2022 Report Amazon Advertising Benchmarks and Trends2 The Age of Amazon Advertising An unparalleled surge in brands advertising on Amazon has taken place over the past year, and this trend will likely continue to grow as more and more brands continue to adopt Amazon Advertising into their marketing strategies. Reaching a $41.75 billion ad revenue total as of early 2022, Amazon’s ever-expanding suite of advertising and media offerings means brands and their technology partners must stay on top of the latest trends in order to pinpoint and leverage new opportunities for growth. 1 The push to reach as many customers as possible has created an unprecedented competitive landscape with brands looking for strategic ways to increase their Amazon Advertising spend while also exploring the emerging potential of Walmart Connect and other e-commerce ad platforms. With advertising budgets now shifting away from traditional digital channels and embracing point- of-purchase platforms like Amazon, brands can no longer ignore these platforms’ powerful ability to reach and connect with consumers across every stage of their shopping jour