在众多银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司提供的相同或相似的金融产品的背景下,更好的客户服务工作就是吸 引客户的一个亮点,可以帮助客户建立信心,强化银行与客户之间的联系,建立良好的银 行声誉,从而最终为银行赢得更多的利润。然而,在银行不断重视发展,大量投入新技术 的背景下,人工客户服务团队在面临着越来越多的压力。如何才能保证客服务团队的成熟 与发展,将成为客户服务领域的一个重要研究对象。 本文以H银行的客户服务团队为研究对象,H银行是K集团旗下的一家银行,在K 集团的跨国金融体系下,在国内外均有相当的影响力。H银行的客户查询服务业务团队一 直以其高效率的良好形象而闻名。然而近年来,H银行的不断发展的规模为客户查询服务 业务团队带来了重大压力与挑战。自2016年以来,客户查询服务业务的所提供的服务质 量开始下滑,客户服务人员更替频繁,导致了客户查询服务业务团队整体的运营困难。如 何使得客户查询服务业务团队位置稳定,提高服务水平成为了一个亟待解决的问题。 本文通过翻阅及梳理客户服务的相关文献,了解商业银行客户查询服务业务工作流 程,围绕着H银行查询服务业务团队现状展开研究,分析客户查询服务业务团队以现金管 理为首查询案件详情,寻找客户查询服务业务团队所面临的困难的原因。为了更加直观的 分析和反应客户查询服务业务团队存在的主要问题及影响因素,本文采取定量与定性分析 相结合的方法,在理论研究的基础上,结合客户查询服务业务团队查询案件的分析,提取 主要因素,分析成因,整理出改进建议,以可以协助客户查询服务业务团队解决所面对的 困难。 关键词:商业银行 客户查询服务 产品分析 优化建议 I 6 Abstract Under the background of the same or similar financial products provided by many banks, better customer service is a bright spot to attract customers. It can help customers build confidence, strengthen the relationship between banks and customers, establish a good bank reputation, and finally win more profits for the bank. However, under the background that banks pay more attention to development and invest a lot of new technologies, the manual customer service team is facing more and more pressure. How to ensure the stability and development of customer service team will become an important issue in the field of customer service. This paper takes the customer service team of bank h as the research object. H bank is the next bank of K bank group. Under the transnational financial system of K bank group, it has considerable influence at home and abroad. H bank's customer service team has always been famous for its high efficiency and good image. However, in recent years, the growing scale of H bank has brought great pressure and challenges to the customer service team. Since 2016, the quality of service provided by the customer service team began to decline, and the frequent turnover of customer service personnel led to the overall operational difficulties of the customer service team. How to make the position of customer service team stable and improve the service level has become an urgent problem. This paper reviews and combs the relevant literature on customer service, understands the customer service workflow of commercial banks, studies the current situation of customer service team of Bank H, analyzes the customer service team's inquiry of case details with cash management as the leader, and finds out the reasons for the difficulties faced by the customer service team. In order to study and reflect the main problems and influencing factors of customer service team more intuitively, this paper adopts the method of combining quantitative and qualitative analysis, on the basis of theoretical research, combined with the analysis of customer service team inquiry cases, extracts the main factors, analyzes the causes, and puts forward suggestions for improvement, so as to help the customer service team solve the problems. Key words: Commercial Bank; Enquiry; Product Analysis; Improvement advice II 7 目录 内容摘要··· I Abstract ····· II 第1章导论 1.1 研究背景及意义 · 1 1.2国内商业银行客户服务查询业务现状 ················· 2 1.2.1 国内商业银行客户服务查询业务现状 ··········· 2 1.2.2 境外商业银行客户服务查询业务现状 ··········· 4 1.3 研究内容、方法与技术路线 ··············· 5 1.3.1 研究内容 ········· 5 1.3.2 研究方法 ········· 6 1.3.3 研究框架 ········· 6 第2章 相关理论基础 2.1 客户服务的概述 · 8 2.2 客户服务相关理论 ·············· 9 2.3 客户服务查询业务的模式的研究 ···· 10 2.4客户查询的流程 13 2.5现代银行客户服务查询业务研究 ····· 15 第3章 H银行客户查询服务业务现状及问题 3.1 H 银行概况及查询服务体系和流程 ················· 19 3.1.1 K集团概况 ··· 19 3.1.2 H银行概况组织架构 ···· 19 3.1.3 K集团客户查询服务体系 ············· 20 3.2 H银行客户查询服务的现状 ············· 22 3.3 H银行客户服务查询业务团队现状 26 3.4 H银行客户查询服务业务的现状 ···· 27 3.4.1 H银行客户查询服务业务的考核标准 ········· 28 3.4.2 H银行客户查询服务业务的考核结果 ········· 29 8 3.4.3考核结果成因的内部调查问卷分析 ··············· 31 第4章H银行客户查询服务业务的数据分析 4.1客户查询服务业务信息的录入方式 · 35 4.2客户查询服务业务的主产品类型数据分析 ······ 36 4.2.1 客户查询服务业务的主产品类型的数据整理 ·············· 36 4.2.2 客户查询服务业务的主产品类型的分析 ····· 42 4.3 客户查询服务业务的次级产品类型数据分析· 43 4.3.1客户查询服务业务的次级产品类型的数据整理 ··········· 43 4.3.2客户查询服务业务的次级产品类型的分析 ·· 45 第5章 H银行客户查询服务业务优化建议与实施结果 5.1 优秀同业对比分析 ············ 47 5.2客户查询服务业务的优化建议 ·········· 48 5.2.1加强客服团队业务水平,提高案件独立完成比例 ······· 48 5.2.2缩短内部等待时间,提高客户响应速度 ······ 49 5.2.3合理安排人力资源,建立查询预警机制 ······ 50 5.2.4推荐客户自主化服务,提高客户自助查询能力 ··········· 50 5.3 客户查询服务业务的优化方案落实 51 5.3.1 重新分配业务与人员 ···· 51 5.3.2 建立协调人制度 ············ 52 5.3.3 建立档案共享制度 ········ 53 5.4研究总结 ············· 54 5.5研究展望 ············· 54