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如今,数据的使用在各个领域都是无处不在的。大数据的爆炸式增长彻底打破 了传统银行的宁静。传统银行不能再坚持传统的实体业务模式,开始向数字化转 型。在传统的商业模式中,存在一个以消费者需求为中心的消费者生态系统。银 行的经营活动都围绕着它展开。在新的商业模式中,消费者生态系统需要挖掘数 据的更大价值。在这个新的生态系统中,交易不仅仅局限于简单的交易,而是实 时整合客户数据,挖掘客户的潜在需求,提供进一步的渠道来刺激客户的消费行 为,从而将业务拓展到其他消费需求领域,这也就是我们所说的数字化转型。 中国银行JX分行属于国有四大银行,在线下和线上金融机构的双重挑战下, 根据自身实际发展情况和外部环境做出数字化转型是十分必要的。论文基于中国 银行JX分行的数字化整体发展历程及其转型发展中存在战略定位不够明确、业务 流程不够优化和组织架构不够敏捷等多方面问题,分析提出相应的转型策略,从 优化数字化转型战略、提升数字化发展水平以及强化数字化组织保障等几个方面 加快推进数字化转型。多维度下的中国银行JX分行数字化转型发展对策,一方面 有利于提高中国银行JX分行的市场竞争力,另一方面能帮助该行抓住数字化转型 机遇,突破系统、人力、机制限制等难题,实现中国银行JX分行的可持续发展, 打造一个极具自身特色的金融综合服务体系。 该论文通过以中国银行JX分行为例,通过多种研究方法,对商业银行数字化 转型中存在的问题提出相应的建议意见。在理论方面,推进数字化转型方面的理 论提升,扩大国内商业银行数字化发展研究范围。在实际中,旨在结合当前该行 在转型过程存在的问题,提出针对性的对策和意见,既有利于促进该行数字化水 平的有效提升,也能够为新形势下同业的高质量发展提供一定参考借鉴。 关键词:数字化转型;中国银行;发展现状;优化策略 中国银行JX分行数字化转型发展问题研究 6 Abstract Nowadays, the use of data is universal. The explosive growth of data has wholly broken the tranquility of traditional banks. Traditional banks can no longer adhere to the traditional entity business model and begin to transform to digital. In the traditional business model, there is a consumer ecosystem centered on consumer demand. The bank's business activities are all around it. In the new business model, the consumer ecosystem is mining the greater value of data. In this new ecosystem, trading is not limited to simple trading, but real-time integration of customer data, mining customers' potential needs, providing further channels to stimulate customers' consumption behavior, which is what we call digital transformation. JX branch of Bank of China is a state-owned bank. Under the common challenge and pressure of financial institutions and Internet banks, how to combine its own advantages and external environment is very important for its transformation and development. Based on the overall digital development process of Bank of China JX branch and the problems existing in its transformation and development, such as unclear strategic positioning, insufficient optimization of business process and insufficient agility of organizational structure, this paper analyzes and puts forward corresponding transformation strategies, and speeds up the digital transformation from establishing differentiated development strategy, improving business digital ability and strengthening organizational guarantee. On the one hand, it is conducive to improve the market competitiveness of Bank of China JX branch, on the other hand, it can help the bank seize the opportunity of digital transformation, break through the regional restrictions and other problems, realize the sustainable development of Bank of China JX branch, and build a comprehensive financial service system with its own characteristics. Taking JX branch of Bank of China as an example, this paper puts forward corresponding suggestions on the problems existing in the digital transformation of commercial banks. In theory, further enrich the domestic commercial bank digital development research, promote the theoretical development of digital transformation. In practice, through the in-depth analysis of the bank, combined with the problems existing in the transformation process of the bank, this paper puts forward targeted 中国银行JX分行数字化转型发展问题研究 7 countermeasures and opinions, which not only helps to promote the effective improvement of the bank's digital level, but also provides some reference for the high-quality development of the same industry under the new situation.

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