perception of3
young employees in terms of organizational commitment, improve their turnover costs,
so that they are willing to grow with the organization, to achieve a win-win organization
and young workers.
Key words: Human resource; Organizational commitment; Young employees;
Questionnaire analysis; Employee motivation.1 引言1 引言
1.1 研究背景及意义
1.1.1 研究背景
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