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助学贷款是我国利用金融工具帮扶教育的一个重大举措,也是习近平总书记 在国家金融扶贫战略规划中的重要一环。它是由政府主导、财政贴息、高校组织、 银行承办的一项帮助经济困难学生完成高等教育学业的金融政策,其发展经历了 国家助学贷款(也就是校园地助学贷款)、生源地助学贷款等多个阶段。助学贷款 的意义重大可从多方面考究,于借款人,它帮助了数以万计的学生完成了自己的 求学梦,避免了众多困难家庭走上“因学返贫”、“因教致贫”的问题,这在扶贫 工作中也是具有浓墨重彩的一笔;于学校,它提供了更多的求学机会,缓解校方 有限的帮扶资金面对的重大压力;于银行,它扩大了银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务范围和客户群体, 提供了更有潜力的利润来源;于国家,它是人才队伍建设的有力经济基础。 但由于助学贷款是信用贷款,申请人多出身于贫困家庭,加上我国自1999 年才开始实行助学贷款政策,管理经验欠缺、相关政策不完善,助学贷款常表现 为违约率高、风险大、催收难,这不仅为银行的经营带来了风险,长远看来更会 使许多真正有需求的学生因此失去申请助学贷款资格,从而影响了我国高等教育 人才的整体培养情况。因而,有效防范助学贷款的大面积违约行为是值得深入研 究的一个课题。 本文通过研究国内外的相关文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,综合运用多种研究方法和实地调研, 从政府及社会、银行、高校、个人四个参与主体分析了助学贷款的违约原因,并 且运用SPSS软件对于取得的内蒙古X银行样本数据进行了违约影响因素的实证分 析,认为学生的个人因素、学生家庭因素和银行的贷款设计都对助学贷款形成不 良产生了影响;通过进一步进行因子分析,得出六个不同的新变量,其因素影响 程度不同,同时又避免了原始变量间的多重共线性问题。根据分析和研究结果, 本文还针对助学贷款参与主体给出了几点解决建议。希望能够以此帮助压降助学 贷款发放以后的贷后违约率,使得这一利好政策能够长效至久的发展下去,帮助 更多的学生家庭走出因学致贫困境,帮助社会获得更多的人才资源。 关键词:助学贷款,违约原因,实证分析,因子分析 II Abstract The National Student Loan is a major financial instrument in China to assist education。It is also an important part of General Secretary Xi Jinping's strategic plan for national financial poverty alleviation. The National Student Loan is a financial policy that led by the government, financed by the financial department, organized by universities, and operated by banks to help students with financial difficulties to complete their higher education. This policy includes two parts: student loans at university(student loans at school)and student loans at home. The importance of student loans can be studied from several perspectives. To the borrowers, the National Student Loan helps tens of thousands of students to complete their higher education and prevents many families from going into poverty due to unaffordable tuition fees which is an essential part of poverty alleviation. To the schools, the National Student Loan provides more opportunities for students and relieves the financial pressure on the universities because of their limited amount of funding. To the banks, the National Student Loan expands its business scope and enriches the customer groups, providing a potential source of profit. To the country, the National Student Loan is a strong economic foundation for the construction of talent teams. However, the national student loan often shows a higher default rate, higher risk, and more difficulties in repayment given the following circumstances. These factors are: the nature of the National Student Loan is credit loan, applicants are often from low-income families, and the lack of management experience and related policies since China only implemented a student loan policy from 1999. The higher default rate not only brings in the operational risks to the banks but also, in the long run, makes the applicants who need the financial aids lose access to the loans and thus affects the overall performance of higher education training plan. How to effectively prevent large-scale default of student loans, therefore, is a topic worthy of further study. The dissertation reviews both local and foreign literature and uses a variety of research methods and field investigations comprehensively. It analyzes the reasons of student loans defaults from the perspectives of four participants: government and society, banks, colleges and individuals, and uses SPSS software to analyze the factors III affecting the student loan default by conducting a empirical analysis of data from G bank. It is believed that the personal factors and family factors of students, and the design of bank loans all posted side effects on student loans. Through further factor analysis, the six different new variables have different degrees of influence, while avoiding the problem of multiple collinearities among the original variables. According to the analysis and research results, this article also gives several suggestions for the participants of student loan. This dissertation aims to reduce the post-loan default rate of the student loans so that this favourable policy can be developed in a long-term and lasting way, assist more students and families out of poverty, and help the society to obtain more talent resources. Key words: student loan,default reasons,empirical analysis,factor analysis IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ........................................................ 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ............................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ............................................... 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ............................................... 2 1.2.1 国内研究现状 ........................................... 3 1.2.2 国外研究现状 ........................................... 4 1.3 研究方法与内容 ............................................... 5 1.3.1 研究内容 ............................................... 5 1.3.2 研究思路 ............................................... 6 1.3.3 研究方法 ............................................... 7 第二章 相关概念及理论基础 .......................................... 8 2.1 助学贷款概念及种类 ........................................... 8 2.1.1 商业助学贷款 ........................................... 8 2.1.2 国家助学贷款 ........................................... 9 2.1.3 生源地国家助学贷款 ..................................... 9 2.2 相关理论基础 ................................................. 9 2.2.1 成本分担理论 ........................................... 9 2.2.2 市场失灵和政府干预理论 ................................ 10 2.2.3 信息不对称理论 ........................................ 11 2.2.4 贷款需求理论 .......................................... 11 2.2.5 还款违约 .............................................. 12 第三章 助学贷款政策现状及违约分析 ................................. 13 3.1 助学贷款发展概况及相关政策 .................................. 13 3.1.1 发展现状 .............................................. 13 3.1.2 相关政策的发展历程 .................................... 14 3.1.3 内蒙古地区助学贷款的发展进程 .......................... 16 3.1.4 内蒙古地区助学贷款的运行机理 .......................... 16 3.2 内蒙古助学贷款违约原因分析 .................................. 17 V 3.2.1 政府及社会 ............................................ 18 3.2.2 银行 .................................................. 18 3.2.3 高校 .................................................. 19 3.2.4 借款人 ................................................ 19 第四章 内蒙古X银行不良助学贷款的实证分析 ......................... 21 4.1 研究变量的选取 .............................................. 21 4.2 研究假设 .................................................... 22 4.2.1 学生个人因素 .......................................... 23 4.2.2 学生家庭背景 .......................................... 23 4.2.3 银行贷款信息分析 ...................................... 24 4.3 描述统计与假设检验 .......................................... 24 4.3.1 个人因素分析 .......................................... 26 4.3.2 家庭因素分析 .......................................... 28 4.3.3 银行贷款信息分析 ...................................... 29 4.3.4 各违约影响因素之间的相关性检验 ........................ 30 4.4 因子分析 .......................................

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