2016年3月中央联合发布《关于金融助推脱贫攻坚的实施意见》,鼓励贫困地区精 准扶贫结合互联网模式,推动互联网小额贷款与精准扶贫战略有效结合。广西脱贫工作 成效显著,截止2019年10月整体贫困人口仅有105万,贫困发生率5.2%,但各项扶 贫要素资源投入产出边际收益逐年递减,以往的粗放式扶贫政策较容易引发指标反弹、 贫困人口返贫现象,以及形成人情扶贫、关系扶贫、利益扶贫等腐败现象。 本文将依据贫困循环理论、金融排斥理论和金融非中介化理论,表述互联网小额信 贷基本模式和特点、精准扶贫的基本内涵,引出互联网小额信贷与精准扶贫相结合的优 势、必然性,论述互联网小额信贷与精准扶贫之间的效应与作用机理,表明具有市场经 济特征的互联网小额信贷精准扶贫,是精准扶贫中的一种新融资工具,也是对政府财政 性货币扶贫、政策性金融扶贫的有力补充。其次从广西小额信贷精准扶贫发展现状分析, 总结出广西区小额信贷扶贫服务基础薄弱、信贷扶贫市场化运营程度低、人文教育及队 伍素质滞后等存在的现实问题,说明广西需要创新小额信贷扶贫模式。再从国外小额信 贷支持贫困地区经济发展的经验,和国内成功的互联网小额信贷精准扶贫案例中学习借 鉴,提出 “互联网小额信贷+女性发展组织+个体农牧商业”、“互联网电子商务科技+龙 头企业+保险公司+贫困户”、“农资供应链信息平台+小额信贷+个体经营发展”等新型的 互联网小额信贷精准扶贫模式。最后在具有公益性特征的广西精准扶贫事业中引入互联 网运作机制,强化广西互联网小额信贷精准扶贫的内部环境建设,优化广西互联网小额 信贷精准扶贫的外部环境建设,建立政府部门、承办机构、市场经营主体、贫困户个体 之间具有公益性、有效率、共发展的精准扶贫生态圈,增添符合广西区实际情况的融资 融智融资源的精准扶贫新内容。 关键词:互联网小额信贷 精准扶贫 广西壮族自治区 II RESEARCH ON COUNTERMEASURES FOR GUANGXI TO PROMOTE TARGETED POVERTY ALLEVIATION BY INTERNET MICRO CREDIT ABSTRACT In March 2016, the central government jointly issued the implementation opinions on financial assistance to poverty alleviation, encouraging poverty alleviation in poverty-stricken areas to combine Internet mode and promote the effective combination of Internet micro loan and targeted poverty alleviation strategy. Guangxi has achieved remarkable results in poverty alleviation. As of October 2019, the overall poverty population was only 1.05 million, with a poverty incidence rate of 5.2%. However, the marginal income of input-output of various poverty alleviation elements is decreasing year by year. The previous extensive poverty alleviation policies are more likely to cause indicators rebound, poverty-stricken population return to poverty, and form corruption phenomena such as human relationship poverty alleviation, relationship poverty alleviation and benefit poverty alleviation. Based on the poverty cycle theory, Financial Exclusion Theory and financial disintermediation theory, this paper describes the basic mode and characteristics of Internet micro credit and the basic connotation of targeted poverty alleviation, leads to the advantages and inevitability of the combination of Internet microfinance and targeted poverty alleviation, and discusses the effect and mechanism between Internet microfinance and targeted poverty alleviation, indicating that it has the characteristics of market economy Internet micro credit targeted poverty alleviation is a new financing tool in targeted poverty alleviation, and also a powerful supplement to the government's financial monetary poverty alleviation and policy financial poverty alleviation. Secondly, based on the analysis of the current situation of the development of micro credit targeted poverty alleviation in Guangxi, this paper summarizes the practical problems such as the weak foundation of micro credit poverty alleviation service, the low degree of market-oriented operation of credit poverty alleviation, and the lag of humanistic education and team quality, indicating that Guangxi needs to innovate the mode of micro credit poverty alleviation. Then from the experience of foreign micro credit to support the economic development of poor areas, and the successful Internet micro credit targeted poverty alleviation cases in China, the paper puts forward some suggestions "Internet microfinance + women's