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工作和家庭是个体生活的两个主要领域,由于这两者的需求和责任存在很大 差距,导致其中一者对另一者的负面溢出和占用,从而形成了工作家庭冲突。近 年来,随着社会经济的飞速发展,双收入家庭越来越普遍,工作和家庭之间经常 会出现相互地占用和侵犯,导致工作和家庭之间产生无法避免的冲突。当冲突加 剧时,必然会影响到个体的工作绩效,从而阻碍企业的有效发展。目前这个问题 已受到国内外学者的广泛关注,成为企业管理、组织行为学等学科的重要研究命 题。 本文以交通咨询欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的 Z 公司为例,选取主观幸福感和工作绩效两个结果变 量,构建模型,编制和修改调查问卷,分别对基本欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司、工作家庭冲突量表、主 观幸福感量表和工作绩效量表四部分进行数据收集。研究一共调查了 255 名被试 者,他们都是 Z 公司不同类型员工。本文运用 SPSS22.0 和 Amos23.0 软件对数据 进行信度和效度检验,运用 SPSS 软件进行描述性统计分析、差异性分析、相关 性分析、回归分析和中介效应检验,得出以下结论: (1)Z 公司员工的工作家庭冲突与主观幸福感显著负相关。其中,工作-家 庭冲突与主观幸福感显著负相关;家庭-工作冲突也与主观幸福感显著负相关。 (2)Z 公司员工的工作家庭冲突与工作绩效显著负相关。其中,工作-家庭 冲突与工作绩效显著负相关;家庭-工作冲突也与工作绩效显著负相关。 (3)Z 公司员工的主观幸福感与工作绩效显著正相关。 (4)Z 公司员工的主观幸福感在工作家庭冲突与工作绩效之间起到部分中 介作用。其中,Z 公司员工的主观幸福感在工作-家庭冲突与工作绩效之间起到 部分中介作用;Z 公司员工的主观幸福感在家庭-工作冲突与工作绩效之间也起 到部分中介作用。 (5)人口统计学变量在 Z 公司员工的工作家庭冲突、主观幸福感和工作绩 效方面上存在部分显著性差异。 最后,本文针对 Z 公司的实际情况,从企业和个人两个方面提出合理建议, 倡导企业应优化管理及运营方式,加强人文关怀,增强员工的主观幸福感,从而 提高员工工作生产效率,使企业员工更好地发挥出他们的价值,为企业的长久发 展铺平道路。 关键词:工作家庭冲突;主观幸福感;工作绩效Z 公司员工工作家庭冲突、主观幸福感与工作绩效关系研究 I ABSTRACT Work and family are the two main fields of individual life. Due to the big gap between their demands and responsibilities, one of them has negative spillover and occupation of the other, thus forming work-family conflict. In recent years, with the rapid development of social economy, dual-income families are more and more common, and there are often mutual occupation and invasion between work and family, resulting in inevitable conflicts between work and family. When the conflict intensifies, it will inevitably affect the individual's work performance, thus hindering the effective development of the enterprise. At present, this problem has been widely concerned by scholars at home and abroad, and has become an important research topic in business management, organizational behavior and other disciplines. In this paper, Z Company in the transportation consulting industry is taken as an example. Two outcome variables, subjective well-being and job performance, are selected to build a model, and the questionnaire is compiled and modified to collect data from four parts, namely, basic information, work-family conflict scale, subjective well-being scale and job performance scale. A total of 255 subjects were surveyed in the study, all of whom were employees of different types at Z Company. In this paper, SPSS22.0 and Amos23.0 software were used to test the reliability and validity of the data, and SPSS software was used to conduct descriptive statistical analysis, difference analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and mediation effect test, and the following conclusions were drawn: (1) There was a significant negative correlation between work and family conflict and SUBJECTIVE well-being among employees of Z Company. Among them, work-family conflict is significantly negatively correlated with subjective well-being. Family-work conflict was also significantly negatively correlated with subjective well-being. (2) There was a significant negative correlation