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《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远 景目标的建议》中提到,切实加强数字社会、数字政府建设,努力提升公共服务、 社会治理等数字化智能化水平。《S省国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二 〇三五年远景目标纲要》也提到,以数字经济服务实体经济,互相融合,打造全 国数字经济产业重要基地。由此可见,加强数字政府建设,提升数字化智能化社 会服务和管理水平,是摆在各类管理单位面前的一项重要课题。 S省公共资源交易中心作为S省政府履行公共资源交易管理职责的机构,必须 根据当前社会发展形势,着力解决存在的突出问题,牢固树立数字化发展理念。 该单位在不同历史阶段分别遇到了不同的困境,分析了遭遇困境的原因以及目前 发展状况。通过走访调研兄弟省份,找到适合自己的数字化转型之路。同时,详 细分析了该单位数字化转型的团队管理、流程优化、组织结构、数据管理等方面 的情况,提出了相应的优化方案,并描述了公共资源交易数字化转型与数字技术 发展的辩证关系。 基于对S省公共资源交易中心的深度调研,本文运用案例研究法对主要问题 逻辑脉络进行阐述。本文通过调研兄弟省份一般做法,对该单位数字化转型的 历史原因、现实状况、问题分析、对策建议等方面进行深入研究,运用管理学 相关理论和工具分析其数字化转型的必然性和必要性,给出相关优化策略方案, 以及由此获得的良好效果。 案例正文部分主要描述S省公共资源交易中心在数字化转型过程中所经 历的几个重要的事件,并从这几个重要事件的特征特点、存在问题和改进方 向进行梳理。案例分析部分主要从该单位遭遇困境和现实发展状况入手,运 用SWOT和PEST理论、团队管理理论、流程优化理论、组织结构理论、数据 管理理论等相关理论和工具,分析和整理问题,提出解决问题的办法,设计 相关转型优化方案,从而切实推动该单位的数字化转型。 关键词:公共资源交易;数字化转型;流程优化;数据管理 II Abstract The CPC Central Committee's Proposal on the Formulation of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Vision Goals for the Year 2035 mentioned that the construction of digital society and digital government should be effectively strengthened, and the level of digital intelligence such as public services and social governance should be improved. The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of S Province and the Outline of the 2035 Vision Goal also mentioned that digital economy should serve the real economy and integrate with each other to build an important base of national digital economy industry. Therefore, it is an important topic for all kinds of management units to strengthen the construction of digital government and improve the level of digital and intelligent social service and management. The Public Resources Trading Center of S Province, as the institution of the S Provincial Government to perform the public resources trading management responsibilities, must, according to the current social development situation, focus on solving the outstanding problems and firmly establish the concept of digital development. This unit has encountered different dilemmas in different historical stages, and analyzed the reasons for the dilemmas and the current development status. By visiting and researching other provinces, I can find a way of digital transformation suitable for myself. At the same time, it analyzes in detail the team management, process optimization, organizational structure, data management and other aspects of the digital transformation of the unit, puts forward the corresponding optimization scheme, and describes the dialectical relationship between the digital transformation of public resource transactions and the development of digital technology. Based on the in-depth investigation of the public resources trading center in S province, this paper uses the case study method to elaborate the logical context of the main issues. General practice in this paper, through researching brother provinces, the historical reasons of digital transformation of the units, present situation, problem analysis, countermeasures and Suggestions for further study, using the relevant theories and tools of management to analyze its inevitability and necessity of the digital transformation, gives relevant optimization strategy plan, and thus obtain good results. The main body of the case mainly describes several important events that S Provincial Public Resources Trading Center has experienced in the process of digital transformation, and sorts out the characteristics, existing problems and improvement directions of these important events. The case analysis part mainly starts from the difficulties encountered by the unit and the actual development status, analyzes and sort out the problems, proposes solutions to the problems, and designs relevant transformation and optimization schemes by using SWOT and PEST theory, team III management theory, process optimization theory, organizational structure theory, data management theory and other relevant theories and tools. To promote the digital transformation of the unit.

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