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20 世纪 90 年代以来,中小企业呈现出了快速发展的态势,数量逐年增加,作用 日益凸现。对于部分具有发展潜力的中小企业提供贷款帮助、支持其发展,研发具有 特色的小额贷款产品,培育未来的优良客户应当成为 JNRS 村镇银行的一项重要战略 举措。村镇银行作为一个特殊的主体,在金融市场上属于新兴的金融机构,其诞生和 发展,满足了中小企业以及农村发展的资金需求。中小企业创业以及乡村振兴中会常 会遇到资金短缺的问题,且其资金需求具有期限短、额度低、时间紧的特点,而大型 商业银行主要瞄准的是大企业、大项目、大市场,加之贷款成本方面的考虑,一般不 愿或者很少涉足支持中小企业和农村发展方面的小额信贷业务,一方面反映了农村地 区的中小企业及农民融资难的问题,另一方面,也反映了农村地区小额小额信贷业务 发展的潜力。JNRS 村镇银行自 2012 年成立已经走过 8 年的历程,以小额信贷产品为 主的贷款业务取得了较快的发展,但是也面临着诸多矛盾和问题,因此,研究探索 JNRS 村镇银行小额信贷业务如何实现有针对性的发展具有重要的现实意义。 本文研究从村镇银行的角度入手,分析探讨村镇银行这一特殊群体在发展小额信 贷业务过程中出现的问题以及发展策略进行研究。首先通过农村金融市场理论和比较 分析法分析我国村镇银行的小额信贷整体的发展现状及发展特征。分析 JNRS 村镇银 行现行的小额信贷业务开展中存在的不足,结合 JNRS 村镇银行现行的小额信贷产品 及市场竞争情况,全方位立体化的分析 JNRS 村镇银行小额信贷业务发展过程中存在 的问题及小额信贷业务发展策略以及存在的各项成本问题。最后对 JNRS 村镇银行小 额信贷业务如何实现健康有效的发展及保障措施提出针对性的建议。 本文分析发现:目前 JNRS 村镇银行在小额信贷业务发展过程中存在着小额信贷 保障机制不健全的问题,农村信贷市场风险大:主要体现在养殖户种植户等受自然灾 害等不起确定性因素影响较大,易出现资金短缺,还款难、不良率偏高等方面。并据 此提出了增加风险防范方法以促进小额信贷业务健康发展,并加强贷后管理,保障农 村小额信贷市场发展的运行安全,提高信贷资产效率,加强贷后跟踪检查,采取有效 措施来盘活不良贷款,降低不良贷款比率;完善乡村地区信贷业务监管体系和相关法 律法规等多项对策建议。 关键词:小额贷款业务;产品创新;营销渠道拓展ABSTRACT VII ABSTRACT Since the 1990s, SMEs have shown a rapid development trend, and the number has increased year by year, and its role has become increasingly prominent. For some small and medium-sized enterprises with development potential to provide loan assistance and support their development, cultivating good future customers should become an important strategic measure for JNRS rural banks. As a special subject, the rural bank is an emerging financial institution in the financial market. Its birth and development meet the capital needs of small and medium-sized enterprises and rural development, and enhance the vitality of the rural financial market. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and rural revitalization will often encounter shortages of funds, and their capital needs are characterized by short deadlines, low quotas, and tight time. Large commercial banks are mainly aimed at large enterprises, large projects, and large markets. In terms of loan cost considerations, it is generally unwilling or rarely involved in microfinance loan business in small and medium-sized enterprises and rural development. On the one hand, it reflects the difficulty of financing small and medium-sized enterprises and farmers in rural areas. JNRS Rural Bank has been in business for six years since its establishment in 2012. The loan business based on microfinance has achieved rapid development, but it also faces many contradictions and problems. Therefore, research and exploration of small loans of JNRS rural banks The issue of business sustainability has important practical significance. Looking at the JNRS village bank.The problems of the development strategies of rural banks were analyzed and discussed. Firstly, through the rural financial market theory and comparative analysis method, this paper analyzes the development status of microfinance in rural banks in China, what advantages exist in the development process and the shortcomings in the current business of JNRS rural banks, and analyzes them with SWOT analysis. Initiatives, disadvantages, opportunities and threats, exploring the development prospects of JNRS Bank from the above aspects;two typical The key analysis of the development process of microfinance in rural banks is