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II 论文题目:G公司人员招聘管理优化研究 专 业:工商管理 硕 士 生:张银飞(签名) 导 师:肖 焰(签名) 摘 要 在当下的知识经济时代,企业人才管理逐渐成为企业竞争优势的主要来源。企业的 管理者开始关注人力资源在战略和文化中起到的决定性作用,重视人力资源对于企业生 存和发展中起到的内部凝聚力和推动力,重视人力资源在市场竞争中起到的核心作用。 合理选人、育人、用人、留人是企业形成其自身人力资源竞争优势的关键,而 “选人” 更是其中非常重要的环节,它是企业获取高素质人才的主要途径,也关系到人才作用的 发挥和企业效益的增长,关系到企业发展愿景的实现和未来的长远发展,但是在现实中, 我国很多企业招聘工作的系统性、科学性和有效性不足,对于企业招聘管理的提升和优 化已经成为很多企业面临的关键问题。 G公司经过多年的经营和发展,正处于扩张期,招聘管理制度存在的问题日益凸显。 G公司的工作重心之一集中在优化招聘管理策略上,本文运用问卷调查法对G公司的人 力资源招聘管理进行了调查,了解G公司招聘管理的现状,总结出G公司招聘管理中存 在的问题主要是人力资源规划不合理,不能较好地服务于公司发展战略;人员需求分析 不明确,降低了招聘的有效性;招聘渠道选择混乱,招聘质量低下;人员甄选过程不科 学,招聘结果带有招聘人员的主观色彩;人员录用与招聘评估过程不够科学,缺乏有效 的招聘评估手段,对招聘质量缺乏监督。因此,针对上述问题,本文提出了以下优化策 略,在招聘需求阶段,制定人力资源发展规划,规范招聘需求分析过程,在招聘过程阶 段,扩宽员工招聘渠道,改善员工甄选方法,提升招聘人员的专业性,在招聘评估阶段, 明确招聘评估的内容,构建评估指标,评估流程,进行招聘有效性评价。同时根据G公 司的实际情况,制定了招聘管理优化策略保障措施,建立公司人才储备库,加强战略扶 持与品牌重视,强化相关人员的支持力度,从多方面确保实施文章中提出的优化策略, 本文研究成果将有利于改善G公司的人力资源结构,提高产品研发、销售和服务水平以 及拓宽公司市场,进一步提高市场竞争力并发展和扩大公司规模。 关键词:招聘管理;招聘需求分析;招聘评估 论文类型:应用研究 英文摘要 III Subject :Research on Optimization of Personnel Recruitment Management of G Co mpany Speciality:Master of Business Administration Name :Zhang Yinfei(signature) Instructor:Xiao Yan(signature) ABSTRACT In the current era of knowledge economy, enterprise talent management has graduall y become the core element to promote social progress and enterprise development, and th e whole society has formed a high degree of recognition that human resource managemen t has become the main source of competitive advantage. Managers of enterprises begin to pay attention to the decisive role of human resources in strategy and culture, pay attentio n to the internal cohesion and driving force of human resources for the survival and deve lopment of enterprises, and pay attention to the core role of human resources in market c ompetition. Reasonable selection, education, employment and retention are the core drivin g force for human resources to transform challenges into opportunities. Recruitment is a v ery important link in enterprise human resource management. It is the main way for enter prises to obtain high-quality talents. It is also related to the role of talents and the growth of enterprise benefits. It is also related to the realization of enterprise development vision and long-term development in the future . After years of operation and development, G company is in the period of expansion, and the problem of recruitment management system is increasingly obvious. One of the f ocuses of G company is to optimize the recruitment management strategy. This paper ma kes a questionnaire survey on the human resource recruitment management strategy of G company. Through investigation and interview to investigate the status of G company's re cruitment system. At present, the main problems of G company are that although the com pany has a human resource recruitment plan, it can not better serve the company's develo pment strategy, resulting in the recruitment work is very passive because of the unclear p urpose; the recruitment channel is not perfect, which reduces the effectiveness of recruitm ent; the recruitment preparation is not sufficient. Without job analysis in advance, the recr uiters are not familiar with the specific positions to be recruited, which leads to the lack of pertinence in interview and low recruitment quality; lack of talent selection standards, t he