当前,我国银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的市场竞争已经呈现“白热化”态势,作为国内银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 的“第一梯队”中国工商银行,不论是政策层面上的改革因素还是市场上的激 烈竞争都使它感受到了巨大的压力。互联网金融的兴起,人口流量红利的日趋 衰退,使得原先犹如毛细血管般遍布大街小巷的工商银行网点也逐渐精简了机 构数量。现如今,提升存量网点的综合实力才是提高市场竞争力和应变能力的 关键,而网点综合实力提升的关键在于银行网点的团队管理水平。虽然工商银 行晋江分行的管理层已经认识到团队管理的重要性,但其更多地是从银行员工 的从业经验、业务技能的角度去组建和管理团队,而对团队成员角色特质与团 队需求的匹配程度;如何利用设计合理的授权体系去提升团队成员对集体的认 同感;如何优化考核机制使团队高效率的达成既定目标;如何使和谐的企业文 化成为孕育团队成员战斗力的源泉等一系列团队管理优化问题关注较少,非常 值得进行深入研究。 本文分为五个部分,第一部分和第二部分:绪论和相关理论。首先阐述了 工商银行晋江分行网点团队管理优化的研究的意义,总结了国内外研究现状和 研究方式、思路,并提出论文技术路线图,根据国内外不同学者对团队概念的 理解,以团队、团队角色、沟通反馈、授权、企业文化等相关理论建立了团队 管理优化的理论基础。第三部分:通过贝尔宾测评工具和银行网点团队管理调 查问卷对晋江分行网点团队的管理现状进行调研。第四部分和第五部分,具体 分析工商银行晋江分行团队管理问题及产生问题的内外部原因并且提出一整套 从团队角色体系、团队授权沟通体系、团队目标和考核体系、团队企业文化四 个方面入手的团队管理优化方案包括:团队领导的培养方案、如何保持团队成 员角色的静动态平衡、如何建立合理的分工体系、沟通和授权体系的优化,团 队目标和考核机制的统一、如何营造学习型团队氛围、打造团队先进人物并制 造榜样效应等。最后以内部经营排名落后的A网点团队为实施对象,分析优化 效果。 本研究以工商银行晋江分行网点团队为研究对象,为帮助其更好地实现预 定的战略发展目标,提升总体经营水平,提供了一定的实践指导。对同类银行 II 网点团队管理也具有一定的参考价值和借鉴作用。 关键词:工商银行 团队管理 优化 III Abstract At present, the market competition of China's banking industry has already appeared "white-hot" situation. As the "first echelon" of the domestic banking industry, ICBC has felt great pressure not mathter from the reform factor on the policy level or from the fierce competition in the market. The rising of internet finance and the gradual declining in the dividend of population flow, makes the branch of ICBC, which once was like capillaries all over the streets, gradually streamline the number of institutions. Nowadays, to enhance the comprehensive strength of branch network is the key to improve the competitiveness and adaptability in the market, and the key to improve the overall strength of the network is to improve the team management level of the Bank network. Although the management of ICBC Jinjiang Branch has recognized the importance of team management, they have paid more attention to building and managing teams from the perspective of the experience and business skills of the bank staffs, and to matching the characteristics of the team members to the team needs. How to use the reasonable design authorization system to enhance the team members ' sense of collective identity? How to optimize the evaluation mechanism to make the team to achieve the target efficiently? How to make the harmonious enterprise culture become the source of the team members ' combat effectiveness? A series of team management optimization issues are of little concern and merit further research. This article is divided into five parts, part one and two: Introduction and related theories part. This paper firstly expounds the significance of the research on the Management optimization of Jinjiang Branch network of ICBC, summarizes the current research situation, research methods and ideas, and puts forward the technical roadmap of this thesis. This paper narrates the understanding of the team concept by different scholars at home and abroad, then establishes the theoretical foundation of the team management IV optimization with the related theories of team, team role, communication feedback, authorization and enterprise culture. Part three: the investigation of current team management situation of Jinjiang branch of ICBC.this paper was carried through the Belbin Assessment Tool and Bank Network team management questionnaire on the Jinjiang branch of the network team management status research. Part four and five: The specific analysis of the Bank Jinjiang Branch team management problems and the internal and external causes of the problem. Put forward a set of team management optimization scheme from four aspects which includes Team role System, team authorized communication system, team goal and assessment system, Team enterprise culture construction. The scheme includes the plan to train excellent organization leadership, how to keep balance between complementary members, how to establish a reasonable division system and authorized communication system, how to enrich the form of communication and effective authorization mechanism, how to unify the team goal and assessment system, how to create a learning team atmosphere, how to launch the team's typical characters and deeds to create a model effect, ect. Finally, We use the the A-dot team that fell behind the internal management ranked as the implementation of the object, to analysis of the optimization effect. This study takes ICBC Jinjiang branch network team as the research object, and provides some practical guidance to help it better realize the target of strategic development and improve the overall management level. Tt also has certain reference value and the reference function to the similar bank network group management. Keywords: ICBC Team Building Optimization V 目 录 第1章 绪论 ....................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 ..................................................... 1 1.2 论文研究的意义 ............................................... 2 1.3 国内外研究现状 ............................................... 2 1.3.1 国外研究现状 ............................................. 2 1.3.2 国内研究现状 ............................................. 3 1.4 研究方法与思路 ............................................... 4 1.4.1 研究方法 ................................................. 4 1.4.2 研究思路 ................................................. 4 1.5 技术路线图 ................................................... 5 1.6 创新点 ....................................................... 6 第2章 相关理论 ................................................... 7 2.1 团队概念界定 ................................................. 7 2.2 团队角色理论 ................................................. 7 2.2.1 团队角色的概念 ........................................... 7 2.2.2 团队角色的理论 ........................................... 8 2.3 团队优化的理论 ............................................... 9 2.3.1 团队中沟通反馈的理论。 ................................... 9 2.3.2 团队中授权的理论 ........................................ 10 2.4 企业文化与和谐团队的理论 .................................... 11 第3章 工商银行晋江分行网点团队的管理现状调研 .................... 12 3.1 工商银行晋江分行概况 ........................................ 12 3.1.1 近三年工商银行晋江分欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务发展情况 ...................... 12 3.1.2 工商银行晋江分行的组织架构 .............................. 14 3.1.3 工商银行晋江分行网点团队的战略定位 ...................... 14 3.1.4 工商银行晋江分行近三年人员结构情况 ...................... 15 3.2 工商银行晋江分行网点团队贝尔宾角色自测 ...................... 19 VI 3.2.1 测评设计 ................................................ 19 3.2.2 结果统计 ................................................ 19 3.2.3 问卷结果分析 ............................................ 21 3.3 工商银行晋江分行网点团队的管理现状问卷调查 .................. 24 3.3.1 调研方式 ................................................ 24 3.3.2 调查问卷 ................................................ 24 3.3.3 结果统计 ................................................ 25 3.3.4 问卷结果分析 ......................