between work-family conflict and work performance among employees of Z Company. Among them, work-family conflict is significantly negatively correlated with job performance. Family-work conflict was also significantly negatively correlated with job performance. (3) The subjective well-being of employees in Z Company is significantly positively correlated with job performance.ABSTRACT II (4) The subjective well-being of employees in Z Company plays a partial mediating role between work-family conflict and work performance. Among them, the subjective well-being of employees in Z Company plays a partial mediating role between work-family conflict and job performance. The subjective well-being of employees in Z Company also plays a partial mediating role between family-work conflict and job performance. (5) Demographic variables have some significant differences in the aspects of work-family conflict, subjective well-being and job performance of employees of Z Company. Finally, based on the actual situation of Z company, from two aspects of enterprises and individuals put forward reasonable Suggestions, advocating enterprise should optimize the management and operation way, strengthen the humanistic care, enhance employees' subjective well-being, to improve work efficiency, make the enterprise staff to better play to their value, pave the way for the long-term development of the enterprise. KEYWORDS: work-family conflict; subjective well-being; job performanceZ 公司员工工作家庭冲突、主观幸福感与工作绩效关系研究 1 目 录 第一章 绪论 ···············1 第一节 研究背景····1 第二节 研究目的与研究意义·······2 一、研究目的 ·······2 二、研究意义 ·······2 第三节 研究内容与研究方法·······3 一、研究内容 ·······3 二、研究方法 ·······4 第四节 研究创新点·5 第二章 相关理论综述 ···6 第一节 工作家庭冲突相关研究····6 一、工作家庭冲突的定义 ··········6 二、工作家庭冲突的结构 ··········6 三、工作家庭冲突的影响变量····7 四、工作家庭冲突的测量 ··········7 第二节 主观幸福感相关研究·······8 一、主观幸福感的定义 ·············8 二、主观幸福感的维度 ·············8 三、主观幸福感的影响因素 ·······8 四、主观幸福感的测量 ·············9 第三节 工作绩效相关研究··········9 一、工作绩效的定义 ················9 二、工作绩效的维度 ················9 第四节 工作家庭冲突、主观幸福感与工作绩效之间的关系研究 ··············10 一、工作家庭冲突与主观幸福感之间的关系研究···············10 二、工作家庭冲突与工作绩效之间的关系研究10 三、主观幸福感与工作绩效之间的关系研究···11 第五节 研究评述···11目录 2 第三章 模型构建与问卷设计 ··········13 第一节 案例简介···13 一、关于 Z 公司的介绍············13 二、公司及欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的特殊性 ·········13 三、目前存在的问题 ···············13 第二节 假设与模型14 一、工作家庭冲突与主观幸福感的关系假设···14 二、工作家庭冲突与工作绩效的关系假设······14 三、主观幸福感与工作绩效的关系假设·········15 四、工作家庭冲突、主观幸福感、工作绩效三者关系假设···15 五、人口统计学变量对各变量的差异分析······15 六、模型构建 ······15 第三节 问卷设计···16 第四节 预调研及问卷检验·········17 一、信度检验 ······17 二、效度检验 ······18 第五节 正式调研及问卷检验······23 一、信度检验 ······23 二、效度检验 ······23 第四章 实证分析 ·······26 第一节 描述性统计分析············26 一、基本欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的描述性分析 ······26 二、各变量的描述性分析 ·········27 第二节 各变量的差异性分析······27 一、性别的独立样本 t 检验·······27 二、年龄的单因素方差分析 ······28 三、婚姻状况的单因素方差分析29 四、教育程度的单因素方差分析29 五、工作年限的单因素方差分析30 六、现任职位的单因素方差分析30 第三节 相关性分析31Z 公司员工工作家庭冲突、主观幸福感与工作绩效关系研究 3 一、工作家庭冲突与主观幸福感相关性分析···31 二、工作家庭冲突与工作绩效相关性分析······32 三、主观幸福感与工作绩效相关性分析·········32 第四节 回归分析···33 一、工作家庭冲突及其两个方向对主观幸福感的回归分析···33 二

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