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大连新闻传媒集团发展战略研究 世界上已有一半以上的人口在使用互联网,有近40%的人口在使用新媒体。而 且人们越来越倾向于从新媒体上获取新 闻资讯和各种娱乐节目。对此,国际上一些 传统媒体开始进行技术革新,在数字订阅与内容制作等方面实现了突破,走出了一 条传统媒体与新媒体融合发展的成功之路。从国内 来看,中国移动通信技术,尤其 是5G技术在国际上处于领先地位,媒体融合已经上升为国家战略。正是在这样的国 际国内背景下,对大连新闻传媒集团的发展战略进行研究。通 过本文的研究能够丰 富学术界关于传媒集团发展战略的研究成果;为大连新闻传媒集团的发展贡献自己 的微薄之力,同时也希望通过对大连新闻传媒集团发展战略个案的研究, 能够为其 他传媒集团发展战略的制定有所参考。 通过研读国内外有关战略管理方面与传媒集团发展战略方面的著作、论文等, 了解学术界关于传媒集团发展战略的研究现状,进 而为大连新闻传媒集团发展战略 的制定奠定理论基础。运用宏观环境分析方法分析了大连新闻传媒集团发展所面临 的政治、经济、社会与技术环境;运用欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析方法分析了大 连新闻传媒集团既受 到国际传媒集团的威胁,又受到国内中央级传媒单位或传媒集团与省级传媒集团的 威胁;运用企业内部环境分析方法分析了大连新闻传媒集团内部的资源与 能力等; 运用SWOT分析了大连新闻传媒集团自身的优势、劣势以及面临的外部机会与威胁。 在对大连新闻传媒集团的宏观环境、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境、内部环境以及SWOT分析的基 础上,认 为大连新闻传媒集团应利用国家重视、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展趋势等外部机会,弥补自 身的劣势,进而选择扭转型的发展战略。具体来说,应实行媒体融合发展战略,媒 体融合就是要实现传 统媒体与新媒体在内容、渠道、平台、经营、管理各个层面的 深度融合;实行全媒体品牌形象发展战略,使现有传媒品牌能够优上加优,并要下 大力气打造新媒体品牌。实施大 连新闻传媒集团发展战略,应加强融媒体平台建设。 融媒体平台建设要有步骤地进行,集团组建后1—3年要搭建成具有初级应用功能的 基础平台—— “中央厨房”;集团组建后 4—8年要搭建成真正具有全媒体功能的 云平台。应重点打造新闻类内容。集团积极打造大时政、全媒体的新闻传播格局。 汇聚全媒体多端口的新闻与资讯热线资源,增强集团的 核心竞争力。应积极打造传 媒+产业。集团积极打造大连传媒产业增长极的新载体——“中国传媒岛”,以改变 II 当下集团产业结构单一,难以支撑与反哺新闻事业的现状。大 连新闻传媒集团发展 战略实施的保障措施主要有,优化组织结构,为集团发展战略的实施提供组织保障; 加强人力资源管理,为集团发展战略的实施提供人才保障;注重技术革 新与应用, 为集团发展战略的实施提供技术保障;加强企业文化建设,为集团发展战略的实施 提供坚实的文化保障。 关键词: 传统媒体,新媒体,发展战略 III Abstract Research on the Development Strategy of Dalian News Media Group More than half of the world's population already uses the Internet, and nearly 40% of the world's population uses new media. And people are more and more inclined to get news and entertainment from new media. In this regard, some traditional media in the world began to carry out technological innovation, achieved breakthroughs in digital subscription and content production, and walked out a successful road of integration development of traditional media and new media. From the domestic point of view, Chinese mobile communication technology, especially 5g technology, is in the leading position in the world, and media integration has become a national strategy.Under this international and domestic context, it is of great significance to study the development strategy of Dalian News Media Group. The purpose of the study is to enrich the research results on the development strategy of media group in the academic circle. I hope to contribute my humble power to the development of Dalian news media group. At the same time, I hope that through the study of the development strategy of Dalian news media group, I can make some reference for the development strategy of other media groups. Through studying the works and papers on strategic management and development strategy of media group at domestic and abroad, we can acknowledge the current situation of the research on the development strategy of media group in academic circles for settling a theoretical foundation for the development strategy of Dalian news media group.This paper analyzes the political, economic, social and technological environment faced by the development of Dalian news media group by using the way of macro environment analysis. By using the way of industry analysis,the paper analyzes the threat of Dalian news media group by both international media groups and domestic central media units or media groups and provincial media groups. By using the way of internal environment analysis, this paper analyzes the resources and capabilities of Dalian news media group. This paper also analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of Dalian news media group by SWOT. Based on the macro-environment analysis,industry environment analysis, internal IV environment analysis and SWOT analysis of Dalian News Media Group, this paper holds that Dalian news media group should make use of the external opportunities such as national attention and industry development trend to make up for its own disadvantages and then choose the reverse development strategy. Specifically, we should implement the media integration development strategy, which is to realize the deep integration of traditional media and new media in content, channel, platform, operation and management; implement the all media brand image development strategy, so that the existing media brand can be enhanced, and make great efforts to create new media brand. In order to implement the development strategy of Dalian news media group, we should strengthen the construction of media platform. The construction of the media platform should be carried out step by step. After the establishment of the group, the basic platform with primary application function - "central kitchen" should be built in 1-3 years; after the establishment of the group, the cloud platform with full media function should be built in 4-8 years. We should focus on news content. The group is actively building a news communication pattern of current affairs and all media. Gather all media and multi port news and information hotline resources to enhance the core competitiveness of the group. We should actively build media + industry. The Group actively builds a new carrier of Dalian media industry growth pole - "China media island", in order to change the current situation that the group's industrial structure is single and it is difficult to support and support the news industry. The guarantee measures for the implementation of the development strategy of Dalian news media group mainly include: optimizing the organizational structure to provide organizational guarantee for the implementation of the group's development strategy; strengthening human resource management to provide talent guarantee for the implementation of the group's development strategy; paying attention to technological innovation and application to provide technical guarantee for the development strategy; strengthening the construction of corporate culture to provide the group's development strategy The implementation provides a solid cultural guarantee. Keywords: Traditional Media, New Media, Development Strategy V 目 录 第1章 绪论 ............................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ........................................ 1 1.2 研究方法与内容 ........................................ 2 1.3 理论基础和文献综述 .................................... 3 第2章 大连新闻传媒集团发展现状及存在的问题分析 ........... 7 2.1 大连新闻传媒集团发展概况 .............................. 7 2.2 大连新闻传媒集团发展现状评价 .......................... 8 2.3 大连新闻传媒集 团发展存在的问题和原因 ................. 10 第3章 大连新闻传媒集团发展战略环境分析 .................. 13 3.1 大连新闻传媒集团外部环境分析 ......................... 13 3.2 大连新闻传媒集团内部环境分析 ......................... 17 3.3 大连新闻传媒集团SWOT分析 .......................... 21 第4章 大连新闻传媒集团发展

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