recruitment results are subjective; lack of effective recruitment evaluation means, and l ack of supervision on recruitment quality. Therefore, in view of the above problems, this paper puts forward the following solutions to optimize the existing recruitment manageme 英文摘要 IV nt system, in the recruitment demand stage, formulate human resource development planni ng, standardize the recruitment demand analysis process, in the recruitment process, expan d the recruitment channels, improve the staff selection method, enhance the professionalis m of recruiters, and in the recruitment evaluation stage, clarify the internal requirements o f recruitment evaluation Secondly, build evaluation index and evaluation process to evalua te the effectiveness of recruitment. At the same time, according to the actual situation of G company, it formulates the guarantee measures of recruitment management optimization strategy, establishes the talent pool of the company, establishes and improves the recruit ment management system, strengthens the support of relevant personnel, ensures the imple mentation of the optimization scheme proposed in this paper from many aspects, improve s the human resource structure of G company, and improves the product R & D, sales an d service Improve the company's service level and improve the company's market, further improve the competitiveness and develop and expand the company's scale. Keywords: recruitment system;recruitment needs analysis; recruitment evaluation 目 录 V 目 录 第一章 绪论 ... 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究目的与意义 ................... 1 1.2.1研究目的 ........................ 1 1.2.2研究意义 ........................ 1 1.3国内外研究现状 ................... 2 1.3.1国外研究现状 ................ 2 1.3.2国内研究现状 ................ 3 1.3.3研究现状综述 ................ 5 1.4研究内容和方法 ................... 6 1.4.1研究内容 ........................ 6 1.4.2研究方法 ........................ 7 1.5创新点 .... 8 第二章 招聘及招聘管理概述 ...... 9 2.1招聘概述 9 2.1.1人员招聘概念 ................ 9 2.1.2人员招聘方法 ................ 9 2.2招聘管理概述 ..................... 10 2.2.1招聘管理的概念 .......... 10 2.2.2招聘管理的内容 .......... 10 2.3人员招聘流程 ..................... 12 第三章G公司人员招聘管理现状 ............................ 14 3.1G公司发展概况 .................. 14 3.2G公司的组织结构及人力资源现状 ................. 14 3.2.1G公司的组织结构 ....... 14 3.2.2G公司的人力资源现状 .............................. 15 3.3G公司人员招聘管理现状 .. 17 3.3.1招聘原则 ...................... 17 3.3.2招聘组织 ...................... 17 3.3.3招聘流程 ...................... 18 3.3.4招聘效果 ...................... 23 第四章G公司人员招聘管理问题及原因分析 ........ 27 目 录 VI 4.1G公司调查问卷设计发放与回收 .................... 27 4.1.1调查问卷设计 .............. 27 4.1.2调查问卷发放与回收 .. 27 4.2问卷A调查结果分析 ....... 29 4.3问卷B调查结果分析 ........ 34 4.4G公司人员招聘管理存在的问题分析 ............ 41 4.3.1人力资源规划不合理 .. 41 4.3.2人员需求分析不明确 .. 42 4.3.3招聘渠道选择混乱 ...... 42 4.3.4人员甄选过程不够科学 ............................. 43 4.3.5缺少科学的人员选拔标准 ......................... 43 4.3.6人员录用与招聘评估不够完善 ................. 44 4.5G公司人员招聘管理存在问题的原因分析 .... 45 4.5.1人力资源管理团队建设意识薄弱 ............. 45 4.5.2招聘管理缺乏必要的战略支撑 ................. 45 4.5.3公司领导对招聘管理缺乏支持力度 ......... 46 4.5.4人力资源部与业务部门的配合程度差 ..... 46 第五章G公司人员招聘管理优化策略 .................... 47 5.1招聘需求分析优化 ............ 47 5.1.1制定人力资源发展规划 ............................. 47 5.1.2采用科学的需求分析方法 ......................... 47 5.1.3规范招聘需求分析过程 ............................. 48 5.2招聘过程优化 ........

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