在我国“大众创业、万众创新”这一新经济发展常态引领下,供给侧结构性 改革不断稳步推进,各个领域各个群体的创业活动正如火如荼地展开,其中新生 代创业者这一新兴群体,即“85后”创业者引起了研究者广泛关注。新生代创 业者这一群体自身创业绩效的提升对于整个企业的长远发展有着非常重要的作 用。但是现实却告诉我们,只有极少的新生代创业者可以有效运用自身所具备的 素质能力来提升创业绩效水平,绝大多数人是绩效平平,甚至出现创业企业入不 敷出的情况,最终被市场所淘汰。未来在创业的过程中,该如何有效地去统筹自 身特质与资源和其创业绩效水平之间的关系显得极其重要,这关系到一个企业能 否顺利地渡过初创时期,从而获得更加长远的发展。长期以来,学者们更注重物 质资本对创业的作用,但物质资本对于新生代创业者而言是通用资源,和一般创 业者相比,优势并不明显。所以越来越多的人更加重视心理资本和社会资本等无 形资本。因此本研究将新生代创业者作为研究对象,探讨其心理资本和社会资本 二者是如何影响创业绩效水平的。 本研究首先从理论和实践两个角度说明了研究的目的和意义,并在此基础 上,指出了互联网产业如何促进创业发展、创业热情高涨和创业成功率低下之间 的矛盾、新生代创业者心理资本和社会资本对其创业绩效水平的影响作用这三个 方面的研究背景,对心理资本、社会资本、创业绩效各自的定义、测量维度以及 两两之间的关系进行了文献回顾,从而将新生代创业者心理资本划分为自信、希 望、韧性和乐观四个维度;社会资本划分为结构、关系和认知三个维度;创业绩 效划分为生存绩效和成长绩效两个维度。以此为依据,并参照相关成熟量表设计 出了调查问卷,然后在SPSS和AMOS数据分析软件的辅助下,对回收的有效 问卷进行了信效度分析、相关性分析和多元线性回归分析;又在此分析基础上验 证了新生代创业者心理资本和社会资本分别对其创业绩效的影响情况,以及创业 环境感知在其中所起到的调节作用,最后得出了相关结论,并总结了本研究的不 足之处,展望了未来的研究方向。 通过数据分析,本研究所得出的结论如下:(1)性别对新生代创业者的心 理资本有显著影响,男性创业者在创业过程中的心理资本高于女性创业者;年龄 对新生代创业者的心理资本和创业绩效有显著影响,年龄在31-35岁的新生代创 II 业者心理资本最好,年龄在26-30岁的新生代创业者创业绩效水平最高;学历对 新生代创业者的心理资本有显著影响,研究生及以上学历的新生代创业者心理资 本水平最高;婚姻状况对新生代创业者的心理资本和社会资本有显著影响,已婚 的新生代创业者与未婚的相比,心理状态更加成熟,所具备的社会资源也更加丰 富;所创企业成立时间的差异对于新生代创业者的创业绩效有显著影响,企业成 立10年以上的新生代创业者创业绩效水平最高;所创企业拥有的员工人数差异 对于新生代创业者的创业绩效有显著影响,企业拥有的员工人数在200人以上 时,工作效率更高,整个企业的创业绩效水平会得到显著提升,自然而然创业者 的创业绩效水平也会得到提升;新生代创业者之前所拥有的创业经历次数对于其 心理资本有显著影响,之前有过创业经历的创业者心理资本更加丰富。(2)心 理资本各维度与创业绩效各维度之间有着显著的正相关关系。(3)社会资本各 维度与创业绩效各维度之间有着显著的正相关关系。(4)创业环境感知在心理 资本与创业绩效之间起部分调节作用。其中,创业环境感知分别在心理资本四个 维度与生存绩效关系之间不起显著正向调节作用,而在心理资本四个维度与成长 绩效关系之间起显著调节作用。(5)创业环境感知在社会资本与创业绩效之间 起部分调节作用。其中,创业环境感知分别在社会资本结构维度与生存绩效、关 系维度与生存绩效、认知维度与成长绩效关系之间起显著负向调节作用,而在社 会资本认知维度与生存绩效、结构维度与成长绩效、关系维度与成长绩效关系之 间不起显著调节作用。 关键词: 新生代创业者,心理资本,社会资本,创业绩效,创业环境感知 III Abstract Under the guidance of the social new economic development normality of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", supply-side structural reforms continue to advance steadily and entrepreneurial activities in various fields and groups have been in full swing. Among them, the new generation of entrepreneurs, that is, the "85" entrepreneurs have entered the public's vision, which has attracted widespread attention from researchers.The improvement of the entrepreneurial performance of the new generation of entrepreneurs has a very important effect on the long-term development of the entire enterprise. But reality tells us that only a small number of new-generation entrepreneurs can rely on their comprehensive quality capabilities to improve their entrepreneurial performance levels. Most new-generation entrepreneurs have average performance, or even make ends meet, leading to their elimination from the market. In the future, on the road of entrepreneurship, how to effectively coordinate the relationship between the new generation of entrepreneurs and their entrepreneurial performance levels is extremely urgent. It enables enterprises to successfully pass the start-up period and then achieve long-term development. For a long time, scholars have paid more attention to the role of physical capital in entrepreneurship, but physical capital is a universal resource for the new generation of entrepreneurs. Compared with ordinary entrepreneurs, the advantages are not obvious. Therefore, more and more people pay more attention to intangible capital such as psychological capital and social capital. Therefore, this study takes the new generation of entrepreneurs as the starting point, studying the comprehensive qualities of the new generation of entrepreneurs, including psychological capital and social capital, and explores how they affect their entrepreneurial performance. This article first explains the research purpose and significance from the theoretical and practical perspectives. On this basis, we analyze the research background of these three aspects:the Internet industry and economic policies to promote entrepreneurial development, the contradiction between high entrepreneurial enthusiasm and low entrepreneurial success rate, the key role played by the new IV generation of entrepreneurs’ psychological and social capital in their entrepreneurial performance levels, then we comb the connotation of psychological capital, social capital, and entrepreneurial performance through the literature, and the relationship between the measured dimensions of the relevant variables and the relationship between the two. The relationship of the new generation of entrepreneurs is divided into four dimensions: the self-confidence dimension, the hope dimension, the resilience dimension, and the optimistic dimension; the new-generation entrepreneurs' social capital is divided into three dimensions: the structural dimension, the relationship dimension, and Cognitive dimension; the entrepreneurial performance of the new generation of entrepreneurs is divided into two dimensions: survival performance and growth performance. According to this classification, a related questionnaire was designed with reference to the maturity scale, and then the reliability analysis, validity analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis were performed on the recovered valid questionnaires under the operation of SPSS and AMOS analysis software; based on this analysis, the model of the influence of the new generation of entrepreneurs' psychological capital and social capital on their entrepreneurial performance and the moderating role of the perception of entrepreneurial environment in the relationship between the two were verified. Finally, the research conclusions were drawn. It also summarizes the shortcomings of this research and the outlook for the future. Through data analysis, the conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) Gender has a significant impact on the psychological capital of young entrepreneurs. Men’s entrepreneurs have a higher psychological capital than female entrepreneurs; age has a significant impact on the psychological capital and entrepreneurial performance of young entrepreneurs. The younger generation of entrepreneurs aged 31-35 have the best psychological capital, 26-30 year-old entrepreneurs have the highest level of entrepreneurial performance; education has a significant impact on the psychological capital of new-generation entrepreneurs, and graduate students with a higher education level have the highest psychological capital; marital status has a significant impact on the psychological and social capital of the new g