Suining Investment Projects
Graduate:Tian Xiaoyu Tutor:Ding Mingxian
Abstract:The human society is in a highly developed information age, the rapid
development of electronic information industry, become the country competing to grab
investment and economic growth.As the semiconductor is an important part of
electronic products, maintained a relatively strong market demand.The main global
semiconductor manufacturers are in foreign countries, the semiconductor in China
mainly rely on imports.As a less developed western region of Suining City, has been the
development of the electronic industry as the adjustment of economic structure, an
important measure to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading, the initiative to
undertake the eastern and coastal industrial transfer.
Shenzhen LC company is engaged in special semiconductor products R & D and
production since its inception, the strength, advanced technology, strict management. At
the end of 2010 the company, registered capital of 79000000 yuan in Suining, set up
Sichuan LC Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., the production line construction two
electronic products, formed an annual output of LED12 million, diode, triode
6000000000 production capacity of 12000000000. In order to develop with
characteristics of the semiconductor market, the company from a strategic point of view,
on the basis of the existing investment decision to build 1 4 inch 3um and a 6 inch
0.8um special discrete semiconductor and integrated circuit chip production line.
Because of project investment, a longer cycle, we must conduct a comprehensive
The basic theory of investment project feasibility study from this, a comprehensive
analysis of the financial, efficiency, technical feasibility of the project, the conclusion of
the project feasible research. Firstly, introduces the contents and methods of research,IV
1 绪论............................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 ............................................... 1
1.1.1 研究背景................................................ 1
1.1.2 研究意义................................................ 1
1.2 研究内容和方法 ............................................... 1
1.2.1 研究内容................................................ 1
1.2.2 研究方法................................................ 1
2 项目概况........................................................... 3
2.1 深圳 LC 公司简介 .............................................. 3
2.2 遂宁市的优势 ................................................. 3
2.2.1 区位概况................................................ 3
2.2.2 优惠政策................................................ 4
2.2.3 要素保障................................................ 4
2.3 项目基本情况简介 ............................................. 6
3 市场需求和项目产能分析............................................. 7
3.1 半导体欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司概述 ............................................... 7
3.2 产品市场分析与预测 ........................................... 8
3.2.1 国际半导体市场分析与预测................................ 8
3.2.2 国内半导体市场分析与预测................................ 9
3.3 本项目产能分析 .............................................. 11
3.3.1 主要数据和经济指标..................................... 11
3.3.2 生产规模............................................... 12
4 投融资分析........................................................ 14
4.1 投资分析 .................................................... 14
4.1.1 项目总投资............................................. 14
4.1.2 固定资产投资........................................... 14
4.1.3 流动资金............................................... 15
4.2 融资分析 .................................................... 15
4.2.1 不同融资方式的特点分析................................. 15
4.2.2 本项目融资方式分析..................................... 16
5 经济效益分析...................................................... 18
5.1 项目计算期及产品计划量 ...................................... 18
5.2 总成本费用估算 .............................................. 18
5.2.1 生产成本............................................... 18
5.2.2 管理费用............................................... 19
5.2.3 财务费用............................................... 19
5.2.4 销售费用............................................... 19
5.3 销售收入与税金估算 .......................................... 19
5.3.1 销售收入估算........................................... 19III
significance, a brief analysis of the project background, general situation and market
environment and other factors; and then, around the two core contents of financing and
economic benefits, in-depth analysis is given; finally, project management and
construction scheme is proposed, the possible risks and risk avoidance measures.
Key words: Shenzhen LC Electronics Inc. semiconductor investment project
in Suining fesibilityI
深圳 LC 电子有限公司遂宁投资项目可行性研究
工商管理 专业
研究生 田小宇 指导教师 丁明鲜
摘要 人类社会正处于高度发达的信息时代,电子信息产业迅猛发展,成为各
深圳 LC 公司自成立以来就从事特种半导体产品研发和生产,实力雄厚、工艺
先进、管理严谨。公司于 2010 年底,在遂宁注册资本 7900 万元,组建四川 LC 电
子科技有限公司,建设两条电子产品生产线,形成了年产 LED12 亿只、二极管 60
亿只、三极管 120 亿只的生产能力。为了顺应半导体市场的发展特点,公司从战
略角度考虑,决定在现有基础上继续投资建设 1 条 4 英寸 3μm 和一条 6 英寸 0.8μm
关键词:深圳 LC 电子公司 半导体 遂宁投资项目 可行性V
5.3.2 税金估算 ............................................... 19
5.4 利润估算 .................................................... 19
5.5 财务效益分析 ................................................ 20
5.5.1 项目盈利能力分析 ....................................... 20
5.5.2 项目清偿能力分析 ....................................... 21
5.6 盈亏平衡分析 ................................................ 23
5.7 敏感性分析 .................................................. 23
6 组织结构、劳动定员、人员培训 ...................................... 25
6.1 组织机构 .................................................... 25
6.2 人员总数及构成 .............................................. 25
6.3 培训计划 .................................................... 26
7 工艺技术和工程建设 ................................................ 28
7.1 技术与设备 .................................................. 28
7.1.1 物料供应 ............................................... 28
7.1.2 工艺技术流程 ........................................... 28
7.1.3 工艺设备配置 ........................................... 30
7.2 项目建设方案 ................................................ 32
7.2.1 项目选址和用地 ......................................... 32
7.2.2 建筑设计方案 ........................................... 33
7.2.3 通风、空调、净化设计方案 ............................... 3