中文摘要 中文摘要 影视传媒欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司是一个正在蓬勃发展的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,大众对于影视娱乐的需求较大, 电视剧、电影、综艺等节目已成为人们主要的娱乐方式。当前,我国的影视传媒 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司在技术上也在迅速发展。越来越多的高质量国产电影作品出现在大屏幕上, 同时票房市场的规模也在不断上升。当前市场环境处于发展变革时期,多变的市 场环境为传媒类企业的发展,既提供机遇也提供挑战。本文以 H传媒集团作为具 体研究对象,对 H传媒集团的经营发展状况与发展战略问题进行分析,综合使用 PEST、波特五力分析等方法对 H传媒集团发展中的宏观环境和微观环境进行分析, 得出企业在发展过程中存在的机遇和挑战,从而结合企业自身发展能力和发展愿 景制定企业长期发展战略。 本文提出创设新的 IP内容以及增强产业链后端的开发,实现 H传媒集团对实 景文娱产业的实际管理。影视板块核心内容战略通过破除对知名导演和演员的依 赖、深耕影视作品大制作以及布局贺岁档电影的制作等充分发挥 H传媒集团的优 势以经营支持战略上强调优先发行以及互联网+营销等思想,帮助 H传媒集团在日 益激烈的市场竞争中具备发展优势。并探讨战略实施环节中需要的保障措施。本 文期望通过对 H传媒集团发展战略的研究可以帮助面临同样问题的传媒企业提供 参考。 关键词:传媒公司;发展战略;电影产业 -I- 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract The film and television media industry is a booming industry, and the public has a large demand for film and television entertainment. TV dramas, movies, variety shows and other programs have become the main way of entertainment for people. At present, Chinas film and television media industry is also developing rapidly in technology. More and more high-quality domestic film and television works are appearing on the big screen, and the size of the box office market. The current market environment is in a period of development and change, and the changeable market environment provides both opportunities and challenges for the development of media enterprises. The media industry has both public and commercial attributes, so the development situation faced by media enterprises is more severe. At present, the development of cultural industry has become a development strategy at the national level. In this environment, the development of media enterprises faces not only unprecedented opportunities, but also severe tests. This paper takes H Media Group as the specific research object, analyzes the development environment of the media industry and the operation and development status of H Media Group in the past five years by means of data analysis, and points out the development dilemma of the enterprise in the curre