to summarize the excellent development experience. Finally, it puts forward targeted suggestions on how to maintain the healthy and effective development of the microfinance business of JNRS rural banks. The analysis of this paper finds that at present, JNRS rural banks have problems in the development of microfinance business, and the risk of microfinance guarantee system is not西北农林科技大学硕士学位论文 VIII perfect. The risk of rural credit market is large: it is mainly reflected in the fact that farmers are affected by natural disasters and so on. The factors have a large impact, and it is prone to shortage of funds, difficulty in repayment, and high non-performing rate. Based on this, it proposes ways to increase risk prevention to promote the healthy development of microfinance business, strengthen post-loan management, ensure the operational safety of rural microfinance market development, improve the efficiency of credit assets, strengthen post-loan tracking and inspection, and take effective measures to Revitalize non-performing loans, reduce the ratio of non-performing loans; improve the rural credit management system and related laws and regulations and other countermeasures. KEY WORDS:Microfinance business;product innovation;marketing channel expansion目 录 1 目 录 摘要.......... VI ABSTRACT.............................VII 第一章 导论..............................4 1.1 研究背景.........................4 1.2 研究的目的与意义.........5 1.2.1 研究目的..............5 1.2.2 研究意义..............6 1.3 国内外研究动态.............6 1.3.1 国外研究动态......6 1.3.2 国内研究动态......6 1.3.3 国内外研究简要评析.........................7 1.4 研究思路与方法.............8 1.4.1 研究思路..............8 1.4.2 研究方法...............8 1.5 论文的创新点.................8 第二章 相关理论基础..............9 2.1 普惠金融理论.................9 2.2 信息不对称理论............9 2.3 农村金融市场理论......10 2.4 不完全竞争市场理论..10 第三章 村镇银行小额信贷发展历程及特征.......12 3.1 村镇银行小额信贷的发展状况..................12 3.1.1 村镇银行发展小额信贷的历程........12 3.1.2 村镇银行小额信贷发展的现状........13 3.2 村镇银行发展小额信贷业务的特征..........14 第四章 JNRS 村镇银行小额信贷业务发展现状16 4.1 JNRS 村镇银行概况....16 4.2 JNRS 村镇银行小额信贷业务发展现状...16 4.2.1 JNRS 村镇银行小额信贷业务发展背景........................16西北农林科技大学硕士学位论文 2 4.2.2 JNRS 村镇银行小额贷款投放情况.17 4.3 拓展小额信贷业务内部因素分析.............15 4.3.1 行内组织架构分析.........................15 4.3.2 财务能力分析..15 4.3.3 营销能力分析..16 4.4 JNRS 村镇银行小额信贷产品综述...........18 4.4.1 消费类贷款产品.21 4.4.2 经营类贷款产品.22 4.5 本章小结......................24 第五章 JNRS 村镇银行小额信贷业务存在问题分析.......................25 5.1 县域农村金融市场环境复杂.....................25 5.2 投放欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分布不均衡..25 5.3 小额信贷产品需求度不高.........................27 5.4 定价机制不健全..........29 5.5 小额信贷业务宣传不到位.........................29 5.6 小额信贷市场竞争对手复杂.....................31 5.7 风险控制环节薄弱......32 5.8 小额信贷业务缺乏线上办理渠道.............33 5.9 本章小结......................33 第六章 JNRS 村镇银行小额信贷业务优化策略..34 6.1 产品策略......................34 6.1.1 小额信贷产品配置策略...................34 6.1.2 合理配置小额信贷整体结构...........34 6.1.3 依托政策支持扩大客户体量...........35 6.1.4 细分目标客户市场...........................35 6.2 渠道策略......................36 6.2.1 完善县域渠道建设...........................36 6.2.2 拓宽网络宣传渠道...........................36 6.2.3 加强县域网格化营销.......................36 6.3 促销策略......................37 6.3.1 实现目标客户的精准营销...............37 6.3.2 打造微信促销新平台.......................37 第七章 JNRS 村镇银行实施小额信贷业务优化策略的保障措施...

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