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小额信贷在我国起步虽晚,但发展较快。总体而言,其业务规模相对 传统贷款业务仍然较小,且整体处于起步阶段,在取得较大成绩的同时, 也面临诸多考验,这也为我国小额信贷的发展增添了不确定因素。特别是 近年来,国家对小额信贷业务的监管加强,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内竞争加大,如何在这一 竞争非常激烈的市场上生存下来并获得进一步地发展,成为了诸多小额贷 款公司所面临的重要问题。 本文选取在国内小额信贷领域有较强影响力的宜信小额信贷公司为研 究对象,通过收集整理相关欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,分析宜信小额信贷公司的优势与不足以 及其当前发展面临的问题。全文一共六个部分:绪言、概念界定及相关理 论介绍、宜信小额信贷公司发展现状分析、宜信小额信贷公司SWOT分析、 发展对策建议、结论与不足。 文章根据SWOT的分析结果,指出了宜信小额信贷公司的内部存在坏账 风险、技术债问题、资金供给不足、手续费较高、人员冗余导致人力资源 管理成本升高和产品创新乏力等内部劣势(W),同时也面临欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司监管加码、 创新产品的复制、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的整体负面现象的外部威胁(T)。同时从宜信小额 信贷公司当前的发展机会(O)来看,由于欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争导致的退出较多,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 正在剧烈洗牌,因此要发挥好宜信小额信贷公司的在“数据积累以及信用 甄别技术”“业务覆盖范围宽广”等方面的内部优势(S)。 在充分分析了宜信小额信贷公司的优势、劣势、机会和威胁的基础上, 结合现状分析中得出的当前宜信小额信贷公司发展过程中存在的问题,本 文对宜信小额信贷公司的后续发展,给出了一些针对性的建议。如,进行 战略和业务转型,改进核算和业务处理系统,提升核心业务处理能力;建 II 立多元化的小额信贷资金来源渠道,提升贷款供给能力;优化贷款流程, 降低贷款成本;规范小额信贷的放贷条件,优化贷前管理;加强针对性宣 传,与优质客户建立长期合作关系;完善内部治理体系和管理规章制度; 加强客户资信评估与管理;加强小额信贷业务人才建设,打破制约发展的 人才瓶颈,等等。 关键词:小额信贷P2P网络借贷SWOT分析 III RESEARCH ON THE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF CREDITEASE ABSTRACT Although microfinance started late in China, it developed rapidly. But generally speaking, compared with the traditional loan business, its business scale is still small, and the whole is in the initial stage. While making great achievements, it also faces many challenges, which also adds uncertain factors to the development of microfinance in China. Especially in recent years, the government has strengthened the supervision of micro credit business and increased the competition in the industry. How to survive in this highly competitive market and get further development has become an important problem faced by many micro credit companies. In this paper, Yixin micro credit company, which has a strong influence in the field of domestic micro credit, is selected as the research object. Through collecting and sorting out relevant data, the advantages and disadvantages of Yixin micro credit company and the problems it faces in its current development are analyzed. The paper consists of six parts: introduction, concept definition and related theory introduction, development status analysis of Yixin micro credit company, SWOT analysis of Yixin micro credit company, development countermeasures and suggestions, conclusions and deficiencies. According to the SWOT analysis results, this paper points out that there are some internal disadvantages (W) in Yixin micro credit company, such as bad debt risk, technical debt problem, insufficient capital supply, high service charge, personnel redundancy, which lead to the increase of human resource management cost and the weakness of product innovation. At the same time, it IV also faces the external influence of industry supervision, replication of innovative products and the overall negative phenomenon of the industry (T). At the same time, according to the current development opportunity (o) of Yixin micro credit company, the industry is undergoing severe reshuffle due to the industry competition, so we should give full play to the internal advantages (s) of Yixin micro credit company in "data accumulation and credit screening technology" and "wide business coverage". Based on the full analysis of the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of Yixin micro credit company, combined with the problems in the development process of the current situation analysis, this paper gives some targeted suggestions for the follow-up development of Yixin micro credit company. For example, carry out strategic and business transformation, improve the accounting and business processing system, improve the core business processing capacity; establish a diversified micro credit fund source channel, improve the loan supply capacity; optimize the loan process, reduce the loan cost; standardize the loan terms of micro credit, optimize the pre loan management; strengthen targeted publicity, and establish long-term cooperation with high-quality customers; Improve the internal governance system and management rules and regulations; strengthen customer credit evaluation and management; strengthen the construction of small loan business talents, break the talent bottleneck restricting development, etc. KEY WORDS: micro credit; P2P network credit; SWOT analysis V 目 录 摘要 .................................................................. I ABSTRACT .............................................................. III 第一章 绪言 ............................................................ 1 1.1研究背景 ........................................................... 1 1.2研究目的及意义 ..................................................... 2 1.3国内外研究现状 ..................................................... 3 1.3.1国内研究现状 ................................................. 3 1.3.2国外研究现状 ................................................. 5 1.3.3 文献评述及本文努力方向 ....................................... 6 1.4研究内容与方法 ..................................................... 7 1.4.1研究内容 ..................................................... 7 1.4.2独创或新颖之处 ............................................... 8 1.4.3拟采取的研究方法 ............................................. 8 1.4.4预期成果 ..................................................... 8 第二章 概念界定及相关理论 .............................................. 9 2.1小额信贷及小额贷款公司 ............................................. 9 2.1.1小额信贷的相关概念 ........................................... 9 2.1.2小额贷款公司概述 ............................................. 9 2.2小额信贷的类型 .................................................... 10 2.2.1小额信贷的分类 .............................................. 10 2.2.2 P2P网络借贷概念、起源及发展现状 ............................ 11 2.3小额信贷发展理论 .................................................. 12 2.3.1制度变迁理论 ................................................ 12 2.3.2金融创新理论 ................................................ 13 2.4 SWOT分析 ......................................................... 13 2.5 相关理论对本文研究的启示 ......................................... 14 第三章 宜信小额信贷公司发展现状 ....................................... 16 VI 3.1宜信小额信贷公司简介 .............................................. 16 3.1.1宜信小额信贷公司基本概况 .................................... 16 3.1.2发展速度及历程 .............................................. 16 3.1.3宜信小额信贷公司基本财务状况 ................................ 18 3.2宜信小额信贷公司小额信贷产品特点 .................................. 18 3.3宜信小额信贷公司发展战略 .......................................... 19 3.3.1“531”战略框架 .............................................. 19 3.3.2“普惠金融+财富管理”与“数字化”战略 ........................ 20 3.3宜信小额信贷公司小额信贷产品的定价机制 ............................ 20 第四章 宜信小额信贷公司的SWOT及发展问题分析 ........................... 22 4.1宜信小额信贷公司SWOT分析 ......................................... 22 4.1.1宜信小额信贷公司内部优势(S)分析 ........................... 22 4.1.2宜信小额信贷公司内部劣势(W)分析 ........................... 22 4.1.3宜信小额信贷公司外部机会(O)分析 ........................... 25 4.1.4宜信小额信贷公司外部威胁(T)分析 ..................

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