I 摘要 在国民经济中具有调节经济、信用创造、信用中介、金融服务等重要作用的商业 银行有一项重要业务,即个人理财。随着我国经济、社会、文化等多方面要素的变化, 个人理财市场近年来发展迅速,以商业银行为代表的各种或传统或崭新的金融机构纷 纷涉足于此,竞争日趋激烈,监管缺乏使得银行理财积累了大量的风险。而银行等金 融机构大部分都没有形成一个相对规范的个人理财产品开发、营销的运作模式。同质 化、种类过分复杂等现象较为普遍。在这种情况下,商业银行要想成功夺得个人理财 市场一席之地,需要提升自己在相关方面的实力,首当其冲、见效最快的就是优化理 财产品营销策略。而且,当前国家对商业银行资产管理业务有回归本源的要求,也为 银行的优化策略在一定程度上提供了动力和帮助。中信银行作为我国成立相对较早、 实力雄厚、背靠国务院的全国性股份制商业银行,在个人理财产品上虽非霸主,但自 身具有一定的优势和市场份额。其在个人理财产品营销策略上所面临的问题具有一定 的代表性和典型性,故选择其为研究对象。 本文主要运用了文献法、问卷调查法和微宏观结合法等研究方法,以及家庭生命 周期理论等相关理论,对商业银行个人理财产品以及中信银行个人理财产品的营销情 况进行概述。同时,本文从客户的认知和行为角度出发,对中信银行的客户进行问卷 调查。力图从客户角度反映中信银行在个人理财产品营销中的不足之处。根据问卷结 果分析,揭露中信银行在个人理财产品营销过程中存在的问题。立足前述分析,对中 信银行个人理财产品营销提出建议,指出,中信银行个人理财产品营销所面向的市场 可划分为高净值客户、中层客户和大众客户,应该分别采取积极争取、巩固、重视的 营销策略。并应该创新个人理财产品营销意识、完善理财产品组合、完善营销渠道、 重视对营销团队的培养以及强化对智能投顾的应用等营销策略。 本文力图顺着一条主线,组织相关领域现有文献的研究成果,对具有国有企业属 性且是全国性股份制商业银行的中信银行的个人理财产品营销策略进行研究,能够帮 助其分析当前所面临的问题以及造成这些问题的主要原因,并提供一定的应对思路。 从而帮助其最终实现长远的发展。 关键词:个人理财产品;营销策略;客户体验 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract Commercial banks, which play important roles in regulating economy, credit creation, credit intermediary and financial services, have an important service for modern consumers, that is, personal finance. With the change of china's economy, society, culture and other factors, the personal finance market has developed rapidly in recent years, with various or traditional commercial banks as the representative, or new financial institutions have been involved in this, the competition is becoming increasingly fierce, supervision and other relaxation also makes the bank financial management accumulated a lot of risks, Most of the financial institutions such as banks have not formed a relatively standardized personal financial products development, marketing, operation mode, homogenization, kinds of excessive complexity and other phenomena are more common. In this case, commercial banks in order to successfully win a place in the personal finance market, we need to improve their own strength in related aspects, the first, the fastest results is to optimize the marketing strategy of wealth management products. Moreover, the current national government's requirement severing the return of commercial bank asset management business to its origin has also provided some impetus and help for the bank's change. CHINA CITIC Bank, as a national commercial bank with relatively early, strong strength and back to the State Council, is not dominant in personal finance products, but it has certain advantages in personal finance products, and the problems it faces in the marketing strategy of personal finance products are representative and typical. Therefore, it is chosen as the object of study. This paper mainly uses the literature method, questionnaire survey method and micro-macro combination method, as well as the family life cycle theory and other related theories, to commercial bank personal finance products and CHINA CITIC Bank personal wealth management products marketing overview. At the same time, this paper from the perspective of customer cognition and behavior, CHINA CITIC Bank customers to conduct a questionnaire survey. Try to reflect the shortcomings of CHINA CITIC Bank in the marketing of personal finance products from the customer's point of view. According to the