development organization + individual agriculture and animal husbandry business", "Internet III e-commerce technology + leading enterprises + insurance companies + poor households", "agricultural materials supply chain information platform + micro credit + individual business development" and other new Internet micro credit targeted poverty alleviation models. Finally, we should introduce the Internet operation mechanism into the Guangxi targeted poverty alleviation cause with public welfare characteristics, strengthen the internal environment construction of Guangxi Internet micro credit precision poverty alleviation, optimize the external environment construction of Guangxi Internet micro credit precision poverty alleviation, and establish the public welfare, efficient and common development among government departments, undertaking agencies, market operators and individual poor households. The targeted poverty alleviation ecosystem will add new content of targeted poverty alleviation, which is in line with the actual situation of Guangxi. KEY WORDS: Internet micro credit loan; Targeted and Accurate poverty alleviation; Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 目 录 摘要 ............... I ABSTRACT . II 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究的背景和意义 ................ 1 1.1.1研究背景 .............................. 1 1.1.2研究意义 .............................. 1 1.2 国内外文献综述 .................... 2 1.2.1国外研究现状 ...................... 2 1.2.2国内研究现状 ...................... 4 1.2.3文献述评 .............................. 5 1.3 研究内容、技术路线与方法 6 1.3.1研究内容与拟解决的问题 .. 6 1.3.2研究方法与技术路线 .......... 7 1.4 主要创新点和不足之处 ........ 9 1.4.1创新之处 .............................. 9 1.4.2不足之处 .............................. 9 第二章 互联网小额信贷精准扶贫的理论依据与作用机理 ................ 10 2.1互联网小额信贷精准扶贫的相关概念 .............. 10 2.1.1精准扶贫的内涵与实践要求 ........................... 10 2.1.2互联网小额信贷模式与特点 ........................... 10 2.2互联网小额信贷精准扶贫的理论依据 .............. 11 2.2.1贫困循环理论 .................... 11 2.2.2金融排斥理论 .................... 12 2.2.3金融非中介化理论 ............ 12 2.3互联网小额信贷与精准扶贫结合的理论必然性 ............................. 12 2.4互联网小额信贷支持精准扶贫的效应与作用机理 ......................... 13 2.4.1互联网小额信贷支持精准扶贫的效应 ........... 13 2.4.2互联网小额信贷精准扶贫的作用机理 ........... 14 2.5本章小结 16 第三章 小额信贷在广西精准扶贫中的发展现状与问题分析 ............ 17 3.1广西小额信贷在精准扶贫中的发展现状 .......... 17 3.1.1广西小额信贷扶贫文件发布晚更新快 ........... 17 3.1.2广西小额信贷扶贫资金增速快缺口大 ........... 18 3.1.3广西农行小额信贷扶贫特色农业发展 ........... 18 3.1.4广西工行小额信贷扶贫农村基础建设 ........... 19 3.1.5广西人行小额信贷扶贫信息系统建设 ........... 19 3.2广西小额信贷在精准扶贫中的问题分析 .......... 20 3.2.1贫困地区小额信贷服务基础薄弱 ................... 20 3.2.2小额信贷扶贫工作市场化程度低 ................... 21 3.2.3小额信贷对贫困个体画像不准确 ................... 21 3.2.4贫困地区教育不足守信意识不强 ................... 21 3.2.5小额信贷扶贫队伍专业素质滞后 ................... 22 3.3本章小结 23 第四章 互联网小额信贷促进贫困地区经济发展的国际国内经验与借鉴 ....................... 24 4.1国外小额信贷助力贫困地区经济发展的经验 .. 24 4.1.1法国经济创业组织与法国沛丰协会 ............... 24 4.1.2美国KIVA在线小额信贷平台 ....................... 25 4.1.3格莱珉银行与印尼村部银行 ........................... 25 4.2国内互联网小额信贷支持贫困地区精准扶贫的案例 ..................... 26 4.2.1陕西西乡互联网小额信贷精准扶贫 ............... 26 4.2.2河南濮阳互联网小额信贷精准扶贫 ............... 29 4.2.3可溯平台互联网小额信贷精准扶贫 ............... 31 4.3利用互联网小额信贷精准扶贫的启示与借鉴 .. 32 4.3.1明确扶贫目标,创新互联网小额信贷扶贫服务 .......................... 32 4.3.2构建扶贫主体信用体系,农村内生性约束机制 .......