analysis of the results of the questionnaire, the problems in the marketing process of personal finance products of CHINA CITIC Bank are revealed. Based on the above analysis, the CHINA CITIC Bank personal financial products marketing recommendations, pointed out that CHIAN CITIC Bank personal wealth management products marketing marketing can be divided into high-net-worth customers, middle-level customers and public customers, should take active, consolidate, attention to marketing strategy. We should innovate the marketing Abstract III consciousness of personal financial products, improve the portfolio of financial products, improve the marketing channels, attach importance to the training of the marketing team and strengthen the application of intelligent investment and other marketing strategies. This paper tries to follow a main line, organize the research results of the existing literature in related fields, and study the marketing strategy of CHINA CITIC Bank's personal finance products with the attributes of state-owned enterprises and is a national commercial bank, which can help it analyze the problems it is facing and the main reasons for these problems, and provide some coping ideas. This helps it eventually achieve long-term development. Keywords: personal wealth management products; marketing strategy; customer experience 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 IV 目 录 摘要 ....... I Abstract ..II 目 录 .... IV Contents ............................. VII 第一章 绪论 ........................... 1 1.1选题背景及意义 ........ 1 1.1.1选题背景 .......... 1 1.1.2选题意义 .......... 2 1.2研究内容与方法 ........ 3 1.2.1研究内容 .......... 3 1.2.2研究方法 .......... 4 1.3技术路线图 ................ 4 第二章 文献综述 ................... 5 2.1营销基本理论 ............ 5 2.1.1 营销组合理论 . 5 2.1.2 STP营销理论 .. 5 2.2商业银行服务营销研究 ............................ 6 2.3商业银行个人理财产品营销相关研究..... 9 2.3.1个人理财产品营销定位研究 .......... 9 2.3.2个人理财产品营销需求研究 ........ 10 2.3.3个人理财产品营销策略研究 ........ 10 第三章 商业银行个人理财产品概述 ................. 12 3.1商业银行个人理财产品类别 .................. 12 3.2商业银行个人理财产品在我国的发展历程 .......................... 13 3.3 商业银行个人理财产品客户分析 ......... 14 3.3.1立足于家庭生命周期理论对理财客户的分析 ............ 14 3.3.2以收入差异为依据对理财客户的分析 ........................ 15 3.4商业银行个人理财产品营销现状 .......... 17 目 录 V 第四章 中信银行个人理财产品营销概况 ......... 18 4.1 中信银行个人理财产品用户画像 ......... 18 4.2中信银行个人理财产品类别 .................. 18 4.2.1不同期限的理财产品 .................... 19 4.2.2不同收益的理财产品 .................... 20 4.3 中信银行个人理财产品销售渠道 ......... 20 4.4中信银行个人理财产品营销团队 .......... 21 4.5中信银行个人理财产品营销实施效果... 22 4.5.1客户数量快速增长 ....................... 22 4.5.2资金规模提升迅速 ....................... 22 4.5.3营销实施效果逐渐减弱 ................ 23 4.6中信银行个人理财产品营销面临的挑战 .............................. 24 4.6.1强监管时代 .... 24 4.6.2新业态挑战 .... 25 4.6.3客户理财理念不成熟 .................... 25 4.6.4浮躁的经营文化 ........................... 26 第五章 中信银行个人理财产品客户认知和行为调查 ..................... 28 5.1调查问卷的设计 ...... 28 5.2问卷统计分析结果 .. 29 5.2.1银行个人产品购买种类 ................ 29 5.2.2客户个人理财业务办理银行选择倾向 ........................ 30 5.2.3理财产品购买方式 ....................... 30 5.2.4理财产品信息获取渠道 ................ 32 5.2.5理财产品服务获取过程满意度 .... 32 5.2.6对银行理财产品的了解和推荐 .... 33 5.2.7渠道知晓、参与情况 .................... 33 5.2.8对信息披露的感知情况 ................ 34 5.2.9 理财产品宣传中客户认知情况 ... 34 第六章 中信银行个人理财产品营销存在的问题 ............................. 36 6.1理财